I don't care if the res is capped or not. Usage limit is good. Intentionally trying to destroy someones rank is for some reason way easier now than in the past. Hard to monitor, people can deal with it.
Some thoughts:
1. WB area could be made smaller, refer to #vortex (this what it used to be before they changed the wb part because there were too many people playing. we dont have that problem now. the change isn't exactly big (literally)
2. make it reset every 2-3 months instead of just 1
bot & website
1. put some text at the end of the ranking site that explains these acronyms
2. instead of medals, let's think about achievements. probably in the end it would be nice to have 1 profile where you can check medals, achievements, twl scores etc. for all leagues in the same place. anyway achievements:
-highest kills in a single elim per reset
-win/games ratio
-k/d ratio
-a picture of 2pacz if you spec for rec
-kills/games/etc. want to promote activity
-avg kills per 20 games (banzi comes to mind who averaged 17+)
basically, the rating shouldn't be the only thing you can shoot for
i have always loved elim, never been number 1 tho. Best i got was #3 or #4 me and burnt had an intense battle. the problem with the rating system is that it was better for my rating to go 8-2 vs a few newbies rather than going 25-10 vs a mix of good and bad people. this is why i'm suggesting achievement stuff.
oh and great work. stop killing me so much!
1. The only stat that people need explained in greater detail was the rating, and we are on that right now. bkgmjo is going to have a text box appear when you hover over the rating. Was there another stat that needed elaboration?
2. Achievements are difficult for staff to monitor because we don't have the coding power to have it automated. Meaning, we'd have to manually check and see if you accomplished the achievement. If its a numbers achievement like 500 kill 1000 kill milestones, its manageable. I'm giving out medals that need to be defended for categories other than top rating. I will have the names on the arena for each category. If KOs or streaks should be included, we will consider it. Rating and K/D are too similar, one person will likely win both.
I don't care if the res is capped or not. Usage limit is good. Intentionally trying to destroy someones rank is for some reason way easier now than in the past. Hard to monitor, people can deal with it.
Some thoughts:
1. WB area could be made smaller, refer to #vortex (this what it used to be before they changed the wb part because there were too many people playing. we dont have that problem now. the change isn't exactly big (literally)
2. make it reset every 2-3 months instead of just 1
bot & website
1. put some text at the end of the ranking site that explains these acronyms
2. instead of medals, let's think about achievements. probably in the end it would be nice to have 1 profile where you can check medals, achievements, twl scores etc. for all leagues in the same place. anyway achievements:
-highest kills in a single elim per reset
-win/games ratio
-k/d ratio
-a picture of 2pacz if you spec for rec
-kills/games/etc. want to promote activity
-avg kills per 20 games (banzi comes to mind who averaged 17+)
basically, the rating shouldn't be the only thing you can shoot for
i have always loved elim, never been number 1 tho. Best i got was #3 or #4 me and burnt had an intense battle. the problem with the rating system is that it was better for my rating to go 8-2 vs a few newbies rather than going 25-10 vs a mix of good and bad people. this is why i'm suggesting achievement stuff.
oh and great work. stop killing me so much!
I don't spec for rec, donno where this guy is pullin new ideas from, guy obsessed with me.
Your name will be in the arena! That's good enough
With the new update on twd profiles, I cant help but feel you should reconsider permanent medals. If your going to add medals to it, why take the time to remove them? if it became too cluttered, could we not adapt some system like the profile page of twd squads where it has TWLD - 3 TWLJ - 2 ...blah blah blah. I cant help but feel this Permanent feature would only attract more elim players for longer periods of time. I think accumulating more medals as opposed to retaining 1 would entice people for the long haul.
Another note, have we established a set time/date/cutoff/standard/arena/format for elim playoffs? I really like how mythril called people out in TWEL about playing baddies to get higher ratings. I feel we should take this into consideration with elim. You can decipher who's doing the same in elim as twel by checking the ave killed rating. Just a thought.
1:waven> u challenge
1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary
Originally posted by MHz
Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.
With the new update on twd profiles, I cant help but feel you should reconsider permanent medals. If your going to add medals to it, why take the time to remove them? if it became too cluttered, could we not adapt some system like the profile page of twd squads where it has TWLD - 3 TWLJ - 2 ...blah blah blah. I cant help but feel this Permanent feature would only attract more elim players for longer periods of time. I think accumulating more medals as opposed to retaining 1 would entice people for the long haul.
Another note, have we established a set time/date/cutoff/standard/arena/format for elim playoffs? I really like how mythril called people out in TWEL about playing baddies to get higher ratings. I feel we should take this into consideration with elim. You can decipher who's doing the same in elim as twel by checking the ave killed rating. Just a thought.
Yea, I see your point with TWEL but elim isn't like TWEL. TWEL is structured as 1v1 so you know exactly who you play before you begin. Elim is open to all players who enter the arena at the time. If the players are following the rules and are playing during the dead of night, that's fine by my books. The way I see it, it keeps elim activity going even during the late hours. Any player has the opportunity to be in a game with the turtlers, unlike TWEL.