Terr: I like Brookus, Pasco and Phrenitis. Many good terrs nowdays though.
Shark: jr5 or Stabwound
Wb:Rand or Kuukunen
Jav: Tsm, Nockm and M_M cus they just rawk
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
I suppose I haven't shown my ugly mug in ?go base enough lately to warrant making one of these lists. I assure you, however, that when I'm in a shark it's like Jaws in a kiddie pool. Fo' real, yo.
I'm a pretty good all around baser too
Just everyone picks me for shark because they think thats the only thing I'm good at
Oh my list (not including me so it's not too biased):
Terr- arrogance, myth, warportal, phrenitis are the only ones I trust
Shark- crven, mantra, castro, eggs r evil, bleen
Spider- blood, demonfaze, megaman89 (very underrated in everything), anon, sudden (basically any dueler owns spider)
Jav- nockm, domi, pj (like there was any doubt)
Wb- kuukenen and rand (though he dosen't get many chances nowadayz)
Weasel- Supid Gerbil