Maybe this was brought up in another thread but I don't have time to read the entire forums. Has anyone given any thought to a massive name/squad reset? I'm sure some of these newbies will try to enter with their desired names and get frustrated when they are all taken. I think it would be a good idea if the name hoarder morons on chat nn2 don't take all of them.
I've been incredibly inactive due to a new baby and the zone sucking hard nowadays. I'll try to show up occasionally and help out any newbies even though I hate TW staff. With the launch of the game on Steam is there anything I need to do different or do I just enter the zone as usual with my copy of installed Continuum?
I've been incredibly inactive due to a new baby and the zone sucking hard nowadays. I'll try to show up occasionally and help out any newbies even though I hate TW staff. With the launch of the game on Steam is there anything I need to do different or do I just enter the zone as usual with my copy of installed Continuum?