We need a new rule where upper staff informs mods to stop captaining newbies in ?go base who have no idea who is good and who isn't.
Every day there's 20-30 people in ?go base and you see a really fun and competitive game or two, then some idiot named IKeelU or some shit yells CAP!, adds 8 of the worst possible people, and it turns into a 10-0 snorefest where the mod is then forced to kill the game halfway but by then it's too late, the momentum is gone, and the arena is down to 11 people with 4 in !np and base is dead.
Just now some idiot named IDontShoot took cap, and I realize after my first pick of M_M God this guy is a complete moron, so I try to pick the least talented people but it's already too late, and I have to not pick people who actually like base and are good like squallFF8 in the hopes he takes him (he doesn't), and we end up with Stayon and squallFF8 unpicked in spec (two talented, active basers who should be in) in an 8v8 that turns into a complete joke and ?go base dies.
Could you imagine a system of government where the first person who yells "President!" becomes president? Why are mods seemingly obligated to pick whoever yells "Cap!" first? That's so fucking stupid, it negatively impacts the other 14 people in the game and produces shitty gameplay.
The best games the past few weeks have been the hosted events by Markmrw when he caps Commodo and Stayon for multiple games in a row.
Stop forcing (or letting) mods captain newbies. If they don't know who can base and who can't, here is a good cheat sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing
Almost everyone 7 and above is a good candidate.
?go base requires consistent forward momentum to not die, and it is the hardest thing to get going and sustain, and it's incredibly stupid to kill it after all that effort with terrible newbie captains. Even with good caps basing is a fickle mistress and doesn't always produce great games.
Please, for the love of god, fix this.
Every day there's 20-30 people in ?go base and you see a really fun and competitive game or two, then some idiot named IKeelU or some shit yells CAP!, adds 8 of the worst possible people, and it turns into a 10-0 snorefest where the mod is then forced to kill the game halfway but by then it's too late, the momentum is gone, and the arena is down to 11 people with 4 in !np and base is dead.
Just now some idiot named IDontShoot took cap, and I realize after my first pick of M_M God this guy is a complete moron, so I try to pick the least talented people but it's already too late, and I have to not pick people who actually like base and are good like squallFF8 in the hopes he takes him (he doesn't), and we end up with Stayon and squallFF8 unpicked in spec (two talented, active basers who should be in) in an 8v8 that turns into a complete joke and ?go base dies.
Could you imagine a system of government where the first person who yells "President!" becomes president? Why are mods seemingly obligated to pick whoever yells "Cap!" first? That's so fucking stupid, it negatively impacts the other 14 people in the game and produces shitty gameplay.
The best games the past few weeks have been the hosted events by Markmrw when he caps Commodo and Stayon for multiple games in a row.
Stop forcing (or letting) mods captain newbies. If they don't know who can base and who can't, here is a good cheat sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing
Almost everyone 7 and above is a good candidate.
?go base requires consistent forward momentum to not die, and it is the hardest thing to get going and sustain, and it's incredibly stupid to kill it after all that effort with terrible newbie captains. Even with good caps basing is a fickle mistress and doesn't always produce great games.
Please, for the love of god, fix this.