EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl toaster oven reviews
1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
and brookus' banner. i tend to like it when people keep the same banner forever because then the banner becomes a part of that person.
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
Steal = To take something from someones possession without their promission.
Technically it cant be stolen cause they still ahve it. :P
Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion. Not to be mean or anything, but you're an illiterate dipshit. i can smell my eyeballs! My non-existent team will r0xx0r j00r b0xxx0rs!!1 It's cute how you think this is a democracy. 8,323,352,236,536,235,233,456 C00li0 P0ints!!1 Shit bitch damn ass cocksucker motherfucker tits!
St00bie = Stupid N00bie
L00tard = Retarded L0ser
Crampon = Crusty Tampon
Last edited by Fatal|ty about 150 times because he can't fucking type.