Originally posted by trancE tunes
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We need to draw a line
Ban this Primary dickhead. All he does is sit in pub and aids the chat up.
Racist <STAF> shut up Nope
Racist <STAF> henry better start training u motherfuckers properly
Racist <STAF> thats all i know
Racist <STAF> shoulda been Nope to u on staff
tomatemaster> !end
Materix> i heard primary got his name from when he dropped out
Racist <STAF> Materix sit in spec 42 and 49
Racist <STAF> and think of something better
Materix> what's 42 and 49
Racist <STAF> thanks
Racist <STAF> maybe go back to primary school
Bagingi> life sucks/drop out
Racist <STAF> before u type again
Racist <STAF> ignoredddd
AngelGirl> I've heard Primary think's he's really something but reall its rather dissapointing
AngelGirl> typical "ignored"
Racist <STAF> ive heard angelgirl is a fat slut
AngelGirl> weak people.
Racist <STAF> sitting at home trying to talk shit
T T> 42 and 49 are divisible by 7
Materix> i heard that from women he dropped his pants for
AngelGirl> He's not tower
Racist <STAF> whats disappointing is u trying to be clever and ur fat ass fingers not able to reach the Y on really Angel
AngelGirl> He's not superior to anyone.
Racist <STAF> now sit ur fat self down
Racist <STAF> theres no food present
Racist <STAF> ur not needed
AngelGirl> Awww look how cute
Racist <STAF> when someone needs to take a piss
Racist <STAF> well bring u in
Racist <STAF> pisshead
AngelGirl> Primary is such a sexist
Materix> if her fingers were fat, wouldn't there be more letters than necessary
Racist <STAF> like i said
Materix> your theory is weak, primary
Racist <STAF> when someone needs to take a piss
Racist <STAF> well bring u in
Racist <STAF> to all u other people
Racist <STAF> running to spring to the aid of staff
Racist <STAF> my dick
Racist <STAF> ur mouths
Racist <STAF> so u know what u should do angel
Racist <STAF> take staffs dick out of ur ass
Racist <STAF> place it in ur mouth
Racist <STAF> stfu
Racist <STAF> thanks
Racist <STAF> afk
Materix> you're into butt stuff, angel? :O
Materix> wanna be friends?
Azela> Racist, what's up?
AngelGirl> So much anger, so much hate.
AngelGirl> Life must suck for you.
Pinky<NARF>> afk is punctuation, in his case.
Racist <STAF> junin
Racist <STAF> lol
Pinky<NARF>> afk
Pinky<NARF>> means period
Racist <STAF> tower u would know
Racist <STAF> mr fruit fly
Pinky<NARF>> you forgot to say afk
Materix> what do you have against azela, primary
Pinky<NARF>> we aren't sure you're done talking yet
Racist <STAF> why are all these people who sit in spec not doing shit
Azela> Racist deserves love like everyone else.
Racist <STAF> trying to comment on what im doing
Materix> he said hi and you ignored him
Racist <STAF> sit ur white selves down
Racist <STAF> thanks
AngelGirl> Racist detected.
Materix> do we need to check our privilage
tomatemaster> stupidgame
Racist <STAF> so ur not white angel?
Sir BattyCre> check your priv you fucking white guy
Racist <STAF> ^
Pinky<NARF>> I always new Primary was a douchebag, didn't realize it went as far as being a racist
Racist <STAF> like all these whites
Materix> angel is ginger
Racist <STAF> trying to vs me
Racist <STAF> LOL
Sir BattyCre> lol fuck whites
Sir BattyCre> dont even deserve land to live on]
Pinky<NARF>> I like fucking asians, too
AngelGirl> See, primary biggest racist in this game
Racist <STAF> i know right
T T> i love to fuck whites
Racist <STAF> stealing all the land from original owners
Racist <STAF> stealing all the culture
Warcraft> I'm writing a book full of one liners, life lessons, and memories.
TheProtector> !
Racist <STAF> white
AngelGirl> Are you now Manco?
Materix> primary, pretty sure all cultures did that
TheProtector> haha
Racist <STAF> materix
TheProtector> got you
Sir BattyCre> lol white people are worse than mosquitos and bot flies in african girls heads
Racist <STAF> i didnt opena conversation
Racist <STAF> for u to be a part of
Pinky<NARF>> Sir Batty, sounds like you're full of racial bigotry aka racism?
Racist <STAF> again stfu
junin> !
Racist <STAF> and because i tell u to stfu
Azela> I've never met a white person in my life. Lots of peach coloured people, though.
Racist <STAF> thats not like an opening materix
Racist <STAF> for u to be like oh u dont want
Donald Trump> flies like shitholes
Racist <STAF> that means stfu
Racist <STAF> is what that means
Racist <STAF> now u know materix
tomatemaster> sdgasdgadfhgadfhadfhfdaahdadhffdhhdtrfjhkdrhjigse
Materix> lmfao. why do you want me to stfu, and not the others?
AngelGirl> Weren't you ignored Materix?
Pinky<NARF>> that means stfu
Materix> that sounds awfully biased
Racist <STAF> cause i dunno why the fuck ur talking period
Racist <STAF> i dunno why angel fat girl is talking either
Racist <STAF> both of u stfu
Racist <STAF> and find something to do
Racist <STAF> so bored on a friday sitting at home
Materix> ah i think i get it
Racist <STAF> no friends or seinfeld on
Racist <STAF> so ur here trying to vs me
Materix> if people own you with logic, they must stfu
Pinky<NARF>> Racist, don't know why you're talking, either... but it's amusing
Pinky<NARF>> on a saturday-morning cartoon kind of way
Racist <STAF> so ur here trying to vs me
Racist <STAF> white lol
AngelGirl> Yes, we instantly turn into fatties it seems
Racist <STAF> angel show a real pic with ur name posted in it
Materix> he hasn't called me a fatty yet
Racist <STAF> now u realize ur fat ass cant
Racist <STAF> because ur fat
Pinky<NARF>> I am the stay-puffed marshmallow man
Racist <STAF> now stfu
Racist <STAF> now u realize i just styled on ur fat ass
Racist <STAF> u fat ho
Racist <STAF> dont get mad someone called u fat
Racist <STAF> and u cant disprove it
AngelGirl> Primary, go ask little slick
Racist <STAF> no
AngelGirl> Or Maisoul.
AngelGirl> Yes.
Racist <STAF> i want u to do it now
Racist <STAF> or stfu
Racist <STAF> fatty
Sir BattyCre> think about today guys, trump was caught with white toilet paper on his shoe walking up to his plane. think how symbolic that is. whites getting trod on with shit. it's coming. brown people must rise and take a stand against white traditions.
Materix> i get what you're doing, but racist isn't like most people. he just wants to see the world burn
Racist <STAF> all these fat kids uniting
Racist <STAF> arent u that fat person that admitted u were fat in pm
Pinky<NARF>> Sir Batty, do you take all of your divination readings from toiletry?
Racist <STAF> but talking all that shit
AngelGirl> I don't do shit for pathetic racist sexists like you, primary
Racist <STAF> about how fat doesnt = stupid
Racist <STAF> im like fat = stupid
Donald Trump> hack
Materix> are you not fat, primary
tomatemaster> how to exit
Materix> let's see picture proof
Racist <STAF> and ur sitting there trying to defend fat people
Racist <STAF> cause u know ur fat ass is stupid
Found a bug. Need a yellow out too to stop this cancer chat.
[SPEC CHAT] Are you sick of people talking from spec? :tw-p:!buy stfu to enjoy the game in peace and quiet!
Rab> !buy stfu
TW-PubSystem> You cannot buy this item if you are a spectator.
--[SPEC SILENCE BUY]-- TheProtector just bought a big can of STFU for the spec freq. Spectators will not be allowed to speak in public chat for 10 minutes.
TW-PubSystem> Can of STFU opened on you.
Primary moves out of spec freq and continues....
And you need to educate staff on what racism is.
Rab> ?cheater Sir BattyCrease! racism
Message has been sent to online moderators
(RoboHelp)>Hello Rab, we have received your ?help/?cheater call. Staffer destruct will be handling your call. Please use :destruct: to further contact this staffer.
destruct> who what when where why
:destruct: player: Sir BattyCrease!
(destruct)>he hasn't said a word
Rab> Sir BattyCre> lol fucking hate white people
destruct> did you log?
Rab> Sir BattyCre> what they doing in a black neighbourhood?
Rab> Sir BattyCre> i got my gun
Rab> Sir BattyCre> when will the white man stand down?
destruct> how is any of that racist?
Rab> Sir BattyCre> lol you're all free white males with privs gtfo
Rab> it's all racist, it's hate against people because they're white
destruct> and what do you want me to do about it?
Rab> enforce the zone's no racism rule and ban the guy
Sir BattyCre> whites are wrong
Sir BattyCre> i bet you're white
Sir BattyCre> idiot
Pinky<NARF>> Primary is the one obsessed with race
Pinky<NARF>> and Sir Batty now
destruct> Nah that's fine