This is something that players have wanted for a long time, and gives you another hole to throw your pubbux into!
Type :TW-Pubsystem:!listbty and it will display all active bounties.
To add a bounty, PM Pubsystem with !addbty playername:amount (for example, :TW-Pubsystem:!addbty Shaddowknight:500)
500 is the minimum, and 5000 maximum for bounties.
Bounties stick around when you spec or leave, so you can't escape them!
Pubbux are removed from your account when you place the bounty, and any number of bounties can be placed on a single person, up to the 5000 maximum.
Thanks to SpookedOne for this, and happy bounty hunting!
Type :TW-Pubsystem:!listbty and it will display all active bounties.
To add a bounty, PM Pubsystem with !addbty playername:amount (for example, :TW-Pubsystem:!addbty Shaddowknight:500)
500 is the minimum, and 5000 maximum for bounties.
Bounties stick around when you spec or leave, so you can't escape them!
Pubbux are removed from your account when you place the bounty, and any number of bounties can be placed on a single person, up to the 5000 maximum.
Thanks to SpookedOne for this, and happy bounty hunting!