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One trick ponies.

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  • #16
    you can correct me if you don't agree with me. i r open for suggestions.
    1 + 1 = 1


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mootland Farmer
      I only play shark. I don't like to rate myself. But I will say one thing. I could play alot better and help my team/squad alot more if I did not lag.
      Australiasia4lag and shitty time zones!


      • #18
        • Shark

          My best ship. I think I'm easily in the higher running of the top 10 sharks in TW. Kinda burned out on it lately, though, and haven't been putting much effort in it.
        • Spider

          I think I'm above average. I can usually put up a pretty good fight for MVP and usually am at par with everyonen else's rec. Pretty good considering how I rarely play it.
        • Jav

          I used to be a lot better. Nowadays I'd say I'm below average.
        • Terrier

          I suck at terrier.

        I don't do dueling or jav dueling enough to even warrent talking about my useless skills in those fields.


        • #19
          I'm definately the best speccer ever!
          No arguing possible.
          Spec is mineeeeeee!
          I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


          • #20
            Ok shark but high lag blows it a lot of times. Also I dislike sharking for crams because most games are similar.
            Jav - below average but ok if I have a team to back up. Can basejav but not if the other team has decent sharks =(
            Wb suckie
            Spid - ok.
            5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
            5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
            5: Da1andonly> =((
            5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
            5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
            5: Epinephrine> oh shit


            • #21
              I think I'm pretty good in javelin and wb. Spider in base.. but I don't really care anymore how I do.
     - Keeping it short


              • #22

                Spider: I used to MVP _every_ single time I played in ?go base and my team won, getting 4 mvps in a row in the #basefr13/11 arenas. Then I started concentrating on helping the team and not dying so much, and now I don't MVP that much. But then again I've hardly played ?go base in spider lately, and the times I have, usually I had to get a sub for some reason or other. So maybe I'm still that good, and maybe not, but I feel I'm still a good spider.

                Basejav: I've gotten alot better in this, but am not quite sure how much. I think I'm better in this than spider now.

                Basewb: I was quite good at this for like 2 weeks, then my aim disappeared.

                Shark: STOP SHARKING ME! I suck at this ship, I often die with repels unused, I have sucky reactions and never stop jav bombs, I have no clue what to do in lower, etc.

                Wb: I suck horribly at this ship, but I prefer to blame it on my 1028x res.

                Jav: I still think I'm quite good at this. I have an average 11:8 rec in twd, which I consider impressive considering that out of the 35 jds I've been in while on RB, my team won 8 and lost 27. These are not ideal conditions.
                - k2


                • #23
                  Shark - I'm still undefeated in every hosted bomberman I've played in, and hold incredible ratios in it. Therefore I must still be half decent at ship 8.

                  W'Bird - Hi. I'm the annoying bastard that kills you through the tiniest of holes, from an impossible angle, on the fly. Pleased to meet your aquantaince.

                  Spider - Losing it without the help of my old keyboard and it's busted L/R directional keys.

                  Terrier - I did over 1000 bty in hardcore pub 0 basing the other day. I'm quite proud of myself for it, though probably laughable to more reputable terriers.


                  • #24
                    Spider: My favourite ship, and the one I'm best at

                    Jav (not base jav): 2nd favourite ship, I'm pretty good at it, I'd say

                    Shark: I'd say I'm a competent shark. I used to shark a lot for Dekai. I don't particually like sharking anymore and I'm pretty rusty at it, though.


                    • #25
                      i'm obviously the best shark in the entire zone. i don't care about any other ships.


                      • #26

                        Wb: pretty decent, nothing special though
                        Jav: Quite good, usually in top 3 for mvp, very good at breaking crams, not that good when defending
                        Spid: Even though I say this myself but I think of myself as a really good spid. Fr fights and lower fights are my speciality.
                        Terr: I'd say this is my best ship, kinda rusty at times though since I don't play it that much. And I can honestly say I'm one of the few terrs in ?go base that can line.
                        Shark: Decent, a bit too selfish though.

                        Wb: Good wb, more of a rusher than a mid-range shooter (thanks Annul). I somehow like 1vs4 more than 4vs4
                        Jav: Same as wb, I'm a great dodger, have to work on my aim though
                        Spid: I know how to conserve my energy, but I choke all the time
                        6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                        Originally posted by Dreamwin
                        3 league vet


                        • #27
                          I will now post a picture of a gay Dutch clown.


                          • #28
                            Don't touch Bassie en Adriaan MoG.

                            Ship I kinda start basing in because of the lagproblems I had last year when I got into basing. The only ship I played leagues in and I think I didn't do too bad, we had the right teamplay and that made it easier.

                            On ?go base level I can get along easily, but I think that doesn't mean much. Well ok I rock the spider.

                            Before I ever heard of ?go #mythrandir I used to play this ship alot. Nowadays I can't play the jav without getting totally bored. So normally I just go mental in the jav to make it a bit fun.

                            First I sucked in the terrier, I used to ter in pub alot where you mainly had to go suicidal because of all the random garbage and levbombs. In base you have to be much more layed back, so it took me some time to get into it. With all the practice now I have a decent level. In ?go base to not make the better team lose

                            Both easy. I could even do it on leaguelevel!

                            uhm.. if this ship would be useful I would be top 10.
                            You ate some priest porridge


                            • #29
                              1)Shark, Im a good sharkie
                              2)Spider, Just a nice attacker
                              3)Terr, dont do much of this but i could do...

                              Other things...
                              1)Wabird, im ok
                              2)Javelin, need a bit more practice
                              3)Spider, im alrite with this aswell...
                              4)Just for laming needs in pub, i like cloaking


                              • #30
                                Hey wait a min, i thought Adman said

                                tell me, and give opinions about other players as well.

                                You heavy ego bastads...heh... no one did anything cept toot they own horn and such.

                                Here are a few folks that stand out in my mind

                                LT- Policeman321
                                Base terr- BossHawk
                                WB- Golden Sun 1
                                Jav- Ganru

                                i will continue with some more post ...pick up where i left off and tell what U thing.

