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TWD design change

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  • TWD design change

    OK all - TWD in its current format is pretty much dead, so something needs to happen to liven this up. Here is my suggestion for us to move towards:

    1) TWL qualification - No longer dependant on TWD and with enough squads can be a knockout tourney to get in, but will remain the premiere league.

    2) TWD will become its on league within its own rights, and as such needs a revamp - below is the suggested revamp

  • #2
    TWD will take certain elements from the draft league and will have 2 goals. Firstly it will run each quarter, jan - march, april - june etc....

    Every twd player (current) for season 1 will be assigned a value of $100. Every pub/new player assigned a value of $50. Every team will have a value of $2,000 for example to buy players (unlike draft can buy who u want upto that value). The league has 2 goals - to win the league of course, but also the team who makes the most $. Players values increase based on performance, and if a team sells a player/player leaves their current value is added to the teams money. For example, Ease starting value $100, has 10 good games and increases in value then squad sells/releases ease/ease leaves now worth $200. Team value is $2,100 and can purchase players to that value. I considered assigning a starting value, but it felt counter productive to the better players to start off with.

    OK so season 2 - Players retain values from S1 - team value reset to $2,000 and therefore best team can not team together again to dominate the league - as values will be too high in theory. This should create competition rather then repetition. Max player value of $500, so the best player in theory takes a big chunk of squads value - although a squad can earn that player by increasing its team value as mentioned in first paragraph. League becomes quite tactical, has a new twist to it and hopefully actually has a goal unlike now where its just play for the sake of playing, which is clearing working well (not).

    Add in individual player awards (ROTY - most improved player in value), captain awards for best squad + utilise pubbux for betting on games/players and we should have some variety, hopefully. This is a high level overview of a planned change to be reviewed, so feel free to comment below and/or suggest.


    • #3
      oh to add - instead of pubbux we have leaguebux to bet with, and these are earned from challenges in pub (earn some from playing pub, some from duelling for leaguebux, and some for I dunno, holding base for xx time or w/e u get the idea. Point is - We make pub more connected to leagues, in terms of you have to play pub for added bonuses.


      • #4
        So this is the new shitty idea to establish roster caps since that failed miserably last year?

        I know what I would do, get my friends to join my squad, play paladen 20 times, have 4000 dollars to spend, axe everyone but keep the squad owner afk on the roster, have those people make a squad and purposefully suck, rejoin the original squad once those players values have gone down, have my entire roster back again and anyone else I want to play.

        Of course thats a pain and the ass and honestly it would probably be easier to just not play it.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #5
          I won't play for any squad unless my friends are on it. If staff tries to force me into a twd squad that I don't like, I'll just quit twd.
          Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

          Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

          Don't Poke the Bear.


          • #6
            It sounds pretty fun.... but could be too complicated. The problem is coding all this to happen might be alot harder to do than the challenge the world idea which I no many players would like to see happen. Anything to do with money and twd would be a cool idea. Personally it would be sexy if each squad started from $0 and after each game- each member of the team gets some money reward depending on how well they played. The money is added to the squad fund. All players in the squad can see how much their squad current has. Players would just play just to add to the fund. Big big question is... what could squads buy that would motivate squads to save up for? Something to buy on the squad home page? Idk
            1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


            • #7
              this is a pretty bad idea. not being able to play with your friends just because of budget issues is lame. restrictions such as twd roster cap were already causing problems for players so why add more?
              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fork View Post
                Personally it would be sexy if each squad started from $0 and after each game- each member of the team gets some money reward depending on how well they played. The money is added to the squad fund. All players in the squad can see how much their squad current has. Players would just play just to add to the fund. Big big question is... what could squads buy that would motivate squads to save up for? Something to buy on the squad home page? Idk
                this on the other hand might be doable. reward individual performances in twd (MVPs, most games played, best k:d, etc.) with points or "money". people seem to like having a value associated with them because its earned and something to compete for.

                fork, maybe the money or points then could be used by the squad or individual players to host events by themselves for a certain amount of time? idk this part is still iffy but i do believe that players should be rewarded for activity in twd.
                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                • #9
                  Haven't read many of these posts, but had a quick thought. Why not incorporate pub and TWD. For example, if x amount of players from your squad are in the top 25 (points, k/d, or w.e.) for the week (bi weekly), your squad gets x amount point boost in twd per game. Then, make a twd cup, or some other competition out of twd regarding points, instead of JUST qualifying for twl.

                  Just a thought which could use some more ideas, but something that I think would bring back, and keep, a higher playing population by providing an ongoing competition in pub.
                  zidane> big play
                  Omega Red> dwop sick
                  mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                  WillBy> ^^

                  1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                  1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                  cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                  • #10
                    ppl refusing to play without their friends is the fatal flaw in this idea
                    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                    SSCJ Distension Owner
                    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                    • #11
                      I dont believe players will choose to leave their squads for twd cup purposes, so i dont support this idea.
                      I would rather see a compensation of a different sort, what if squads playing in the tournament simply have a certain amount of € (players individual value) to add to the game. If squad chooses to add rookies with low value, it could have a 10 man lineup vs'ing enemys top four pilots?
                      impossible to code?

                      edit: player values should be set from the start, im sure staff/caps/helpful players could work out rather quick the starting values of our current twd players.
                      Last edited by Steep; 04-21-2014, 04:33 AM.


                      • #12
                        why change anything to TWD? What needs to be changed is for you to get players back into the game 100 people playing in a zone won't do much demonic and do urself a favor resign so someone with brains like M-M god and focus on what REALLY needs to be done.

                        Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                        wbduel Map Maker Legend


                        • #13
                          What about this idea:

                          Captains/ assistants can donate spacebux money into a squad fund (All players in that squad can see this in the twd arenas). After a twd game has been completed: All players that have played the round receive a share of pubcash taken from the squad fund. Captains control the amounts of money each player is rewarded per game (not match). Lets give an example:

                          (Me being captain of Play) I go to ?go twd and type :twdbot:!donate 15000 (this donates 15,000 pubcash into the squad Play). The next command I type is :twdbot:!setreward:1000 (this sets the money reward each player gets after the game has been completed). My squad mates then go to twjd and can see on screen that Play currently has $15,000 in the fund. They accept a twjd match. After each round is complete- the 4 players get $1000 each. The squad fund is now at $11,000. I realise after a few rounds of this, the squad fund will disappear so i either: reduce the rewards or i play pub to donate more.

                          -If the squad fund has no money (and a game is played) or the payout to players is greater than what's in the squad-fund... it will not work: players don't get anything.

                          -perhaps there can be a !setWinreward for squad games won. If captains set a nice price (giving the fact that they can afford it)... players will try to win the match just to get better payout.

                          -Make it so any game forfits don't count + squad funds last longer.


                          1) This could give incentive to play both pub (to collect money + donate to squad fund) + twd (as players will be happy to be rewarded based on the rates captains set it at).

                          2) Captains/ assistants have greater control over their squad

                          3) Money isn't created.

                          4)If squads manage to somehow cheat- they will be pretty much stealing money off their own captain/ assistants.... they might as well just ask their captain/ assistant for free money.
                          Last edited by Fork; 04-21-2014, 02:40 PM.
                          1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                          • #14
                            Demonic and other Council members,
                            I concur with the idea of removing TWD as being the basis of other leagues. But IMO having a foundational squad has benefits at many levels including capturing those who want to simply hook back up with online friends which they haven’t spoken to in some time. So remove roster limits and allow squads to form anyway they desire; these are available 24/7/365. Pickup games, of any kind, could be allowed at any time. The results of these random games would not be tracked for any kind of league. (I mean who gives a shit about the records pickup games anyway? We currently have these random TWD games with god knows what lineups recording games stats that get periodically reset on some loosely understood methodology.) We want to keep the ability to form a organized pickup game for fun but TWD has basically lost any real meaning.

                            Apply things like roster limits, if desired, for each league, tournament, or event. TWD ceases to be the entity that feeds the other things. Make TWD a new, scheduled part of the annual leagues but make it more defined. TWL and TWD (or any other leagues) should not be run at the same time but pickup games can be played at any time.

                            Tying TWD, or any other league, to a system that ties in Pub play is an interesting idea. If we can come up with an idea that adds incentive, or rewards, Pub play by everyone than the zone will benefit. Perhaps this is a system that is optional, a way to encourage Pub play but not require it. In other words, figure out a way that a newly formed squad with less experienced users gets an advantage if their players play a large amount of Pub. Demonic describes one approach but there could be many other ways to make that happen. (Note: when discussing things from the ‘top down’ it is best to avoid too much details. Anyone can throw rocks at any idea; the key here is to understand the objectives and not get tangled up in details.)

                            One on a final note, Pub needs to decide what it wants to be. The one thing we have prove is that it is VERY hard to be all things to all people. IF the desire is to try to make pub a place where new players and older player co-exist, then something HAS to be done to keep it in balance. Wed can’t allow it to become too much a noob arena nor can we allow it to become too complex and rich with features that puts new players at a distinct disadvantage. The key to this is to find a way to get feedback from new players since Pub has for too long been filled with ‘ideas’ from existing players seeking to make what THEY think is better fun.


                            • #15

                              The main problem with this is: since it is not possible to spend money on the game where you earn it this way you will have people hoarding masses of it and forcing another reset or spending it in pub and ruin gameplay with it. Should find a way to involve the bux like buy an extra death or an extra minute for the game/match.

