So im suggesting every 20-30 mins you play in pub (Without speccing/ leaving game) you get this message (or something similar):
Tw-pub1> BONUS! Cash race for a chance to win loads of money. Type !start to play. If you don't type !start- u can always play later (ideally it should be stored so when u play another 20-30 minutes... u have the opportunity to play 2 races)
When you type a command like !start... you are warped to the start of the lap and it tells you how much time you have to get as far as you can (See image below).
Soon as your short time is up... you are warped back in pub again and whatever cash area you were last on- you get that money added to your funds. I would suggest that you can see you can win 50k... but u would have to play an extremely good 20-30mins of pub (get loads of kills in flagroom, win a few games, mvp a few times + how long u stay in flagroom= more time allocated)
1)Something to work/play for (an exciting opportunity to win big)
2)Even when there isn't many people online- people will stay for these opportunities
3)Anyone can win good amount of money if they work hard in pub (teaming + killing in flagroom) for more time allocation.
4)Though some people may feel it will ruin the basing game- it would be taking a player away from game for only 10-50 seconds but worth it if they played 20-30 mins of pure pub :P
5)Better pub gaming action ?more people may play.
6) Maybe the top prizes could be increased only during the times when not many people play (for like 5 hours). This will increase activity during these times when players are desperately needed.
Possible problems:
-It maybe hard to get a good time allocation if there are only 3-6 players playing, compared to popular times when there are 30+ people playing. Maybe somehow the time allocated should consider how many people are playing at the time (and give good time allocation for less kills/ less games won when theres less people playing)
-might be harder to get people out of pub to play events/ twd
-People may win good amounts too easy- so initially trial it out with the top prize being 10k... if rarely people are winning this then change this to 50k. (50k because you want to make people try to win this- they won't bother with top prizes being as low as 10k).
Fusha suggested to see an idle timer implemented as well so you can see how long you have been playing. ?Or even a timer ticking down before you receive a money race opportunity.
If too complicated... could even have some free spins on the fruit machine every 20-30 minutes of pub play. (Just incentives for people to play more)
Tw-pub1> BONUS! Cash race for a chance to win loads of money. Type !start to play. If you don't type !start- u can always play later (ideally it should be stored so when u play another 20-30 minutes... u have the opportunity to play 2 races)
When you type a command like !start... you are warped to the start of the lap and it tells you how much time you have to get as far as you can (See image below).
Soon as your short time is up... you are warped back in pub again and whatever cash area you were last on- you get that money added to your funds. I would suggest that you can see you can win 50k... but u would have to play an extremely good 20-30mins of pub (get loads of kills in flagroom, win a few games, mvp a few times + how long u stay in flagroom= more time allocated)
1)Something to work/play for (an exciting opportunity to win big)
2)Even when there isn't many people online- people will stay for these opportunities
3)Anyone can win good amount of money if they work hard in pub (teaming + killing in flagroom) for more time allocation.
4)Though some people may feel it will ruin the basing game- it would be taking a player away from game for only 10-50 seconds but worth it if they played 20-30 mins of pure pub :P
5)Better pub gaming action ?more people may play.
6) Maybe the top prizes could be increased only during the times when not many people play (for like 5 hours). This will increase activity during these times when players are desperately needed.
Possible problems:
-It maybe hard to get a good time allocation if there are only 3-6 players playing, compared to popular times when there are 30+ people playing. Maybe somehow the time allocated should consider how many people are playing at the time (and give good time allocation for less kills/ less games won when theres less people playing)
-might be harder to get people out of pub to play events/ twd
-People may win good amounts too easy- so initially trial it out with the top prize being 10k... if rarely people are winning this then change this to 50k. (50k because you want to make people try to win this- they won't bother with top prizes being as low as 10k).
Fusha suggested to see an idle timer implemented as well so you can see how long you have been playing. ?Or even a timer ticking down before you receive a money race opportunity.
If too complicated... could even have some free spins on the fruit machine every 20-30 minutes of pub play. (Just incentives for people to play more)