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The Truth About Racism And Staff

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Evoce
    i think the word Christian is offensive as the crusades were a baaaaaaaaaaaaad thing. nt though
    That example makes no sense.
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


    • #32
      Side-stepping the discussion over whether or not 'jew' should be bannable....

      In 5000+ hours playing time, I have never been warned (or banned) for any type of behavior.

      Just so that folks know that it can be done.


      • #33
        If staff think that calling someone a Jew is Against the rules, but calling someone a Christian is fine then i am interested in who the real racists are.

        Note: Before some smartass fucker like TK comes along saying "hating Jews isn't racism its Anti-Semitism" i know so stfu.


        • #34
          Originally posted by ZeUs!!
          I think Jew is offensive as the memories of the holocaust and the Nazi persecutions are still vivd
          The christians are responsible for persecuting the Jewish people throughout the whole of history. Your point actually strengthens the other side of the argument.

          Christians persecute Jew's through out history -> jew = Bad word
          Nazis persecute Jews for a few years -> Nazi = bad word

          thats Christian justice for you


          • #35
            It's got nothing to do with any of these recent points brought up. The real issue is how the word Jew is used. If it's used in a way that is insulting, then it is wrong. And by that, I mean if you take the word "Jew" out of it and substitute it with something like "newbie" or "asshole" or any other derogative term, and the sentence hasn't changed at all in its meaning, then it is wrong. If you use the term in an insulting way like that then it doesn't have anything to do with the holocaust or Christian persecution. It's about using the name of a race of people as a derogatory term. Some people might say something like: "You think me calling him a Jew is bad, therefore YOU think that Jew is a bad term, and therefore YOU are the racist". Those people, however, are ignoring the way that THEY themselves used the word. If THEY used it in a negative manner, then they should be held accountable for it.


            • #36
              7:Randedl> afk, putting on makeup
              1:Rough> is radiation an element?
              8:Rasta> i see fro as bein one of those guys on campus singing to girls tryin to get in their pants $ ez
              Broly> your voice is like a instant orgasm froe
              Piston> I own in belim
              6: P H> i fucked a dude in the ass once


              • #37
                Re: The Truth About Racism And Staff

                Originally posted by destroy
                Today, TopGod was banned for saying the word "jew," just the damn word jew? I dont know for sure because I wasn't there when it occurred, but I was there when he told me and he got banned.

                I dont care anymore if staff is abusing their 2d spaceship powers or not, I just dont want staff acting like some sort of internerd gang, TW doesnt need babysitters nor policing, play the damn game.
                Originally posted by Roxy
                Originally posted by destroy
                Roxy and I have the combined IQ of a chicken turd
                Originally posted by Roxy
                Originally posted by destroy
                and we both agree that ricky martin ith thmokin'!
                Originally posted by Roxy
                agreed. (exthept for the thubtle inthinuation regarding my thexual preferenth... jethuth chritht)
                'vet' is the new 'newb'.
                sit ez vet, sit.


                • #38
                  If i sat in pub and said nothing else just the 1 word "Jew" i would be banned. That is what is wrong. TK you should explain this context thing to staff not to the people getting banned.


                  • #39

                    I hate caps, but I hate these threads even more. Stop whining, stop complaining, and more importantly stop trying to change rules that you can't do anything about. You can do one of two things at this point:

                    1) Put up. Deal with it, douchebag. If you're feeling the need to express your inner ghetto-child, do it elsewhere. Pritt has laid down the rules, and it's quite obvious that they aren't going to change for the handful of you that can't understand that fact. As I write this, there are approximately 480 people in TW who are somehow abiding by the rules. It's crazy, I know, but somewhere in the world there are 480 people who are just plain enjoying the game.

                    2) Shut up. Pack your bags and get the hell out of the zone. There are plenty others you can play in. No one's keeping you here, and quite honestly, no one wants you here if this is that big of a deal to you that you drone on for weeks about how you're being oppressed. You're not being oppressed.

                    In closing, this thread should be wadded up into a tight ball, doused with kerosene, lit on fire, ejected into the air, then shot with a ballistic missile. It's that fucking old, it's that fucking dead. Stop.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #40
                      Re: Re: The Truth About Racism And Staff

                      hahahaha louis that reminds me of that south park character (dunno his name because i rarely watch) but he's just the stereotypical gay person who only says 'JETHUTH CHRITHT!'


                      • #41
                        Stop whining
                        Trench Wars Broadcast Revolution (TWBR) - Visit:


                        • #42
                          << evoce >>

                          TWLJ Season 10 Champion (Thunder)
                          TWLD Season 9 Champion (Sk8)
                          TWLD Season 8 Runner up (Pirates)


                          • #43
                            Being Jewish myself, I am greatly offended by the banning on my ethnic group. By banning a player (in this case TG) for saying the title of my origin is ridicolous. Would you ban someone whoo said.."Hoju you are christian." ? I think you TW staff need to be well educated on races/cultures and the discrimination/racism directed at those specified cultures before you can judge and deal with what YOU think is racism in TW. You are certainly not equipped with the understanding of what racism is and the context in which it is used in this game. I believe I should require an apology because you have not only corrupted this TW community by becoming a moronic dictators, you have also offended me and others of my culture. Think this over, I believe you may need to change some of your polocies.


                            • #44

                              This is a foolish thread and most of you know that. For the benefit of the few that don't understand the anti-racism rule I will try to explain. That's just how nice of a guy I am. I really don't want to see you all banned, heaven forbid!

                              Contrary to what you will hear from some of the people posting here saying the word 'Jew' will not necessarily result in a warning or a ban. Saying the word Jew is not in and of itself a banable or warnable offence. The problem is when it used as slander or in a demeaning way. For example, saying 'Hoju, are you a Jew?' is fine. Saying 'Hoju, are you a dirty Jew?' will result in a warning. The devil is in the details my friends. The problem arises when the word dirty is attached to the word Jew in my example.

                              Have I lost anyone yet?

                              Then how can the word 'Jew' result in a warning? The problem arises when it used in a negative way. For example instead of the word 'newbie' you say 'Jew'. If you were to cry 'Jew!' every time someone killed you then you will probably be warned.

                              So Coyote, don't be afraid that we are outlawing your faith. I think if you read over my post you will see that clearly isn't the case.

                              Thanks for your time everbody and remember: I'll ban your ass if you give me a reason. I don't have BanG for nothing!
                              Formerly EEK! A Spider!
                              Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


                              • #45
                                kick ass , i've become an issue and didn't even know about it
                                Surffaan näitä foorumeita munasillani.

