[Brief summary of idea]: Limit levi allowances to 33-66% of the time.
[Reasoning behind proposal]: Levis teamkill and make huge flagroom battles impossible.
[Best way to implement]: Make it so like 5-10 rounds levis are allowed, then 3-6 rounds levis are disallowed. Or make people vote on levis allowed, similar to !shufflevote, every now and then.
[Detailed summary of idea]: Read above.
[Reasoning behind proposal]: Levis teamkill and make huge flagroom battles impossible.
[Best way to implement]: Make it so like 5-10 rounds levis are allowed, then 3-6 rounds levis are disallowed. Or make people vote on levis allowed, similar to !shufflevote, every now and then.
[Detailed summary of idea]: Read above.