EGDL is starting sign ups are open! http://www.extreme-games.net/league/...php?f=37&t=959
Extreme Games Draft League is similar to TWDT. It is the perfect league for TW players since there's a rating cap on teams. Just like in TWDT, captains are required to player lower ranked players and that is where TWers become like gold. The average TWer is better or just as good as the average EGer and therefore, TWers are very welcomed in this league.
Captains with players with this edge gain a significant advantage and the player benefits as well. A guaranteed starter spot is waiting for you guys just go sign up and the captains will contact you when you have been drafted (June 12th).
Past EGDL stars include a2m and Raspi, and thix is looking to make an impact for whoever drafts him as well. Everyone is welcome
Game play: 8v8 base flagging with 20 flags. 2 teams battle it out within 2 different bases.

register before June 12th, the sooner the better though