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Subspace tips/quirks

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  • #16
    When a staffer does the % sounds everybody can hear it, but only you could hear it if you were not a staffer.

    The thing I learned recently is that everybody knows shift = thrust when in a ship, but I never knew you could use shift to scroll around faster from SPEC.
    1:wbm> i squint when im angry

    Originally posted by mtine
    Yo LF, u'll never get me. Trust me, SUCK MY CUNT U MADAFAKING IDIOT!!! Cum at me bro. God, ur even worse than some fags irl's history. commit suicide since u aren't even worth 5 penises. CAN'T TOUCH DIS!!! Jeez man. ALL UR MOFOS THAT U RULE IN THIS GAME SHUD RLY SEE HOW UGLY U R IRL AND HOW DUMB AS WELL. Oh, 1 last thing: CAN'T TOUCH THIS ASS.


    • #17
      Well I dont play anymore but I will share some curiosities that I remember about.

      Theres an arena .. I think it is.. ?go starcon .... theres an small ship like the weasel wich is attachable. So If someones get in that ship and press it agaisnt the upright corner border, and another player attaches on it with a bigger ship and then unattach without moving, the ship will unatach INSIDE THE WALL and it will strangely move to A1.

      theres another arena hmm.. ?go wormhole I think. If you control your ship enough and move fast and in a Straight line to the center of the wormhole, you arent going to get warped, instead you will move so fast that you are going to get out of the map.

      Ever happened to you attaching to someone at the exactly time that this person is also attaching to you? If both players attach and unattach fast enough, you will change places.

      There was a "wall hack".. called gashi. It was simple, just abusing a problem of the game. Actually, I was the one who told to the person how it worked and then gashi was created by that person.You could just open a SS map editor , change a map, and then enter in that arena that you changed, but while redownloading the arena, u could go to the editor and keep saving the chages. Eventually you would get in the arena, but in a different map than everyone else. I dont think it work anymore. I dunno. Don't even try to do it, you are going to get banned lol. Even in a private arena, if you are alone and do it. You are going to be detected and get banned. WARNED lol.

      You can do "WRONG GOALS" in this game.
      If you shoot the ball to the yellow goal or just be the last one that touched the ball , and put it inside the goal, and then change to an enemy freq, you will do a "Wrong goal". You can do it by just speccing too.But it will depend witch number the spec freq is in that arena.

      You can know how many hours a person has been online. If i remember well, if the person is online, you can type "?find name " with a space " " right after their nicknames. It will send back a message saying that the person hasnt been online for X hours. But its actually the time that the person has been online.

      The radar is a square. Your screen isnt. If you put an enemy exactly at one of the corners of your radar, you will find out that it is exactly where a warbird bullet goes at.

      in old versions of this game, you could keep entering an arena till a bug happens. In this bug no one would appear in your screen. Unless if you started moving. Everyone could see you, but you couldnt see anyone. You could be almost invencible, if it wasnt for the fact if someone repped you, then the game would get back to normal and everyone would appear in your screen.

      Theres an weird thing in the leviathan of the trench wars. I cant explain why, but if you like if you AIM UP but not exacly up, a bit to the left or to the right, and then you move foward, it will still move UP as if it was aiming exactly up. This doesnt happen to the others ships.

      Me and Elven used a "trick" for TWLD witch we won the league. He would use the nickname "O PUTAO" while i'd use "PUTAO". We chose the nicknames on purpose so I could use a banner with the letter "O" in blue, in a perfect way that our nicknames would look exactly for the enemies inside the game. Whenever one of us had high amount of death, the enemies would try to hunt one of us, but not sure witch.
      Mega Newbie
      TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
      TWLD Captain/wb player Champion - Stray
      TWEL wb and spid Champion!
      TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
      TWLJ bencher Champion
      TWLB bencher Champion
      Inactive Player


      • #18
        To send a wav file that someone can hear, add the wave in your macro editor when you're not logged in (a good size is 25kb or under), log on, pg up/dwn to the person you want to send it to, and then shift+function key you assigned the wav file. It really fucks with your/their lag so careful.

        in old versions of this game, you could keep entering an arena till a bug happens. In this bug no one would appear in your screen. Unless if you started moving. Everyone could see you, but you couldnt see anyone. You could be almost invencible, if it wasnt for the fact if someone repped you, then the game would get back to normal and everyone would appear in your screen.
        Yeahhhh boy. Did that a couple of times in EG duel, until, I think it was Lady Vader, threatened bodily harm lol.
        Last edited by Cojafoji; 11-01-2011, 02:58 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cornelius View Post
          Well I dont play anymore but I will share some curiosities that I remember about.
          Lol, you're so bad :P

          Did you finish law school yet?


          • #20
            this funny bug keeps happening to me every once in a while, it only happens when im close or on-top of someone else (like 1 pixel) and it only happens every so often, quite rare.. when i shoot at the exact right moment and they shoot at basically the same time it comes up with 'Mobey(208) killed by: Faggot' yet i'll still be alive, recharge and then i can shoot again but i think after the normal respawn time i'll be visible to enemies again, some people have reported me for 'hacking' for this before. as far as i know i've only seen this happen to me while i've been warbird and spider.

            also, you can warp and shoot without using energy if you're fast enough, just press warp and shoot at the same time and eventually you'll do it.


            • #21
              it's a common client-side bug, mobey.

              (the first one you mentioned)


              • #22
                In pub (and I suppose any arena that isn't locked), you can hover over a friendlies mine, wait for a teammate to come near, and then switch frequencies, which will kill your ex-teammate but save you. This is old trick, but the same rule can be applied to the flag game in pub. Just hop frequencies while on flag and you auto-jupe it. (I've never seen it done for over 10 seconds, anyone know what the deal with jupes is? Does TW-Pub1 correct them after a while?) Instant win $$$


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Cornelius View Post
                  Me and Elven used a "trick" for TWLD witch we won the league. He would use the nickname "O PUTAO" while i'd use "PUTAO". We chose the nicknames on purpose so I could use a banner with the letter "O" in blue, in a perfect way that our nicknames would look exactly for the enemies inside the game. Whenever one of us had high amount of death, the enemies would try to hunt one of us, but not sure witch.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
                    In pub (and I suppose any arena that isn't locked), you can hover over a friendlies mine, wait for a teammate to come near, and then switch frequencies, which will kill your ex-teammate but save you. This is old trick, but the same rule can be applied to the flag game in pub. Just hop frequencies while on flag and you auto-jupe it. (I've never seen it done for over 10 seconds, anyone know what the deal with jupes is? Does TW-Pub1 correct them after a while?) Instant win $$$
                    You greasy bastard...


                    • #25
                      I feel so old reading these 'tips'.... But, I'l offer one that everyone SHOULD already know... You don't need to type full names. Let's say I want to private message Supreme Authority... I can just type :Supr:Haiiii o'~ to PM... Although if there's somone called "Supreme Taco" on he'll get it. Same is applied with bots like !add gra instead of typing out !add gran guerreo
                      1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

                      1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
                      1:trashed> wha
                      1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
                      1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
                      1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
                      1:trashed> i download my own


                      1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


                      • #26
                        Mobey, I've seen that in jav before as well. You'll just respawn in the exact same location and be invisible to everyone for 3-4 seconds. In that time, you can still shoot/bomb.

                        No idea how it happens though, so can't confirm or deny what you said about that is correct.

                        Help Promote TrenchWars - -


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Cornelius View Post

                          [...] You can know how many hours a person has been online. If i remember well, if the person is online, you can type "?find name " with a space " " right after their nicknames. It will send back a message saying that the person hasnt been online for X hours. But its actually the time that the person has been online. [...]
                          To clarify, this only shows how long that person has been online in their current session. I.E. it relays their "Session usage" stat from their ?usage, not the total amount that they have been online.

                          Anyway, here are some of my tips.

                          Sometimes, if you try and ?find someone, it will find someone with a similar name instead. I.E. ?find Megaman can show either MegamanEXE or megaman89 depending on who is online. The ?find command will default to anyone that is online. Because of this, if you use "?find megaman" attempting to find megaman89, and megaman89 is offline but MegamanEXE is online, the search will return MegamanEXE instead of megaman89. To prevent this, use ?find=(name) instead, as it only searches for the EXACT name you entered. Using this, ?find=megaman will perform a ?find search for the person whose name is EXACTLY "Megaman" and will ignore all other results, and "?find=megaman89" will ALWAYS search for megaman89 even if MegamanEXE is online.

                          In the banner editor, you can set seperate colors for the left and right mouse buttons. Clicking a color on the palette with your LMB sets that color to LMB. Likewise, clicking with RMB on the palette will set that color to RMB.

                          Also in the banner editor, hold Ctrl and click on the banner field with either mouse button to set that mouse button to the color you targeted.

                          I sometimes find the Continuum main screen's Trace function to be useful when trying to diagnose internet connection problems.

                          Also on the main screen, hold Shift+Ctrl to see how many players total are in the zones currently in your zone list. It won't count zones that aren't in your list.

