Ixa here to throw out some ideas that I've bounced around with others and got a general consensus that they're good enough to post here, so here I am! With relaunch I am guessing we'll be getting new players (hopefully) and a streamlined experience is paramount for revitalizing the zone. Here is what me and my colleagues have come up with.
1. No more automated !tutorial messages when players enter zone. This is awful and painfully annoying to newcomers and it only gets worse when you try to turn it off. Instead lets make it so a new player enters the zone and just plays. If a mod has a moment to talk to the new player, they can PM the player "Hi. Welcome to TW! If you want to learn more about the game, type into public chat !tuitorial. If you are finished, press F6? to turn them back off. If you have more questions, please feel free to write me back by typing :: (you'll see my name) put text after that and press enter to send it. Thank you! Have a nice day!" You get the idea. Basically, no auto tutorial. Mods can help newcomers with turning it on/off and anything else they need, which is probably nothing those first few logs, most newcomers just want to shoot stuff.
2.Removal of PUB. In place of PUB, WB ELIM to 10. No Javs/Spids/Lancs/Levs, just WB. This makes the game very appealing to newcomers. How simple is elim? Or learning wb? Just about every person who has played video games has played a form of death match at some point and understands how it works. New players log in and play until there is 1 player left. I was concerned about this at first because say 40 players are playing elim to 10 and !late entries have passed. Have a mini arena in Elim for those in spectator to spawn into and play, just like the "Practice Arena" we already have in Elim. Players will be encouraged to try others arenas like ?go Base ?go Duel (for dueling w/pub bux too) ?go Tourny ?go duel2 ?go TWJD ?go TWDD. Encourage those in Elim to get comfortable with changing arenas to duel or base is a good thing for the future. I think ?go javduel and ?go wbduel shall be removed all together. As much as I love wbduel (my god I love wbduel..) I think for longevity of the zone, we need it to be removed. The idea here is newcomers/pubbers will get more comfortable and become leaguers, creating more dd's, jd's and bd's. Recap: Remove PUB completely. Players spawn into WB Elim to 10. Late entries can play in practice arena. Mods can provide zones to respected arena's like ?go base ?go duel ?go tourny.
3. A. Bring back 80 Hour Elim. This is our ranking system in a sense. Once you hit 80 hours of elim, you can no longer play in normal elim, like in the days of old. This gives incentive for new players to work towards while also removing veterans from stomping on newbies. Its a win win. 80 hour Elim should have bonus's in pub bux or be ranked with seasons to keep new and old players engaged.
4. Simplify the Squadjoin/Squad Creation system. I touched on this prior and just want to reiterate what I am thinking. New players should only have to go to, make a profile and apply to a squad. Its simple and everyone can do it as most of us have facebook/twitter/instagram nowadays. Another note here, is squads will advertise what there focus is in. So say I make a squad "Jar Jar". I make a chat for it, give it a shiny banner and put what my squads preference league will be. "Jar Jar" Primary league: WB. Newplayers looking for a squad can see my squad has a little WB emblem next to it, so they know "Hey, thats a WB squad". This gives newplayers to my squad as well as players already in my squad, what to expect from each other. Now say "Jar Jar" wants to be good and go for 2 leagues. I'll have 2 emblems next to my squad, JAV/WB. Squads should only have a Primary league of 2 to minimize confusion. Now I got my squad set up, I got my chat and our area of expertise. Last thing is make a short description of what the squad is, then when I am done, I hit "Done" or whatever and my squad gets created.
Ok that's it for now. I may add more to it later as I feel like I am forgetting something here but these are the main points I wanted to make. As a community we need to make some sacrifices. Pub will be missed but at the same time ?go base should take precedent. Along with Javduel and Wbduel, DD's and JD's should again be more bountiful. I just feel we need to make it super basic to get into, then gradually build players up at their own pace to become the player they want, not what we force them to be. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. Bye!
Ixa here to throw out some ideas that I've bounced around with others and got a general consensus that they're good enough to post here, so here I am! With relaunch I am guessing we'll be getting new players (hopefully) and a streamlined experience is paramount for revitalizing the zone. Here is what me and my colleagues have come up with.
1. No more automated !tutorial messages when players enter zone. This is awful and painfully annoying to newcomers and it only gets worse when you try to turn it off. Instead lets make it so a new player enters the zone and just plays. If a mod has a moment to talk to the new player, they can PM the player "Hi. Welcome to TW! If you want to learn more about the game, type into public chat !tuitorial. If you are finished, press F6? to turn them back off. If you have more questions, please feel free to write me back by typing :: (you'll see my name) put text after that and press enter to send it. Thank you! Have a nice day!" You get the idea. Basically, no auto tutorial. Mods can help newcomers with turning it on/off and anything else they need, which is probably nothing those first few logs, most newcomers just want to shoot stuff.
2.Removal of PUB. In place of PUB, WB ELIM to 10. No Javs/Spids/Lancs/Levs, just WB. This makes the game very appealing to newcomers. How simple is elim? Or learning wb? Just about every person who has played video games has played a form of death match at some point and understands how it works. New players log in and play until there is 1 player left. I was concerned about this at first because say 40 players are playing elim to 10 and !late entries have passed. Have a mini arena in Elim for those in spectator to spawn into and play, just like the "Practice Arena" we already have in Elim. Players will be encouraged to try others arenas like ?go Base ?go Duel (for dueling w/pub bux too) ?go Tourny ?go duel2 ?go TWJD ?go TWDD. Encourage those in Elim to get comfortable with changing arenas to duel or base is a good thing for the future. I think ?go javduel and ?go wbduel shall be removed all together. As much as I love wbduel (my god I love wbduel..) I think for longevity of the zone, we need it to be removed. The idea here is newcomers/pubbers will get more comfortable and become leaguers, creating more dd's, jd's and bd's. Recap: Remove PUB completely. Players spawn into WB Elim to 10. Late entries can play in practice arena. Mods can provide zones to respected arena's like ?go base ?go duel ?go tourny.
3. A. Bring back 80 Hour Elim. This is our ranking system in a sense. Once you hit 80 hours of elim, you can no longer play in normal elim, like in the days of old. This gives incentive for new players to work towards while also removing veterans from stomping on newbies. Its a win win. 80 hour Elim should have bonus's in pub bux or be ranked with seasons to keep new and old players engaged.
4. Simplify the Squadjoin/Squad Creation system. I touched on this prior and just want to reiterate what I am thinking. New players should only have to go to, make a profile and apply to a squad. Its simple and everyone can do it as most of us have facebook/twitter/instagram nowadays. Another note here, is squads will advertise what there focus is in. So say I make a squad "Jar Jar". I make a chat for it, give it a shiny banner and put what my squads preference league will be. "Jar Jar" Primary league: WB. Newplayers looking for a squad can see my squad has a little WB emblem next to it, so they know "Hey, thats a WB squad". This gives newplayers to my squad as well as players already in my squad, what to expect from each other. Now say "Jar Jar" wants to be good and go for 2 leagues. I'll have 2 emblems next to my squad, JAV/WB. Squads should only have a Primary league of 2 to minimize confusion. Now I got my squad set up, I got my chat and our area of expertise. Last thing is make a short description of what the squad is, then when I am done, I hit "Done" or whatever and my squad gets created.
Ok that's it for now. I may add more to it later as I feel like I am forgetting something here but these are the main points I wanted to make. As a community we need to make some sacrifices. Pub will be missed but at the same time ?go base should take precedent. Along with Javduel and Wbduel, DD's and JD's should again be more bountiful. I just feel we need to make it super basic to get into, then gradually build players up at their own pace to become the player they want, not what we force them to be. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. Bye!