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Psychotic Shit From Shadowmere/Board Documented!

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  • Psychotic Shit From Shadowmere/Board Documented!

    So, I quoted (with quotes!) a rap album title. A famous one, too. In an existing conversation about rap music. Then shadowmere silenced me for 6 hours:

    I then put a complaint, to clarify this extreme behavior. I get a response from "Board", which I assume is still shadowmere, claiming that 360minutes is NOT 6 hours. Psychotic:

    The psychopath power-tripper realizes his mistake, and goes on to CLOSE my forum post, CLOSE the help request, and then PMs me in game, "fixing" the obviously violent unreasonable verdict, as if my public complaint was not the reason for this shameful reneging:

    This is self-evident mod abuse. The guy violently punishes me wrongly, only to then change it after I publicly argue against him. Winning, even in his eyes, this issue!!! EVEN THE PSYCHO KNOWS HE'S ABUSIVE!!!

    Mods should only be ACTIVE players, that actually PLAY. Not psycho powertrippers that sit with a hardon all day long, waiting for players to talk about normal daily shit like music.
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    ♪ ♫
    "If I call you a **g**, ain't nothing to it. Gangsta rap made me do it." ♫ ♪ ♪ 𝕿𝕳𝖀𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝕱𝕰

  • #2
    Dear Staff,
    The n word is not racist. Saying only black people can say it is racist. Saying nobody can say it is tyrannical.
    Stop trying to control what people say. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


    • #3
      It's a little more benign than all that. Here's what happens on the staff side of things:
      • Someone says something in our list of "100% TRIGGERED" words.
      • A bot sends an automatic ?cheater call.
      • A moderator takes the call. In this particular case, probably no mods were available, so Shadowmere took the call.
      • Chat is reviewed (when possible) for any mitigating context. There are a few contexts in which saying certain words is technically not exactly racist, such as in this case. Nevertheless, racist language isn't allowed in TW, as a matter of policy. (If you want to put forward a proposal for changing that, going into detail about why it's not important to police racist language, we can have a community discussion about it. Could be pretty healthy.)
      • For moderators taking a cheater call, we have a ban manual. When you take the call, you basically just follow the manual. This means you tend to err less on the side of context and more just on enforcing a system of rules that may or may not be just. But, again, regardless of whether a law is just, law enforcement in any organization are supposed to enforce those laws. The question of justice, of right and wrong, comes down to the policy side, and that's the side that we all can and do influence, by talking about what the rules of the zone should be. That's a conversation we should always be having. Generally people are less interested in trying to change anything and more interested in some kind of drama that keeps us from screaming into the void of the inevitability of death for a few hours, though.
      • If a "soft ban" is applied (silence or ship-lock), it's done in a certain order of events. If you have a prior ban on record for the same thing, your next ban is larger, basically. (Remember when TW used to hard-ban, sometimes for days at a time, for racism? Strange times)
      • The moderator comments the ban, and one or both Ban Ops (Head and Asst, which are currently Board and Raizin, as you can see here: ) review the ban to make sure it was enforced fairly. They're generally the ones that make the more nuanced calls on ban fairness, and have much more leeway in interpreting the ban regulations in specific cases, such as yours.
      • If there's an appeal, such as the one you made, this is basically just asking for the Ban Ops to look it over a little more carefully. That's what Board did, and he decided that in this case, your ban was a bit heavy. Nonetheless, you'd have a hard time saying you weren't trying to be provocative. (No doubt, no doubt. You gotta come provocative, n****! This shit gotta be spine tinglin' with mad thousand, crazy, dangerous, I mean.... bust this shit open beats!) There was a conversation going about the n-word in chat, and from what I can tell (it might not be the case) you basically inserted a non-sequitur about the Nas album with the changed name more as a commentary about racist terms than as part of any conversation about rap music, seeing if you could get away with it, and if not, if you could then get softbanned for it and get some martyr points. Correct me if I'm way off base there; that's just my read of it. But there's no reason that you couldn't say N***** or the like, as has been done for ages. Fun fact: some New Zealand newspapers still do this for words like "damn." Point is, you gotta admit that you were deliberately testing what you could and couldn't say in a given context, and nobody really buys that you were just having a normal conversation with Manco about rap music. Because Manco doesn't have normal conversations, and he hates rap (but probably not as much as he hates black people).

      The n word is not racist. Saying only black people can say it is racist. Saying nobody can say it is tyrannical.
      I don't think it's unanimously agreed that the n-word is not racist, especially in the US, where it has a lot of history. But, again, worth having a discussion about. We don't do race checks, so we don't say, "Oh, you're black ... you can use it." And law is a bit tyrannical, it's true; it's the occasional tyranny we agree to for the sake of order. If you want to modify the form of the tyranny, such as allowing people to use racial epithets to refer to one another, potentially marginalizing those who take great offense to that kind of language, we should open up a dialogue. It might be the best way for the zone to go. I'm personally a little dubious, at least initially, but I'm open to considering pretty much any argument on any subject.
      "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
      -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


      • #4
        *opens dialogue*

        Proposal for replacement moderator playbook on this matter:

        Step 1. Determine if the player is a card-carrying KKK member.
        - IF YES: Ban
        - IF NO: Get over it.

        (this is a mildly amusing way of saying 99% of n-word usage isn't malicious, so quit policing it)



        • #5
          Originally posted by qan View Post
          (No doubt, no doubt. You gotta come provocative, n****! This shit gotta be spine tinglin' with mad thousand, crazy, dangerous, I mean.... bust this shit open beats!) There was a conversation going about the n-word in chat, and from what I can tell (it might not be the case) you basically inserted a non-sequitur about the Nas album with the changed name more as a commentary about racist terms than as part of any conversation about rap music, seeing if you could get away with it, and if not, if you could then get softbanned for it and get some martyr points. Correct me if I'm way off base there; that's just my read of it. But there's no reason that you couldn't say N***** or the like, as has been done for ages. Fun fact: some New Zealand newspapers still do this for words like "damn." Point is, you gotta admit that you were deliberately testing what you could and couldn't say in a given context, and nobody really buys that you were just having a normal conversation with Manco about rap music. Because Manco doesn't have normal conversations, and he hates rap (but probably not as much as he hates black people).
          Cracked me up :laugh:

          Look, nobody plays SS for more than a few days without having an IQ 110 or higher. There's two crushing premises that make for an argument to fix this up, meaningfully:

          ONE, as Rab said, if the speech doesn't have a victim - is not an actual assault, then it shouldn't be punished. THIS IS AKIN TO PUNISHING WEED SMOKERS.

          TWO, if you're going to police racist slander against Africans, then you MUST police racist slander against ALL OTHER PEOPLE. I'm a Jew, not religious, and the amount of Jew hate is top notch - I mean overwhelming! But it is not at all policed. That is exactly the definition of racism; when not all peoples get equal treatment.

          I get the image that this n-word nonsense is strongly related to being on Steam. Alas, Steam was a failure, and still is a failure. Also, nobody really cares... Google about Steam mods. They're hateful and suck, powertrippers. So, this SAFE SPACE retardation is unsuitable, offensive to the rest of us without mod power, and boring and lame; in a game where chat is 99% of the purpose.

          Public discussion? I think we've all seen and heard enough, about this topic. Mods should NOT err on the side of ruining the game for the players, ever.
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          ♪ ♫
          "If I call you a **g**, ain't nothing to it. Gangsta rap made me do it." ♫ ♪ ♪ 𝕿𝕳𝖀𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝕱𝕰


          • #6
            This sadly ALL started from me saying in the pub chat, "Why is the player "tiger the ***" not banned?" (MANY other players agreed with me) Then some slick ass player named "Glitch Doctor" told me to, "Stfu newbie, staff have better things to do." LOL. All I said to that moron was, "Please elaborate what "better" things staff have to do in a DEAD game?." Okay I know I triggered you staffers with that, especially Shadowmere because I got a instant PM from him and the dude even silenced me for saying a players name.. "tiger the ***". And that was what the exact warning. Shadowmere my friend, you are a faggot with power. Nobody likes you. NOBODY in pub even said anything racist to be silenced that day, especially Reel. You hate Reel point blank period. But you let fucking BLACKLIVESMATTER and tiger the *** play around in pub all day talking and being annoying but I can't private message whatsup my "***" to my *** in a PRIVATE message? LOL. Game is dead, quit abusing players and fuck that rule. Freedom of speech. Even if the word was allowed only idiots would use it in a racist way and those same idiots who come in and troll the game so it would help the game because you can BAN those IDIOTS, not Reel and I. -Catch ya in Pub.


            • #7
              The real question here is, how the fk are board and raizin even relevant? If i got banned by one of them newbs i'd just never log on tw again, due to shame and disrespect to elderly "aka my self". Fkn kids "back in my day we walked 6 miles up hill in 3 feet of snow to school and we called black people what they call them selfs and are ni**az" and other White people didnt make a big deal about.


              • #8
                quality assurance at its finest lollllllll dfkm...thats a title u get when u do absolutely 0 but want to remain in power to be a mallcop so what do u expect at this point in 2016
                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                • #9
                  Now, after a delayed and planned revenge by these violent psychopaths, I got a 24-silence warning if I "repeat" any offense; even though I made no offense this time, and their own actions prove it. This is disgusting abuse. I request any supervising mod/admin to remove this threat, and stop this insanity.

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                  ♪ ♫
                  "If I call you a **g**, ain't nothing to it. Gangsta rap made me do it." ♫ ♪ ♪ 𝕿𝕳𝖀𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝕱𝕰


                  • #10
                    The best way to put a stop to this nonsense, is to stop being racist. Looking up your history, you have a problem using the N word, and in one instance making a Racial Alias that almost got you zone banned.

                    Qan laid it out plain and simple and Board is following that procedure.

                    There are instances where we work with people, we lower bans or dont ban at all. Then there is you, repeat offender, who do this to troll and make a big deal about it on forums.

                    The best way to put a stop to this nonsense, is to stop being racist.
                    8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                    • #11
                      raizin, your argument that comedy is racist is ignorant and offensive to any sensible person.

                      Do you go to stand up shows and tell off comedians for being offensive? Do you attack your friends for making offensive jokes? Do you never tell offensive jokes?

                      In SubSpace, if we can't laugh together, we can't play together. That's a basic rule. Even little boys know that.

                      Obviously, you raizin, and your fellow power-tripping mongers shadow and board don't play with anyone. You play people. Psychotic fascists.

                      ALEX JONES
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                      ♪ ♫
                      "If I call you a **g**, ain't nothing to it. Gangsta rap made me do it." ♫ ♪ ♪ 𝕿𝕳𝖀𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝕱𝕰


                      • #12
                        Not true. Since i have become a BanOp, there are many calls and reports that comes in. Board and myself have tried to make it so we specifically AREN'T banning everyone for everything. But at some point the community needs to work with us.

                        Until there is that conversation of lifting words, i would suggest the following:

                        Stop being racist.
                        8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                        • #13
                          Nobody is racist, that's retarded. NOBODY. It's 2016 in a 20 year old space shooter game. It's ludicrous that you littledicks actually lie to yourselves that you're PROTECTING someone from RACISM, when it's all jokes and nobody cares. HERO COMPLEX.

                          If you think humor can't be offensive, then you have no place as a moderator of any group. Can't even moderate your own mind.
                          Read me at
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                          ♪ ♫
                          "If I call you a **g**, ain't nothing to it. Gangsta rap made me do it." ♫ ♪ ♪ 𝕿𝕳𝖀𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝕱𝕰


                          • #14
                            It's ludicrous that in THE CURRENT YEAR, on a 20 year old space ship game, someone can't refrain from going 1 day without using the N word, knowing the consequences.

                            It's a simple suggestion i gave you. You can choose to listen to it or not. The choice is yours.
                            8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by raizin View Post
                              It's ludicrous that in THE CURRENT YEAR, on a 20 year old space ship game, someone can't refrain from going 1 day without using the N word, knowing the consequences.
                              It's ludicrous that in THE CURRENT YEAR, on a 20 year old space ship game, staff can't let the players do what they want in terms of the chat buffer. You're imposing silences and bans on a dying community, essentially fanning the flame. I'm curious whether the racism rule was kept JUST so mods and others can reach their staff quota - which in itself is bullshit and should only be applied to event referees. Get a grip tw staff - stop killing your zone.

