What would we gain by acquiring this particular forum? I'm not being rhetorical or sarcastic ehther I am interested because I would want to know what the pros and cons were before investing another penny into this game. I learned from tw staff not to trust my money in the hands of the people running this game. However, if the reasoning is legit and we actually have something to gain as a community other than just plain nostalgia and a place where not everybody yet knows how annoying cheese is, then I could potentially start footing the bill by myself. I just need more/better reasons than just saving a download site that nobody even uses anymore and a lp ticket system run by inactives. Would taking the reigns from polix do us any real good?
On a side note if this 9th newbie is really a staff trainer this zone is in serious trouble. Stop practicing pointless equal opportunity for minorities to justify your outdated racism policy
On a side note if this 9th newbie is really a staff trainer this zone is in serious trouble. Stop practicing pointless equal opportunity for minorities to justify your outdated racism policy