No there hasn't been much changes to pub in years... Apart from spacebux and buy system which would have worked well had there been items that's worth buying (doesn't ruin basing) which there hasn't been. These old players who are stuck in 1998-2002 annoy me when they think restoring settings to that era will get the population going again. It won't at all! I bet my life on it.
Well the problem is back in 1998-2002 online gaming was a new experience (not many online games out there) and the concept of online gaming appealed more to players than what pub had to offer= rise in the number of players. Pub could have been anything back then and still found people enjoying themselves from the weird experience of chatting to players\ killing them in an online game. Forward to today, there are so many online games out there that new players are used to this wierd concept (that you could play online with people) that was present in 1998 and instead look at quality of gameplay. Pubs gameplay isn't that good due to the lack of competition\ you win a round of pub- then what? There is no goals\ no incentive to keep constantly winning rounds... Noone gives a dam if you play well or kill 5 in a row... So how can you expect new players to enjoy this???
We need leaders who are focused on the future and not the past or tradition if we want to really newbies to stay online because atm pub is boring the shit out of them. Problem is, it won't ever happen so naturally the population will decline unless a new client is released improving the gameplay in pub.
Well the problem is back in 1998-2002 online gaming was a new experience (not many online games out there) and the concept of online gaming appealed more to players than what pub had to offer= rise in the number of players. Pub could have been anything back then and still found people enjoying themselves from the weird experience of chatting to players\ killing them in an online game. Forward to today, there are so many online games out there that new players are used to this wierd concept (that you could play online with people) that was present in 1998 and instead look at quality of gameplay. Pubs gameplay isn't that good due to the lack of competition\ you win a round of pub- then what? There is no goals\ no incentive to keep constantly winning rounds... Noone gives a dam if you play well or kill 5 in a row... So how can you expect new players to enjoy this???
We need leaders who are focused on the future and not the past or tradition if we want to really newbies to stay online because atm pub is boring the shit out of them. Problem is, it won't ever happen so naturally the population will decline unless a new client is released improving the gameplay in pub.