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Proposal for Steam Relaunch

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  • Proposal for Steam Relaunch


    Ixa here to throw out some ideas that I've bounced around with others and got a general consensus that they're good enough to post here, so here I am! With relaunch I am guessing we'll be getting new players (hopefully) and a streamlined experience is paramount for revitalizing the zone. Here is what me and my colleagues have come up with.

    1. No more automated !tutorial messages when players enter zone. This is awful and painfully annoying to newcomers and it only gets worse when you try to turn it off. Instead lets make it so a new player enters the zone and just plays. If a mod has a moment to talk to the new player, they can PM the player "Hi. Welcome to TW! If you want to learn more about the game, type into public chat !tuitorial. If you are finished, press F6? to turn them back off. If you have more questions, please feel free to write me back by typing :: (you'll see my name) put text after that and press enter to send it. Thank you! Have a nice day!" You get the idea. Basically, no auto tutorial. Mods can help newcomers with turning it on/off and anything else they need, which is probably nothing those first few logs, most newcomers just want to shoot stuff.

    2.Removal of PUB. In place of PUB, WB ELIM to 10. No Javs/Spids/Lancs/Levs, just WB. This makes the game very appealing to newcomers. How simple is elim? Or learning wb? Just about every person who has played video games has played a form of death match at some point and understands how it works. New players log in and play until there is 1 player left. I was concerned about this at first because say 40 players are playing elim to 10 and !late entries have passed. Have a mini arena in Elim for those in spectator to spawn into and play, just like the "Practice Arena" we already have in Elim. Players will be encouraged to try others arenas like ?go Base ?go Duel (for dueling w/pub bux too) ?go Tourny ?go duel2 ?go TWJD ?go TWDD. Encourage those in Elim to get comfortable with changing arenas to duel or base is a good thing for the future. I think ?go javduel and ?go wbduel shall be removed all together. As much as I love wbduel (my god I love wbduel..) I think for longevity of the zone, we need it to be removed. The idea here is newcomers/pubbers will get more comfortable and become leaguers, creating more dd's, jd's and bd's. Recap: Remove PUB completely. Players spawn into WB Elim to 10. Late entries can play in practice arena. Mods can provide zones to respected arena's like ?go base ?go duel ?go tourny.

    3. A. Bring back 80 Hour Elim. This is our ranking system in a sense. Once you hit 80 hours of elim, you can no longer play in normal elim, like in the days of old. This gives incentive for new players to work towards while also removing veterans from stomping on newbies. Its a win win. 80 hour Elim should have bonus's in pub bux or be ranked with seasons to keep new and old players engaged.

    4. Simplify the Squadjoin/Squad Creation system. I touched on this prior and just want to reiterate what I am thinking. New players should only have to go to, make a profile and apply to a squad. Its simple and everyone can do it as most of us have facebook/twitter/instagram nowadays. Another note here, is squads will advertise what there focus is in. So say I make a squad "Jar Jar". I make a chat for it, give it a shiny banner and put what my squads preference league will be. "Jar Jar" Primary league: WB. Newplayers looking for a squad can see my squad has a little WB emblem next to it, so they know "Hey, thats a WB squad". This gives newplayers to my squad as well as players already in my squad, what to expect from each other. Now say "Jar Jar" wants to be good and go for 2 leagues. I'll have 2 emblems next to my squad, JAV/WB. Squads should only have a Primary league of 2 to minimize confusion. Now I got my squad set up, I got my chat and our area of expertise. Last thing is make a short description of what the squad is, then when I am done, I hit "Done" or whatever and my squad gets created.

    Ok that's it for now. I may add more to it later as I feel like I am forgetting something here but these are the main points I wanted to make. As a community we need to make some sacrifices. Pub will be missed but at the same time ?go base should take precedent. Along with Javduel and Wbduel, DD's and JD's should again be more bountiful. I just feel we need to make it super basic to get into, then gradually build players up at their own pace to become the player they want, not what we force them to be. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. Bye!


  • #2
    you are wasting your time
    the people holding the ss steam keys have never been willing to put in the work to do a job right, and are not willing to put in the work needed to make any changes
    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

    SSCJ Distension Owner
    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


    • #3
      I appreciate the time you've put into this....but no.

      Removing pub = probably removing over half of an already dwindling population.
      TWL-J Season 11 Champion
      TWL-J Season 21 Champion
      TWL-B Season 21 Champion
      TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
      TWDT-D 2017 Champion
      TWDT-J 2017 Champion


      • #4
        Don't remove the pub just have the new players get sent to elim first. Then if.
        noob123> what else is there to do on this game? You simply say "type ?go"

        Wb elim would be the best bet for new players to learn and hopefully stay. Reasons being.
        #1 it tells you the rules to game and its very simple.

        #2 the areana is small they wont get lost.


        #4 If they have a competitive bone in their body. They are gonna try and get good at it, and invest time into it. That's what you want right?

        #5 WB is the easiest ship to start out in.

        We tried pub out and the whole basing thing it failed very badly. Its to hard to learn. Kids these days are half retarded. They're not like us. And lets face it pub is a huge spam fest. Hard to even tell wtf is even going on.
        Last edited by olde; 06-01-2017, 12:58 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by olde View Post
          Don't remove the pub just have the new players get sent to elim first. Then if noob123> what else is there to do on this game. You simply say "type ?go"

          Wb elim would be the best bet for new players to learn and hopefully stay. Reasons being.
          #1 it tell you the rules to game.

          #2 the areana is small they wont get lost.


          #4 If that have a competitive bone in their body. They are gonna try and get good at it, and invest time.

          #5 WB is the easiest ship to start out in.

          We tried pub out and the whole basing thing it failed very badly. Its to hard to learn. Kids these days are half retarded. They not like us.
          Exactly. PUB could stay I suppose, I just thought it would be best to send players to BASE instead but either way, new players need to start in death match/elim in WB for reasons we both listed. Thank you for your input bro!

          EDIT: Just want to respond to Ricko here real fast. Elim could have a splash page with a list of places to ?go and mods on hand nearby to assist players. Our current pubber list is trivial like 10 faithfuls, if they leave for a massive influx of Steam players for changes that will make the zone better, they won't be missed. It takes less than a second to type ?go (pub/base). If they can spam mines/warps/?buys they can type ?go (arena) easily and have no excuse in my opinion. Our focus is on the future of the game, not a few kids stuck in the past who can't do anything but play pub. They're the ones who ruin it for newcomers anyways, every day when I log on I see said people sharking with less than 10 in base or rocking levs/weasels again, when there is less than 10 people, ruining any fun to be had on top of respawning in base.. Did I mention trolling? If you were on more man, you'd see the numbers these days are pitiful and the zone needs to implement some changes at some point as the current system is very unwelcoming to newcomers. Anyways, thanks for reading my post. See ya.
          Last edited by IxaDor; 06-01-2017, 12:02 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ixador
            1. No more automated !tutorial messages when players enter zone. This is awful and painfully annoying to newcomers and it only gets worse when you try to turn it off. Instead lets make it so a new player enters the zone and just plays. If a mod has a moment to talk to the new player, they can PM the player "Hi. Welcome to TW! If you want to learn more about the game, type into public chat !tuitorial. If you are finished, press F6? to turn them back off. If you have more questions, please feel free to write me back by typing :: (you'll see my name) put text after that and press enter to send it. Thank you! Have a nice day!" You get the idea. Basically, no auto tutorial. Mods can help newcomers with turning it on/off and anything else they need, which is probably nothing those first few logs, most newcomers just want to shoot stuff.
            Thanks for the input. Most of these I replied to in the other thread, but did want to mention, we're working, slowly, on revamping this. It's at the moment a bit obtrusive, and honestly might drive people off. Hoping the new system will work. If anyone else also has ideas on how tutorials might be handled, with a focus on something that takes minimal effort (because otherwise it's just not going to get done) it could be a productive conversation, I think.

            Our current pubber list is trivial like 10 faithfuls, if they leave for a massive influx of Steam players for changes that will make the zone better, they won't be missed. It takes less than a second to type ?go (pub/base). If they can spam mines/warps/?buys they can type ?go (arena) easily and have no excuse in my opinion. Our focus is on the future of the game, not a few kids stuck in the past who can't do anything but play pub. They're the ones who ruin it for newcomers anyways, every day when I log on I see said people sharking with less than 10 in base or rocking levs/weasels again, when there is less than 10 people, ruining any fun to be had on top of respawning in base..
            Pretty condescending and not productive talk. You should spend a little more time in pub.

            Sending them to base is pretty unreasonable -- competitive basing play is out of reach of almost any new player for the forseeable future. They might be able to WB or even Jav if they practice hard for several months, but they'll never be chosen for base, for one, and if they are, they'll do so poorly they'll never be chosen again.

            Meanwhile, there are far more than 10 faithfuls in pub. There's a pretty large group of people, and many of them just play occasionally. The people who come back and pad the numbers are people who play once a week or once a month and just want to see that it's still going, relive some of the magic.

            The visibility rounds won't bring in a ton of new players. Hopefully quite a few, including some old players, but not a massive influx (500,000 impressions) like the launch.

            See the other thread for some ideas about why just dumping players into elim may not be the wisest choice, not immediately "changes that will make the zone better." It's a delicate ecosystem and it doesn't always respond well to change. I don't see how pushing players to elim first wouldn't kill pub. And it's worth mentioning that once pub is no longer played in TW, I also will be resigning, because I am one of those people you so ruthlessly declare to be "stuck in the past."
            "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
            -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


            • #7
              Qan you are tw's hero you can't resign dont let ixador bring you down!! He's just trying to brainstorm ideas, he pretty clueless as he only plays twdd.


              • #8
                Originally posted by olde View Post
                Qan you are tw's hero you can't resign dont let ixador bring you down!! He's just trying to brainstorm ideas, he pretty clueless as he only plays twdd.
                I do some bot stuff that not everyone's able or willing to, but I'm far from the only guy putting in serious hours to keep things afloat, heh.

                I don't have any intent of stepping down, but I do mean that: I think if pub ever dies (pub never dies!) TW will no longer exist in any meaningful sense. Maybe there really is no core. I just don't see a time when people will stop pubbing but other parts of the zone would exist. I've always been in it for pub and events, personally. Loved that stuff so much I spent a large part of my early to mid 20s coding event bots. Exciting. Hyper-competitive play can be great, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. I certainly didn't stick around because of that. I've heard some people say they played pub for 2 weeks and never looked back, something like that. I've played pub on and off for 17-18 years and still enjoy it. There are a lot of unexpected, strange, interesting moments to be had there. I can laugh, I can BS in pubchat, I can go for the crazy shark thrust-mine or run around in a Lanc without shooting anyone and still enjoy myself. Maybe it's for the more simple-minded? I'm happy to count myself among that group. To me pub has always been about making your own fun. That's why it's great. That's why it's always been far better than any kind of competitive play to me.
                "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
                -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


                • #9
                  Qan just summed up why pub is important very nicely - even if you don't like it there are still a good number of the population that does. When elim/twd are inactive pub always has a handful playing in it.

                  If another steam re-launch/whatever it's called these days happens and people did actually stick this time around (fingers crossed) there would naturally be a split between those who want to play casually (pub) and those who are more competitive (twd/twl), I don't think getting rid of one or the other is a good idea for the health and appeal of the game.
                  TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                  TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                  TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                  TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                  TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                  TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                  • #10
                    dunno what u guys r worrying about lol....poid has just informed me that the Quantam SuperGalactic Continuum project is being launched tonight at 8:00 pm EST


                    get in touch with the block for more details
                    1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                    1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                    Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                    Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                    Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.

