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  • #91
    ew im almost at 1000 wasted hours

    Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
    Total Usage: 845 hours 16 minutes
    First played: 12-18-2001 8:20:59
    what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


    • #92
      Originally posted by Jason
      Blue Thunder, I started back in very early '97. however I didn't really play as a beta tester.
      I'm pretty sure it started in may/april '96; i searched for 'online multiplayer game' in or a searchengine or whatever and found subspace wich said "free for now"). It was released that same week. (the first, and last, time i searched for a game to play over internet). One of the first squads to be made, squad SeaQueen (with all the players wearing SQ>playername) was around '96, not? Was this '97?

      hmm confused.. ah well


      • #93
        I realize when SubSpace started. I said I started in early '97 and didn't really play as a beta tester, which I didn't. I first played during a time when I suppose you could technically call it beta testing as new zones started popping up and taking shape, all the while building off player input. I was not an official beta tester at any point in time though.
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • #94
          Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
          Total Usage: 1947 hours 19 minutes
          First played: 6-3-2000 6:19:8

          Add another 1000 hours for infamy inc., infamy inc <zh>, suicide fish <zh>, suicide fish <er>, suicide_fish, cr-inf-mas inc, and a whole bunch of other nicks I can't remember.

          My very first nick was McJames but that was for about a month in like 97 or 98.
          1:Cig Smoke> stolen
          Suicide Fish> ?cheater cig smoke repeatedly stealing my kills
          Message has been sent to online moderators
          Made You Look> should i bother warning? :o
          Suicide Fish> Yeah please warn him!
          Made You Look> I was talking about u
          MODERATOR WARNING: Don't abuse ?cheater -Made You Look

          Bukkake Surprise> there are no nooby ships, only nooby people


          • #95
            Started on May 26th 1999, with around ~2500-3000 hrs with all nicks combined

            No, I am a newbie.
            Bilange> i love getting repped
            Bilange> i said repped, not raped :X
            Sending priority 'mail' to weasels and levs since 1999.


            • #96
              How much usage does J has?


              • #97
                I started just a LITTLE bit before the erase in -98, a few days or something.. autumn 98 I think

                I don't wanna know my usage hours
                Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                There wont be another election for president.
                Obama is the Omega President.


                • #98
                  started 3 playing 3 months ago... and look at me now, an elite newb


                  • #99
                    Rinse> ?usage
                    Session Usage: 2 hours 6 minutes
                    Total Usage: 169 hours 53 minutes
                    First played: 2-20-2003 3:14:46

                    cb3> ?usage
                    Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
                    Total Usage: 268 hours 0 minutes
                    First played: 7-17-2001 18:45:42

                    cb3itsme> ?usage
                    Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
                    Total Usage: 164 hours 28 minutes
                    First played: 7-31-2001 3:58:43

                    plus a few other names with about 60 each


                    • 843 hours 28 minutes
                      and some 300 hours with SS(before continuum).


                      • dum di dum

                        splatz> ?usage
                        Session Usage: 0 hours 26 minutes
                        Total Usage: 967 hours 50 minutes
                        First played: 3-11-2003 2:31:53

                        AznWierdo> ?usage
                        Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
                        Total Usage: 400 hours 2 minutes
                        First played: 2-3-2002 7:15:29

                        I took too many breaks. AznWierdo name i actually started in 1999 i thinks. pleayed for a yr, got banned for a yr, came back, another yr break. made splatz. tada, my life is a gonner.


                        • Ekko:

                          Session Usage: 0 hours 56 minutes
                          Total Usage: 537 hours 33 minutes
                          First played: 4-29-2003 7:14:56(I went on 7 week vacation during this time)


                          Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
                          Total Usage: 275 hours 41 minutes
                          First played: 5-18-2002 23:5:37 (LOL! Oh dry:/)

                          I lost my first name I've been here 2 years.
                          carpe diem


                          • bounty*killer> ?usage
                            Session Usage: 0 hours 1 minutes
                            Total Usage: 2267 hours 23 minutes
                            First played: 2-25-2002 22:38:20



                            • Originally posted by PhaTz
                              How much usage does J has?
                              Too much.

                              falseman - first name ever (roughly 1000hrs)
                              syc0tik - used this name forever (roughly 6000hrs)
                              syc0tik <zh> - used this for awhile (roughly 500hrs)
                              syc0tik <er> - used this one for awhile too (roughly 1500hrs)
                              Wheelchair - briefly used this while I was a mod (roughly 100hrs)
                              Wheel - same as above (roughly 100hrs)
                              Jason - my current name (roughly 3500hrs)
                              Misc. Aliases - I alias in all sorts of other zones (roughly 1000hrs)

                              If you add that all up it's 13,700hrs. I suppose that's a bit high and I should round it off at about 13,500. Even though I started in early '97, that's still far too many hours to spend on The Spaceship Game. I can justify some of it as being time spent afk, but that would only subtract maybe 1000hrs. That's still 12,500hrs of my life wasted. :[
                              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                              • I've played since around 2000, but it was on and off for the first year, but i've got around 3000 on one name of mine and probably 500 to 600 on 2 other names.

                                I get a woody when these pussies try to push me
                                Thinking they gonna put me in a position to pickle me

