I'd like to get achievements going as rapidly as possible, and with that in mind, I'm putting out a request for achievements relating to TW's pub, and perhaps also other arenas. (I'd like a system that works zone-wide... the focus on pub for some of the stuff is artificial in an unnecessary way. Probably get the bots talking to eachother... anyhow.) So achievements for pub, and then achievements for specific arenas, or "Globals," which track across the entire zone.
Obviously we need to get this going so we can get on Steam, by the way. (If you haven't, vote to Greenlight right f-ing now pls!
) So: it's important. Let's get down to it, team effort and all that good hippie stuff we all love. We need to save this game we are all into, and we all want to do it. %104%104%104
[NAMEOFARENA (local to the arena named) ||(OR) GLOBAL (counted toward across all major arenas, including possibly events)] Pub Achievement Name: As ship (omit if for all ships), do this to achieve (usually multiple amount of an action, or sometimes one special action) while sometimes also doing something else, being somewhere else, etc. -- some linking logical condition.
[PUB] Baptist on the John: As Levi, kill 50 Warbirds while also on the toilet with your mom's stupid laptop that powers down if you kind of jiggle the cord the wrong way when you're reaching for the toilet paper. ffffffff
Copy/paste template for lazies like u (lazy r ppl 2):
[ARENA] Name: As
Thanks guise. fiS also posted achievements that she and her secret lover composed together in love, but at present only staff can view it (for semi-obvious reasons, due to some achievements ending up being hidden). Will see what she says about posting the public ones to get a list started.
We need to get to around 100. We've got maybe 30 but they're very basic for the most part, right now. I just took this project over from SpookedOne. We need to beat this sucker to win All The Grapes.
Obviously we need to get this going so we can get on Steam, by the way. (If you haven't, vote to Greenlight right f-ing now pls!

[NAMEOFARENA (local to the arena named) ||(OR) GLOBAL (counted toward across all major arenas, including possibly events)] Pub Achievement Name: As ship (omit if for all ships), do this to achieve (usually multiple amount of an action, or sometimes one special action) while sometimes also doing something else, being somewhere else, etc. -- some linking logical condition.
[PUB] Baptist on the John: As Levi, kill 50 Warbirds while also on the toilet with your mom's stupid laptop that powers down if you kind of jiggle the cord the wrong way when you're reaching for the toilet paper. ffffffff
Copy/paste template for lazies like u (lazy r ppl 2):
[ARENA] Name: As
Thanks guise. fiS also posted achievements that she and her secret lover composed together in love, but at present only staff can view it (for semi-obvious reasons, due to some achievements ending up being hidden). Will see what she says about posting the public ones to get a list started.
We need to get to around 100. We've got maybe 30 but they're very basic for the most part, right now. I just took this project over from SpookedOne. We need to beat this sucker to win All The Grapes.