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TW Sayings

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Louis XV
    Sharks can cloak in SVS.
    True, but I don't think they'd be speaking "TW speak" there.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
      whats -nt- mean?

      oh and you forgot "vulch" 'vulcher' and so on, used when you are shooting at someone, and then at the edge of your radar is another person shooting at you, while you and this other guy are goin at it...... if that makes sense :P
      nt means "no text" ... usually referring to a previous statement.


      • #18
        Re: Re: TW Sayings

        Originally posted by Troll King
        "//sry" - Macros for Shift F1 through F4 for levis. Four slots are set for this purpose because levis are used to not having to be precise, so hitting anything within the general area of the target is good enough for what they want to accomplish.

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • #19
          what does:

          looool / LOLOLOLOL / l0000l0l0lloo0lo0lZ / LOLZ

          all mean?


          • #20
            Originally posted by NaiLed
            what does:

            looool / LOLOLOLOL / l0000l0l0lloo0lo0lZ / LOLZ <- I'm stupid and don't write hahaha like sane people, instead I write 'laughin out loud out loud out loud out loud'... like the true stastastammerererer I am.

            pwned <- I'm stupid hitting the wrong buttons when I try to be cool

            all mean?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sufficient
              nt means "no text" ... usually referring to a previous statement.
              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Malladrin
                your avatar is so fucking amazing
                i'm bored


                • #23
                  follows is just how i take these things to mean
                  thought nt= nice try
                  noob = someone who is stupid in real life
                  newb = new to game and doesn't understand shit but acts like they do
                  lmao=laughing my ass off
                  rofl=rolling on floor laughing
                  hehe=response when finding it funny when someone praises u and u are dumb founded
                  laff=funny in sarcastic tone
                  haha=arrogant laugh
                  muhahaha=laughing in ownage and 'take over the world' type of way
                  pwned= more than owned
                  stfu=shut the fuck up
                  fuk=u messed up
                  wtf=angry ie 'what the fuck'
                  mofo=mother fucker
                  mahm=my ass hurts me
                  ez=say after u kill someone to get them pissed off
                  owned=meaning you skills are leeter any time of day
                  l33t=super skilled and owning
                  amf=ass mother fucker
                  huh=confused and not caring towards some previous statement by other player
                  ewl=so disgusting that you are trying to suppress visuals
                  ems=eat my shorts
                  pmsing=having period during that time of month, or sending many pm's
                  pm=personal message
                  lol=laugh out loud, or just a general smirk in net terms, slight laughter
                  hand=have a nice day or
                  gtfo=get the fuck out
                  ha=funny but not funny anymore as you type it
                  vulch=you kill someone when they are low on energy, ie just after they killed someone else
                  spawnkill=kill someone who just warped back to life
                  teamfer=you teamkilled multiples
                  teamkill=kill friendlies with bomb
                  emped=your energy is at standstill when shark bomb or mine explodes near you or on you, or if spider you fire all your ammo as fast as possible to kill or be killed
                  2fer=killed 2 people with same shot (3fer and so on also)
                  ram=run into mine when you could have avoided it
                  ezed=killed with almost no effort at all
                  lame=you do something equivalent to attacking from behind trench or from 'high' ground
                  camper=you sit in well protected spot and shoot to kill
                  l33t lamer=one of those people that are skilled but attack enemies very lamely
                  hunt=go after a particular enemy
                  hunted=hunt a hunter, my favorite
                  Last edited by lunch3; 01-15-2004, 11:20 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lunch3
                    follows is just how i take these things to mean
                    thought nt= nice try
                    noob = someone who is stupid in real life
                    newb = new to game and doesn't understand shit but acts like they do
                    lmao=laughing my ass off
                    rofl=rolling on floor laughing
                    hehe=response when finding it funny when someone praises u and u are dumb founded
                    laff=funny in sarcastic tone
                    haha=arrogant laugh
                    muhahaha=laughing in ownage and 'take over the world' type of way
                    pwned= more than owned
                    stfu=shut the fuck up
                    fuk=u messed up
                    wtf=angry ie 'what the fuck'
                    mofo=mother fucker
                    mahm=my ass hurts me
                    ez=say after u kill someone to get them pissed off
                    owned=meaning you skills are leeter any time of day
                    l33t=super skilled and owning
                    amf=ass mother fucker
                    huh=confused and not caring towards some previous statement by other player
                    ewl=so disgusting that you are trying to suppress visuals
                    ems=eat my shorts
                    pmsing=having period during that time of month, or sending many pm's
                    pm=personal message
                    lol=laugh out loud, or just a general smirk in net terms, slight laughter
                    hand=have a nice day or
                    gtfo=get the fuck out
                    ha=funny but not funny anymore as you type it
                    vulch=you kill someone when they are low on energy, ie just after they killed someone else
                    spawnkill=kill someone who just warped back to life
                    teamfer=you teamkilled multiples
                    teamkill=kill friendlies with bomb
                    emped=your energy is at standstill when shark bomb or mine explodes near you or on you, or if spider you fire all your ammo as fast as possible to kill or be killed
                    2fer=killed 2 people with same shot (3fer and so on also)
                    ram=run into mine when you could have avoided it
                    ezed=killed with almost no effort at all
                    lame=you do something equivalent to attacking from behind trench or from 'high' ground
                    camper=you sit in well protected spot and shoot to kill
                    l33t lamer=one of those people that are skilled but attack enemies very lamely
                    hunt=go after a particular enemy
                    hunted=hunt a hunter, my favorite
                    ^one hugeass quote :P

                    *applauses* nice :P we could and should start a TW dictionary/commonly use internet online lingo
                    ÛñD@úÑ7è[) {+NtF+}
                    Like a diamond, OUR game has no FLAWS!

                    British <E> lagged push ?
                    Utoom> double teamed
                    Random Sho> SPAWNED!
                    TranceTune> errrr
                    THE PUSHER> naw..even worse
                    THE PUSHER> stoned


                    • #25
                      oh god.
                      ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                      I am Plasma.

                      Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                      • #26
                        I thought cloakers were ship 6 other then that ur pretty much right.


                        • #27
                          I always thought spids were the ones cloaking in SVS. The x thing comes because the weasel is the only ship with the possibility to cloak even after severe greening. In tw the ships obviously have all their own "identities".
                          6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                          Originally posted by Dreamwin
                          3 league vet


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Malladrin
                            Oh, thought it might have actually meant something.

                            gall: YES i was posting as the people explaining what nt means


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by NaiLed
                              what does:

                              looool / LOLOLOLOL / l0000l0l0lloo0lo0lZ / LOLZ

                              all mean?
                              pwned: it means the person saying it is a true real nerd

                              looool / LOLOLOLOL / l0000l0l0lloo0lo0lZ / LOLZ: Value members retarded laugh. Some other retards seem to have liked it as well

                              nt: no text.


                              • #30
                                "L!" - Has a variety of meanings, most of which have to do with you being stupid.
                                LAME -

