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Stop Capping Newbies in ?go base

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  • Stop Capping Newbies in ?go base

    We need a new rule where upper staff informs mods to stop captaining newbies in ?go base who have no idea who is good and who isn't.

    Every day there's 20-30 people in ?go base and you see a really fun and competitive game or two, then some idiot named IKeelU or some shit yells CAP!, adds 8 of the worst possible people, and it turns into a 10-0 snorefest where the mod is then forced to kill the game halfway but by then it's too late, the momentum is gone, and the arena is down to 11 people with 4 in !np and base is dead.

    Just now some idiot named IDontShoot took cap, and I realize after my first pick of M_M God this guy is a complete moron, so I try to pick the least talented people but it's already too late, and I have to not pick people who actually like base and are good like squallFF8 in the hopes he takes him (he doesn't), and we end up with Stayon and squallFF8 unpicked in spec (two talented, active basers who should be in) in an 8v8 that turns into a complete joke and ?go base dies.

    Could you imagine a system of government where the first person who yells "President!" becomes president? Why are mods seemingly obligated to pick whoever yells "Cap!" first? That's so fucking stupid, it negatively impacts the other 14 people in the game and produces shitty gameplay.

    The best games the past few weeks have been the hosted events by Markmrw when he caps Commodo and Stayon for multiple games in a row.

    Stop forcing (or letting) mods captain newbies. If they don't know who can base and who can't, here is a good cheat sheet:

    Almost everyone 7 and above is a good candidate.

    ?go base requires consistent forward momentum to not die, and it is the hardest thing to get going and sustain, and it's incredibly stupid to kill it after all that effort with terrible newbie captains. Even with good caps basing is a fickle mistress and doesn't always produce great games.

    Please, for the love of god, fix this.
    top 100 basers list

  • #2
    I'd be the first to say that this goes against the entire point of ?go base... but that's an obsolete mindset. Starting base is a precarious thing now, usually starts under-populated and people show up when they see ~12-14 people in the arena. That first game is critical, its gotta be good and get people fired up for a rematch.

    So the only real argument against your idea is that these caps wouldn't pick newbies, but I think anyone who has been playing base recently knows the opposite is true. In fact we might have more newbies filling lines now than we did at the heights of ?go base.

    Basically your idea would increase the quality of ?go base matches and reduce dud captains while not really preventing newbies from getting into the game, and there's no reason this shouldn't be at least an unofficial policy, if not straight up a new guideline.

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #3
      This is actually the whole problem of this game. We have the good players (majority) who want good quality games that forces them to play well, and you have newbies (minority). How do you mix these two together? For as long as i remember (back in 2004-2005 when the leagues were at its prime), we also had shitty games. I honestly think the games played now in go base, even if they are rare, are way better than what we used to have when we had a peak of players. Therefore, Is it by enforcing a rule that we should contain the amount of new players who get captain? This is a solution that was never accepted in the past decade because

      1) Staffers who can start go base are not basing oriented and creates friction between staffers
      2) I personally think there is a way to help those new captains pick decent people.
      3) Even if you put oldies who know the players, you sometimes get 10-0 games (ex: Tiny gets cap and jav himself and sucks the whole game. Sorry Tiny, you're the best example atm) and this is not new, cuz it happened before and always will.

      My biggest point is the #2 where i think, personally as a new staff member, i can make a difference and this should help integrate newbies to base games.


      • #4
        Veterans add newbies all the time, it's extremely rare there is anyone sitting, anyway. It's the ability to add a proportionate number, or adding the best available player each turn so it balances out. Most elite basers want a competitive match. Competitive doesn't mean only 8+ star players in, it means a relative balance of strength on both sides, and you need to be good or at least an active baser to do this and know which ships to play people in.

        You're not helping newbies by letting them cap and killing base -- they don't get to practice since the game dies quicker, and they don't get to see veterans adding good people in order and figuring out how to cap later on once they're better acclimated
        top 100 basers list


        • #5
          Lol this game man ... i guess i cant cap or play im just a 6star baser baby!


          • #6
            Maybe someone else should !cap.
            3:kyler> who r u btw i keep wanting to ask people "who is 45th pres" but someone gonna say "trump"
            3:45th President> do it
            kyler> who is 45th President
            nah> donald j trump

            Downfall> Shoutout to forwards for randomly giving gunsmith results that made no sense and just made things harder

            Jacklyn> holster is the thing that holds/carry the gun


            • #7
              maybe make caps earn elo for games won, and caps will always try to make the best teams. kind of a fantasy league, to see which caps gets the most wins. i guess this could be detailed out. Some players would have interest in this simply because winning does not require to be in yourself. You can coach your team from spec and handle subs. IMO ?go base could become more competitive like this, and new talents discovered easier. and it might bring forth good dt caps also.


              • #8
                adding a rating system of sorts would definitely not hurt as players tend to try harder when there is more on the line.


                • #9
                  More often than not, it's people refusing to !cap that kills base.
                  8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by raizin View Post
                    More often than not, it's people refusing to !cap that kills base.
                    This is true, lots of ppl just leave because people lack initiative to cap
                    if we can only cap a limited amount of players i bet it will get even harder to get a game of base going
                    Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


                    • #11
                      This is true though. it's more of a problem with the actual players refuse to cap but they know what a good team should be because they are lazy and love to be picked first to satisfy their ego.

                      ?go base beeing competitive? it was never meant to be competitive. Furthermore, do you see more ppl in elim since the new rating system was done? No, so that's certainly not the problem.


                      • #12
                        I'm not completely clued up about the ?go base event but i take it its not an automated event like javduel. If this is the case then the staff hosting it should pick experienced basers as captains- but what if those experienced players refuse to cap it while newbies (like me) are spamming "make me cap instead"?

                        At the start:

                        1) Should staff ask those decent players if they want to be cap?

                        2) Automatically cap the best basers? If those caps refuse to add- then cap the next best baser?

                        3) Let captains pick 3 players and staff pick the rest?

                        4) Or simply let staff pick all the players and make it fair?

                        TBH i think staff should just pick the players (option 4) because I can imagine only just enough players show up so everyone will be added anyway so its about spliting it so its not completely one sided.
                        1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                        • #13
                          seems to me that it wasn't long ago that "claushouse" was the no-skill newbie trying to get into a ?go base game but failing, surely you can understand the newbie's frustration?
                          7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                          Duel Pasta> great
                          Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                          Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                          TWLB Champion Season 12
                          TWLJ Champion Season 11
                          TWLB All-Star Season 10
                          Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Voth View Post
                            seems to me that it wasn't long ago that "claushouse" was the no-skill newbie trying to get into a ?go base game but failing, surely you can understand the newbie's frustration?

                            one, don't airquote me and talk down to me when you've never been good or relevant in TWLB.

                            two, newbies don't have trouble getting into ?go base games, they get added 90% of the time. it's not an issue. the issue is who is captaining the teams. you should step into ?go base sometime, you'll get added 90% of the time.
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #15
                              choo choo

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion

