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  • ?chat=subspace

    I have noticed that some TW players are worrying about the general decline in population of Subspace in general. Still at the same time, some developers are launching innovative zones like SSCL Tri-Sector or reviving more than 10-year-old zones like MERC Ground Warfare.

    In order to promote these smaller zones, some of us established a network for those zone owners and players who are interested in playing them from time to time:


    This is a place where people can gather together to arrange at least some 2v2 or 3v3 in certain small zones.

    It can only help the community.

    So if you're interested, I'd be happy if you joined. I'm not a zone owner, but I'm appreciating some of these zones and it'd be a pity if they stayed empty all the time. Most of them have their own ?chat, but why not replace so many ?chats with just one to make it simple?

  • #2
    Hey man, I'm all for reviving this game so I'm not hating on you for trying to do your part. However, if an entire zone can be consolidated into a sole ?chat then it probably isn't worth salvaging in the first place. I don't see how a 2 v 2 once in a while in a zone nobody has ever heard of would help any of our communities either, but I do think the basis behind your idea is pretty sound. You should work on that instead!


    • #3
      Actually the smarter thing to do for everyone would be:

      Instead of having 50 zones which 4-5 people play at consistently and asking for people in other more populated zones to come to yours, make a compilation of like 4-5 of your best events, and your best league and bring them over to Trenchwars where you can get them hosted, and even possibly make a new league in the zone during TWL off season. I would be down with having 30-50 more players play in TW where they can play their favorite events with lots of players, and bringing in a new playerbase to the maps that TW already has up.

      I think if you were worried about saving the game with innovative features we should compile them in the zone with the largest playerbase instead of spreading our already lower than it should be playerbase into other zones. I would think that if you didn't agree with this you were more interested in promoting the other zones instead of saving what is left of your zone and its features so that more people can enjoy them.

      I mean honestly at this point there should be 7 zones

      Extreme Games
      Hockey Zone
      Trench Wars


      Honestly just like my idea in TW to reduce the amount of arenas being hosted automatically 24/7 and having two pubs which were both inactive (or one was completely dead and the other was packed) would work just as well on a game wide basis by condensing the amount of zones and just working out an agreement to have your zones traits stay alive in another zone.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #4
        yes, when ppl quit because theyre bored with their zones, the solution is to not have new zones ever
        The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

        SSCJ Distension Owner
        SSCU Trench Wars Developer

        Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


        • #5
          hey buddy how is creating new zones working out for you, lots of population?
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • #6
            It would be a pity to have a limit of these 7 zones only. Subspace offers way more possibilities of gameplays and graphics. Some people are creative and innovative enough to let new zones pop up which are incredible, especially with ASSS.

            We actually managed to have a tiny success on the first evening: We managed to play SSCL Tri-Sector, then we moved the players to Devastation where we played rabbit for almost an hour.

            And today in the morning we got four people to play SSCV Distension against five aimbots that followed us all the time, haha. It was quite amusing. I hope more people can show interest in those not so major zones, so please join ?chat=subspace for supporting the plurality of Subspace zones!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lizard Fuel View Post
              Hey man, I'm all for reviving this game so I'm not hating on you for trying to do your part. However, if an entire zone can be consolidated into a sole ?chat then it probably isn't worth salvaging in the first place. I don't see how a 2 v 2 once in a while in a zone nobody has ever heard of would help any of our communities either, but I do think the basis behind your idea is pretty sound. You should work on that instead!
              Well, some of the advantages are:

              - players get to know other gameplays
              - every participating zone can benefit from it
              - developers would have an incentive to build more creative and original zones since it's guaranteed that they would have a player base from time to time -> result: higher quality of zones
              - the chat brings players together

              the main benefit is that developers can exhaust the possibilities of Subspace and ASSS without the dark prospect of just owning a dead, empty zone . . . and another benefit for players is that they can have fun with a rich diversity of zones!


              • #8
                The basic sum of something I could type in an essay... If VIE had the same mindset that there should have only been the core zones, SubSpace would be dead right now. Case closed.

                What brought and kept our population? LOTS & LOTS of variety along with LOTS & LOTS of development. What is killing our population? Lack there of.

                People use to care about the game, thought of it as more than just some game. They knew it was a community driven only by the players. Now, it is left to a VERY small group of people to try and push stuff. Most the groups that form fail (use to sadly be all until TWBR) because not everyone cares enough to do anything anymore.

                Sadly it isn't just a problem in our game, it is a problem in society, and something we might just someday become a victim of.
                Ex-TW Dev / ER (Event Ref) / ER (Elim Ref)
                Former SSC Network Administrator
       - SubSpace / Continuum Gaming Network


                • #9
                  Thats a weird argument, having 50 zones doesn't make this game better, especially when 30 of those zones could be subarenas in TW that actually have people playing in them instead of trying to get people to go to those zones. I realize TW isn't ASSS but HZ is and a few other zones are. You act like bringing your zones ten players and 10 arenas into a larger zone where it would actually get played by more than 10 people would stifle the creativity of subspace. Generally zones that aren't populated, aren't populated because another zone who has more of a playerbase has already done the same idea but better, obviously some zones are different and require their own zone such as hyperspace, hockey zone, extreme and Chaos games since they all have their own regular playerbase and map settings much different than other zones.

                  Honestly yes the games society is falling to shit because of the quality of players the zone gets but that is basically bound to happen as society in general outside of this game also gets more retarded with each passing year.

                  Anyways, most people are too lazy to quit the game and re-enter another zone unless its a zone they already know they will like such as TW to Hockey Zone for instance, if you want to try to do something make some sort of inter-zonal arena like ?go directory, where you could see a list of arenas that would move you into other zones on continuum. And allow sysops to "post" messages on the map with a LVZ or with just text tiles about upcoming events, and also about what their zone is about and how the settings are in a general sense. That way a person can go to an arena from any zone see what they like and try another zone if this is really what you want.

                  I know this is possible at least between TW and EG since TW has an arena that takes you to the EG zone so. I am hardly knowledgeable behind the mechanics of the game in general and how zones and whatever work but I do however know what I am talking about when it comes to seeing the big picture and knowing what is the best for the game and the zone I play in. Having 1000 players split between 50 zones isn't as fun as having 1000 players split between 5 zones (and yes I realize this isn't the exact playerbase) more players means a more active chat, more active games, and overall a better experience.
                  Rabble Rabble Rabble


                  • #10
                    And yes I realize that was horribly written with run on sentences and terrible wording but im hungover and exhausted so.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #11
                      We already have a "?go directory" as you suggest it: It's the initial window, the main overview of zones you see right after you open Continuum.

                      Anyways, we were just successful in bringing six people to MERC Ground Warfare and play pub and ?go samurai with the awesome graphics. We had a nice time and a 2000-2003 nostalgia ..


                      • #12
                        Yeah don't think you got what I said, people are too lazy to quit the game and re-enter into another zone that they have no clue about, especially one showing 2-5 players playing.

                        I am talking about an IN GAME directory that transfers you from one zone to another by entering an #arena such as...

                        I am in TW and type ?go #Hockeyzone and I am in HZ pub.

                        And instead of bringing six people to Merc Ground Warfare, why not put that map in TW, and get it hosted and play it with 30 or 40 people.
                        Rabble Rabble Rabble


                        • #13
                          SSCL Tri-Sector's pub map takes like 5 minutes to download and much to my surprise, there were no base-sized tits greeting me

                          pretty cool though, i like the graphics for the bombs and the square bricks
                          can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                          • #14
                            this seems like an appropriate place to leave this

                            3ixelsoft> GHB? Don't you go to school?
                            3:GHB> Today is Saturday
                            3ixelsoft> It's Friday
                            GHB left arena
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                            Originally posted by the_paul
                            Gargle battery acid fuckface
                            Originally posted by Material Girl
                            I tried downloading a soundcard


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              TW has an arena that takes you to the EG zone

