Having gotten a number of suggestions about changing or removing quota from staffers, the Deans and Demonic have made a step towards that. Completely removing it at once would likely cause unintended side effects (lazy people not pulling their weight).
As of now, ZH quota will consist of assisting Newplayers and actively playing in Pub. It will be watched closely to see how this goes over. Quota for other levels of staff may start to follow this trend if we see a positive influence from having staffers in pub more.
Give it some time and let us know if it seems to be helping provide a positive change. We need you, the players, to let us know if stuff is or isn't working (and most of you are pretty good at letting us know what isn't working).
Thanks, and ?message me or email me (shaddowknight@subspace-continuum.com) if you have any concerns or questions.
As of now, ZH quota will consist of assisting Newplayers and actively playing in Pub. It will be watched closely to see how this goes over. Quota for other levels of staff may start to follow this trend if we see a positive influence from having staffers in pub more.
Give it some time and let us know if it seems to be helping provide a positive change. We need you, the players, to let us know if stuff is or isn't working (and most of you are pretty good at letting us know what isn't working).
Thanks, and ?message me or email me (shaddowknight@subspace-continuum.com) if you have any concerns or questions.