You know.. I just want to say that although I agree with the TW-General thing this entire idea that some kid enters the pub and dies a few times and ragequits forever or is so dumbfounded by a very simple game. There was none of this shit when I started and I ended up learning how to play, maybe we don't want the people who can't figure out how to move with arrows and push control to shoot.
Would be cool if they made room for a jd/dd arena in pub and a squad could enter pub and challenge "the world" for a jd or dd game and a message is messaged to everyone in pub. People type "accept" to play and the first 4 players that do so get to vs that squad. That way new players can see how twd works without applying to a squad/ moving arenas- simple.
1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far
im not sure putting all these arenas into the pub one is better for image.. you will still have tons of guys sitting in spec.. so now guys come in and maybe theres 80 instead of 60 at that time... or 90... but theres still only lets say 10vs10 and a few solo now insteady of 35 in spec you have 55-60 in spec...
i guess maybe it would make it better if lots were playing in games at the time....
but theres lots of headaches there too, how would you know who to pick... whos playing or eligible for what event...and someone in pub really isnt watching anything elsewhere in the arena....
honestly.. new players arent the ones sitting in spec, most of them login, play and then leave right? its the ones that have developed relationships or friends or squadmates... that dont want to log off so htey have the logs in case they miss some juicy gossip lol....
One more question might be would this generate or create more lag in the pub arena, with all the extra bots working in one arena...theres enough lag complaints as is just with normal lag of having people from different parts of the world playing lol
Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
1. player goes to
2. says "we have three uber divisions... there's wb... uber... jav.. uber.. and basing... uber... come play with us"
3. player downloads game
4. player completes tutorial
5. tutorial says 'go here to find a squad'
6. player joins squad
7. squad helps player learn
8. player doesn't leave
You seem to be forgetting that noobs are un-skilled and would get killed and spawned more in TWD than pub.. It can take a long time to build up decent skill in a WB, and they would be lucky to get a 1-10 K/D ratio. Where is the logic in pitting brand-new players against the most elite players?
Anyway, a good basing match is more fun than any stuffy dueling arena with alot more freedom. Just a nice good tutorial on how to attach and explaining base would probably do wonders.....make it so it is impossible to skip it too :P
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson
I agree with you to an extent, Eph. If you read my post carefully, you'll notice that I'm not demonizing pub in hopes of dismantling, or erasing it from the dynamic of TW. In fact, I feel the exact opposite is true: I'm a pub vet, I used to love it and it is a great tradition to keep for the integrity of the zone. I just think that the major selling point of this game is the competition, and it may be a better idea to introduce the competition to newer players in a faster, and in a more efficient way. I really like Fork's idea, I think it would actually work out very well.
As far as organizing the numerous games that would be going on simultaneously, and figuring out who is playing which gametype, I have a simple solution. Say in pub we had a base for playing base, wbduel, and javduel, in addition to the pub base. If a player just enters the game normally, it will automatically warp him or her to the pub base. If a base match starts, you can decide to play this match by typing :basebot:!playing. Then, the two captains could type :basebot:!gameinfo or :basebot:!gi (this is how EG does it) and you will get a message from the bot saying something like:
BaseBot> Available players for the current basing match: renzi, renzi, renzi,renzi, renzi, renzi
Multiple games could easily be carried out with this design.
Also, sorry to repeat myself but I feel as if this post got overlooked in another thread, so I'm going to quote myself:
It seems like most people are concerned that the integrity of the basic aspect of pubbing (basing) is suffering. Here are a couple of ideas that could be implemented to increase the competition and organization of pub:
1) Limit javs per team (3), warbirds per team (2), lancs per team (2), terrs per team (2) and sharks per team (4) - Rest of the players are automatically added as spiders upon leaving spec, unless they choose to be a jav or warbird (see second point). Not only will this relieve the clutter in flagroom, it will enable pubbers to experience what basing is supposed to be. Rather than pub being a really unorganized shell of competitive basing, this could add some organization to the fundamentals of the team dynamics for teams that are too new to the zone to organize themselves. It will limit TK'ing, limit terr deaths (so flagroom battles can last longer), and in theory should increase how long players stay alive to actually see the game being played without dying and having to re-attach (it's easier to stay alive with less specials).
2) Split the arena into: one area that has the base and a spawn area (a smaller spawn area than the current pub); one area that is a javs base; and one area that is an open, spawn-like area. Using the structure mentioned in my first point, let’s say a player wants to warbird. However, both basing freqs have 2 warbirds. If the player tries to enter the game from spec, they would be automatically warped to the open spawn-like area, where they can play in a ‘free for all.’ Sort of like what the average pubber does anyway when they don’t know that there’s even a base on the map. The player may have to wait for a spot to open up to actually play the basing match, but the time that this player spends in the dueling areas can give him or her a chance to fend for themselves, and get a feel for the ship before entering a real match. The bot can even be programmed to PM a player who had tried to enter as a warbird that a spot has opened up and they can take it. Maybe the player can even automate this, by typing !play to the bot when they are in warbird, programming the bot to instantly put them onto the pub basing freq once a spot opens up. Players should also be taught (through an automated message upon entering the game) that they are able to PM the bot a command that enables them to enter one of the respective dueling areas indefinitely, and allow them to switch back and forth (!switchgames).
3) Limit LevTerr hours during the day. Perhaps a 2 hour window, every day, during the hours that basing is beginning to die down. That way players will still be actively pursuing the base, but the game won’t be “serious” enough for them to care that a lev is bombing them over and over.
There have been some great ideas in this thread, staff really should take them seriously.
You never thought that since 2004 literally every change made to pub has been done to 'enhance' the basing game at the expense of the other aspects of pub and that has contributed to our playerbase suffering? Have you tried to sit in spawn as a wb like lots of people used to do? It's impossible cause theres no one else there...forcing people to play spid when they want to play another ship would be an awful way to kill the remaining players.
I also like the OP 'were following suit with EG who focused on pub and died' then this last post 'lets do games like EG did'
This whole idea is terrible and I'm sorry to tell you that you wasted your time, but theres little to no substance here.
I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan
You never thought that since 2004 literally every change made to pub has been done to 'enhance' the basing game at the expense of the other aspects of pub and that has contributed to our playerbase suffering? Have you tried to sit in spawn as a wb like lots of people used to do? It's impossible cause theres no one else there...forcing people to play spid when they want to play another ship would be an awful way to kill the remaining players.
I also like the OP 'were following suit with EG who focused on pub and died' then this last post 'lets do games like EG did'
This whole idea is terrible and I'm sorry to tell you that you wasted your time, but theres little to no substance here.
2) Split the arena into: one area that has the base and a spawn area (a smaller spawn area than the current pub); one area that is a javs base; and one area that is an open, spawn-like area. Using the structure mentioned in my first point, let’s say a player wants to warbird. However, both basing freqs have 2 warbirds. If the player tries to enter the game from spec, they would be automatically warped to the open spawn-like area, where they can play in a ‘free for all.’ Sort of like what the average pubber does anyway when they don’t know that there’s even a base on the map. The player may have to wait for a spot to open up to actually play the basing match, but the time that this player spends in the dueling areas can give him or her a chance to fend for themselves, and get a feel for the ship before entering a real match. The bot can even be programmed to PM a player who had tried to enter as a warbird that a spot has opened up and they can take it. Maybe the player can even automate this, by typing !play to the bot when they are in warbird, programming the bot to instantly put them onto the pub basing freq once a spot opens up. Players should also be taught (through an automated message upon entering the game) that they are able to PM the bot a command that enables them to enter one of the respective dueling areas indefinitely, and allow them to switch back and forth (!switchgames).
I'm going to ignore the fact that you're just a bitch who likes to bitch, Izor, and humor your post with a response. You say that I contradicted myself with my views on what works and doesn't work in EG. Well, surely there are some things that did work about that zone, and some things that didn't. The way that their bots worked, for example, could be a good design for solving the issue of running multiple automated games simultaneously in pub. On the other hand, the way that they treated competitive vs. pub games, as I mentioned in a previous post, didn't work. Not everything has to be so black and white. Great post though, A+! )
back in the day i used to be on multiple chats full of people who pretty much only exclusively played tw events, myself included
ive never really played pub too much, and would go from one event to the next, and afk when nothing was hosted
until they stopped hosting
now noone plays tw anymore, and not even ss anymore for some
The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.
SSCJ Distension Owner
SSCU Trench Wars Developer
Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.
My main point overall is that all the changes have been shoving basing down peoples throats. Now you cant even get a streak and hide in safe from 30 kids chasing you without it resetting. Of all things to change, thats what staff decides to focus on and why people who play like me straight quit playing pub. Theres been a crusade against LT's, 'spawners', and any other possible method of playing other than going after the flag for almost a decade now, and if you dont think it's negatively affecting the playerbase you just dont get it. We retain fewer players than ever before in light of all these new changes. Theres just no decision in how you can play
I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan
My main point overall is that all the changes have been shoving basing down peoples throats. Now you cant even get a streak and hide in safe from 30 kids chasing you without it resetting. Of all things to change, thats what staff decides to focus on and why people who play like me straight quit playing pub. Theres been a crusade against LT's, 'spawners', and any other possible method of playing other than going after the flag for almost a decade now, and if you dont think it's negatively affecting the playerbase you just dont get it. We retain fewer players than ever before in light of all these new changes. Theres just no decision in how you can play
following this: there is no way i would have played this game for as long as i have unless i could play as a wb in the spawn-zone, racking up k:d getting into better (pub)squads. i played pub for about 2 years before i went to elim, then twd was created few months after that.
if you want pub to be of any value again. we need pubsquads
pub needs to be reverted back to how it was back in the day where it was simple circa 2005 or so. We need the pub stats back and working on tw site and monthly announcements of the top pub players and have a top 5 players on a splash screen in game and on tw site.
TWL-J Season 11 Champion
TWL-J Season 21 Champion
TWL-B Season 21 Champion
TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
TWDT-D 2017 Champion
TWDT-J 2017 Champion