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The reason why TW died

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  • #16
    Originally posted by PapaRaazi View Post
    i was about to comment on that, what kind of insecure degenerate do you have to be to have to sign ur own posts when ur names up top for everyone to see. Maybe he loves his own posts so much he has to remind himself he wrote it

    Or maybe it's to remind you who wrote it after you finally reach the end...if you get that far.



    • #17
      before i made this thread i alrdy knew it wouldnt make me popular
      but still if the shoe fits, wear it
      Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


      • #18
        no its because of us this terribly managed game has survived so long. instead of just flat out quitting like many, we choose to "whine" and keep this shit going. allow me 2 make list 2:

        1) incompetence of staff
        a) doing nothing with the donation money...been like what 4 years now? joke city
        b) doing nothing to promote competition in twl/twd (the backbone of interest in the games community)
        c) doing nothing to better the terrible staff/player relations...if anything making them worse...not to mention these faggots in staff cant even get along with each other
        d) wasting time on useless things instead of listening to the player base when they come up with great ideas

        2) o there is no #2
        1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

        1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

        Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

        Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

        Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


        • #19
          So your first personal attack of ‘you talk but say nothing’ is followed up with additional criticism of me putting my name at the bottom of my posts?

          I put my name at the bottom of my posts to show that it is just my informal opinion and that I am not trying to make my opinion sound like it should be considered ‘facts’.

          If you do not agree with a post, say so and give the reasons you don’t agree. Or float new ideas or ways to consider the topic. But coming on to this forum and for the single purpose of flaming another person is not productive or help the zone in any way. In fact, and as pointed out by others in the thread, it may actually be one of the reason people leave this community.

          As for my short stay on staff… I was asked to join and did so against my better judgment. I knew from the start that the staff environment was not one where I would be productive and it only took me a week or two to verify that this was indeed the case. My contributions to the zone are not large but I have been here since 1998 and have played pub the entire time. I have never quit the game, never been banned, and have only been warned once. I have been Captain and AssCap on many squads including Cripples, Disoblige, Anti-Scrub over the last 15 years. I also paid for the game (it wasn’t free back then). These things give me a perspective that should be of interest to some people.
          If it is not, everyone is free to simply not read my posts. But flaming people serves no value to the zone nor does it contribute to the thread.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Star Fox View Post
            Every one of your posts is so long, yet says so little.

            ur dik is so little


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
              So your first personal attack of ‘you talk but say nothing’ is followed up with additional criticism of me putting my name at the bottom of my posts?

              I put my name at the bottom of my posts to show that it is just my informal opinion and that I am not trying to make my opinion sound like it should be considered ‘facts’.

              If you do not agree with a post, say so and give the reasons you don’t agree. Or float new ideas or ways to consider the topic. But coming on to this forum and for the single purpose of flaming another person is not productive or help the zone in any way. In fact, and as pointed out by others in the thread, it may actually be one of the reason people leave this community.

              As for my short stay on staff… I was asked to join and did so against my better judgment. I knew from the start that the staff environment was not one where I would be productive and it only took me a week or two to verify that this was indeed the case. My contributions to the zone are not large but I have been here since 1998 and have played pub the entire time. I have never quit the game, never been banned, and have only been warned once. I have been Captain and AssCap on many squads including Cripples, Disoblige, Anti-Scrub over the last 15 years. I also paid for the game (it wasn’t free back then). These things give me a perspective that should be of interest to some people.
              If it is not, everyone is free to simply not read my posts. But flaming people serves no value to the zone nor does it contribute to the thread.

              Please Eph, allow me.

              Star Fox you are a useless sack of shit who sucks at this game and is obviously retarded. Huge faggots like yourself are the reason this game is dying. You suck at every single ship, you bring absolutely nothing to the table nor have you ever, you have zero leadership abilities. You are the lowest common denominator and unfortunately you are what most of our new players bring to the table. A bunch of coddled cunt stains who don't know anything about this game or the legendary players who actually made it fun. The fact that you try to post on these forums with an opinion at all is an embarrassment to those of us who actually contributed to this game. The fact that you waste the time posting here while literally nobody cares one bit about anything you have ever, or will ever say once again points to how fucking stupid you are. Needless to say you aren't respected and never will be, stop wasting your time although it has little to no real value trying to be edgy with legendary players. Eat shit faggot.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #22
                It is terrible leadership. There are a lot of players that have been dedicated for a long time to the game. I've always wanted to see this game succeed until very recently when I just lost all hope. fis's horrible management of pub drove me away just to the point where I didnt care. Then I came back to try to play after she finally quit and 1 hour in wingzero goes on a powertrip banning me for nothing. To top it off the head sysop agrees it was bullshit and refuses to do anything about it. Not even 3 months ago we just lost about 5 longtime players to the same type of abuse, and nothing was really done to change the culture in staff. Krynetix can do anything he wants to pub, but if the cycle of abuse continues people will just stop logging on.

                P.S. Tiny dont blame me cause I 16-1'd you jav squad 8 yrs ago in round 3 and made you dissolve :'( Just remember the halo 2 days
                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                • #23
                  remember when the above 2 people made big posts about how they were quitting
                  yep, it was just a joke, just like they are
                  The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                  SSCJ Distension Owner
                  SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                  Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                    remember when the above 2 people made big posts about how they were quitting
                    yep, it was just a joke, just like they are
                    Pretty sure I said I would still probably troll the forums occasionally. Hows distension going, lots of players?
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                      So your first personal attack of ‘you talk but say nothing’ is followed up with additional criticism of me putting my name at the bottom of my posts?

                      I put my name at the bottom of my posts to show that it is just my informal opinion and that I am not trying to make my opinion sound like it should be considered ‘facts’.

                      If you do not agree with a post, say so and give the reasons you don’t agree. Or float new ideas or ways to consider the topic. But coming on to this forum and for the single purpose of flaming another person is not productive or help the zone in any way. In fact, and as pointed out by others in the thread, it may actually be one of the reason people leave this community.

                      As for my short stay on staff… I was asked to join and did so against my better judgment. I knew from the start that the staff environment was not one where I would be productive and it only took me a week or two to verify that this was indeed the case. My contributions to the zone are not large but I have been here since 1998 and have played pub the entire time. I have never quit the game, never been banned, and have only been warned once. I have been Captain and AssCap on many squads including Cripples, Disoblige, Anti-Scrub over the last 15 years. I also paid for the game (it wasn’t free back then). These things give me a perspective that should be of interest to some people.
                      If it is not, everyone is free to simply not read my posts. But flaming people serves no value to the zone nor does it contribute to the thread.
                      Holy shit... why is every one of your posts an essay? He's right about one thing, you do love the sound of your own voice (sight of your own words). It's always some pompous rambling speech in which you stroke your own ego and espouse your self-righteous "I know what's best" mentality. Just stfu...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jim the chin View Post
                        irrelevant drivel
                        Hello new player, let's bring in more of you to make the zone better.
                        "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

                        "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                          The buck is always supposed to stop with those in charge. Of course those in charge get to hide behind the ‘it wasn’t me’ due to the beyond stupid way the staff is organized.
                          Staff should have never, ever been organized the way it was after 1999. It is based upon ‘powers’ (which attracted the wrong type of people for the wrong reasons) and a complete diffusion of responsibilities (which gave everyone an ‘out’ to pass the buck). Development was a cluster fuck with virtually no control over multiple changes being made on the production server.

                          Most surely there have been staffers and developers who really worked hard to help but they were misguided. They should have recognized their time would have been better spent on changing staff structure and not dicking around with the little bottom up things like ships, maps, and kill-athons. And certainly many of the players didn’t help the zone.

                          But in my book the buck stops with those in charge and their failures. They can whine about how hard it was but they cannot say they were not given input on how (and what) needed to change for years and years. They consistently took the easier path and the easier decisions (like ship changes) instead of taking a top down approach and fixing the zone’s primary issue. The reason is obvious, being a zone leader meant that you were popular. If anyone had made the hard decisions they would not have been very popular; but this is what would have had to happen if the zone were to survive long term.
                          I have to respectfully disagree with your point that the decline of the game is because of how staff works considering the fact the game is still alive 14 years after 1999. You do have some excellent points though. However, the end of this zone started, in my opinion, when Pallies left for WoW. After that it has been a steady journey downhill because of the simple fact that new games are popping up and those that still have an appeal for some old 2d game are growing up and having less free time to spare.
                          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                          • #28
                            The introduction and implementation of TWD is what breathed life into this zone but it effectively killed pub considering every squad worth something moved over there and perhaps THAT should have been the sole focus at some point; moving new players into TWD as fast as possible. Once the last squad was gone from pub, the bridge between pub and twd was gone forever.
                            TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                            • #29
                              What's the difference between League and Divisions? I've never played these things.


                              • #30
                                elim was the bridge. Everyone here thats been around a long time can remember the fun big elims we used to enjoy. Unfortunately after wbduel and javduel I feel took away from elim and also played a role in the zones demise. Not that I ever disliked those 2 arenas, but it was 8-10 full people away from elim/belim. imo besides pub those 2 are the most important arenas to restore to their former glory. It's just far too late at this point so I've never brought it up.
                                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan

