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Top 54 Pub Features Your Mother Never Told Me About

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  • Top 54 Pub Features Your Mother Never Told Me About

    Well, so I was telling someone about !session the other day and they brought up a very good point, which is -- how, other than navigating through the perilous hells of PubSystem's !help, would you even know what all the commands are? So yeah, here are a few commands not generally known in pub that might actually, you know, be useful to people if they only knew about them ... as well as a few new ones added recently that are as yet not in the public's ken.

    Old features you may never have heard of or used or have two damns to rub together to care about

    The Session command shows raw stats for the session you've been playing. Basically it gives you a breakdown of your K and computed decimal ratio in every ship... but also VS every other ship. The VS part is the most useful ... you can see which ships you're likely to be weak against, especially if you play the same ship for 2-3 hours. Note that the VS column is for every ship, so if you switch ships you have to take that into account. Fairly interesting data though.

    / !buy playername:item
    These two can be used in tandem to buy things for other people you normally couldn't. You can't buy your Terr a port, but you can sure as hell buy them a burst, which is a very strong and still subtle way of turning the tide in FR. And those selfless terrs will love you for it (and will terr more).

    Will show you who's in what ship on your team, and also give a quick numbers breakdown. I think I once intended it to give a recommendation to you if you're in a ship that's being overplayed, especially if there's no terr, or if the other team has a shark and yours doesn't. But in the meantime, use your sexy judgment.

    Yes, as long as someone is on your freq, you can find out where they are on the map by using this command. Of course, this is subject to the annoying particulars of how pubsystem is currently working ... positions may not be accurate, just like they're not that accurate/don't update fast enough for in !terr. Note that we (we being botdev) are working on fixing this up, and apologize that it messes up your killothon on the daily.

    Most people know about it, but it shows all the LTs in the arena currently. Very useful for hunters to know when the gravy train has come into the station.

    !addbty / !listbty
    If you find someone particularly annoying, or would just like to mess with them, !addbty will give whoever kills them next the amount you specify, and tells the arena if over a certain number.

    Most people know about it, but this command shows the 5 richest currently in pub. It doesn't show the 5 richest overall. I have this on the to-do list, to show in-arena vs. overall. I'd also like to show top round wins, most kills overall... most duels won... that kind of thing. With a focus on "doing more" and not so much on "100:1 eLiTe K ratio" because all those nerds just play pub for 4 hours on 1 day, ?scorereset obsessively, and then when they finally get their hecka 1337 streak, they spec until there's another reset, and meanwhile brag about their pubrec on the chat of their extremely mediocre squad. Oops, was that too specific?

    Newer features you probably still haven't heard of

    Single Terr bonuses
    Like being a single mom, being the only terr on your freq, trying to care for your reprobate children, is no simple task. Fortunately, there's help. Any terr on a public freq who has no other Terr to back them up and does not have a Levi attached will receive around $500 every 10 minutes (done in roughly 2 minute increments, $100 each time). Even if you don't Terr, letting other people know this exists when you have no Terr on your freq is often enough to motivate someone to do so. A Terrible Terr is better than No Terr Atall, IMO: at the very least it encourages a better Terr to get angry enough to knock the keyboard/spacecontrols from their hands and actually do the job themselves.

    Open Dueling (challenge entire pub): !challenge * / !openduels
    Want to duel but nobody's accepting your challenge? Sick of pressing PgDown + Shift+F1, spamming everyone with your nonsense? Just replace the player's name with a * to change your challenge from a specific challenge to a general one. (aka !challenge *:1:3000 to challenge anyone to WB duel for $3K). If you do it for a decent amount (right now this amount is $1K) it will send an arena message indicating your secret desires. Anyone can then !accept to the bot, and suddenly, you're duelin', baby, you're really really dueling. To see a list of open duels going at any given moment, type !openduels (or !od).

    Special/mixed dueling: !chspecial
    If you still haven't had the pleasure of being a Jav owned by TABARNAK!!!'s Shark 5-0 in duel, just wait 'til you hear about mixed duels. You can now challenge any ship in any other ship (except Terr, at least right now). It works just like !challenge except you specify one more ship #... so !chspecial person:yourship:theirship:$$$ Many combinations are pretty damn interesting. At present, if the mixed duel includes a jav, shark or levi, it will be in base, but I'm planning a way to select base vs open area. If anyone wants to create a few more duel arenas in pub, too, for variety, it's not like you have to be staff or even dev to do that. Just work on it, ask someone for specifications, but other than that, easy to add in... people used to do that all the time back in the day, dev or not. (Good way to get on dev too, if you're into that kind of thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

    OK kiddies and manchildren, that's all the pub cmd news for now.

    For anyone who is interested, also, yes, Distension's on its way back. Have a fair bit of stuff going on in my life right now is all. I'm getting there. Have to clean up the settings, but a new map is in at ?go distension3 ... with a few needed changes -- the center piece will probably be removed/made an overlay, and there are some shots in FR that are no good... but overall it does what I'd like. Note that I'll be planning on doing map rotation, so at present we'll rotate between the old map and this new one (with tweaks). If any enterprising people who can click a mouse and download a map editor (Google DCME or SSME) want to make one of these maps, ideally starting with the old Distension map as a base, you are encouraged, coaxed and even gently pursuaded with inappropriate touching to work on it and submit it as soon as you can be bothered.
    "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
    -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

  • #2
    gud info brah
    Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

