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?go base

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  • #16
    I think the easiest way to get in ?go base is this:

    1. Hang out in there ALOT even if you don't play. Even if a game starts, usually someone may have to go, or lagout, and then the cap will usually put in the first person who asks to sub. (Please do not ask to sub when everyone is still there).

    2. At the beginning of each picking session, or somewhere in there type <----spider so the caps know you are there and play spider.

    3. When you finally get in, kick a bunch of ass.

    4. Now you are on the road to getting a decent reputation.
    - k2


    • #17
      Most I ever got picked was when I was squadless, being in one of the top squads doesn't give a player priority (though I suppose it does help).

      Just spend time in ?go base, ask ONCE before each match to be picked. (so the caps know you wish to play and aren't AFK, but don't flood/spam).

      Then play well, you'll be remembered.


      • #18
        Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
        since captains like to see people that WANT to spider.
        Why does everybody pick me in terr then?
        6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

        Originally posted by Dreamwin
        3 league vet


        • #19
          I have no idea why I get picked
          Maybe it's my secret method...
          Now you too can try it!

          1) get on staff
          2) abuse your powers like there's no tomorrow if there are already 16 people in (8 people per team in case you didn't know), set yourself in levi on a different freq and blast away!
          3) Get banned and axed from staff for abuse of powers
          You have 2 options after step 3,
          4a) You can wait a couple days until your ban expires
          4b) Evade your ban
          5) Once again enter ?go base
          6) Start spamming pub chat with "LOLOLOZLOLAOLZOLOQWLASJDOZLOLZ! I got banned and axed from staff! Staff is full of newbs!"
          7) Get the recognition and respect of all the players, duelers AND basers, in TW

          People who are still trying this method:
          Buja X <ER>

          Still on step 2 though, gotta wait for step 3 to happen so i can proceed on with my plan...
          HEATHA> i smell like ass


          • #20
            Hm... idea... dumb but an idea...

            Get a ?go base3 and in there the bot choses the players and their ships. It could allow people to get picked that never do and get to try out different ships in base without being with newby pubbers that swarm the base with levis ^_-
            Live, love, laugh, and drink beer :wub:


            • #21
              We all went through the process. Just feel lucky there are a lot of nice players out there willing to give you advice on it.

              I would have just said sack up and deal with it.

              1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
              1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
              1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
              1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


              • #22
                Shrug, I suppose I could add in my two c (even though by the time ?go base games started I was probably considered a basing vet or some other stupid shit so...). What most people said pretty much holds true: No one will mind if you ask them politely when they're capping. Typing out something like <-- Spider on pub chat is also probably just ok (at least I don't mind :P).

                Being generally polite and taking part in conversations is a sure way to get noticed especially if you prove that you actually know your stuff. Laughing at someone screwing up is ok (lol, we do it all the time) but outright dissing someone and telling he sucks pretty much marks you a newb. Yes, we complain how someone sucked and how "my spiders didn't protect me", "my sharks repped shit at me" etc, but it's always priv msgs or priv chats between people you know, never in public. An exception, however, is telling the terr or such of the losing team "GG, you couldn't really have done any better, you had absolutely no spid protection". At least it's the kind of stuff that makes me feel better after a lost game (even though after over 1k basing games you pretty much stop caring 'bout winning/losing except in leagues).

                Still, even if you're around much and have played some games, don't expect got get in 100% during prime time when there can be over 30 ppl in the arena while ~20 of them are belonging into the major basing squads. Still, staying around for some subs can't hurt unless you got better things to do (and you sure do, if not, I envy you). So, to sum it up. Be active, be polite and most importantly: always be there. :P

                Good luck.
                Veni Vidi Visa - I came, I saw, I did some shopping.

                Also did some game development. Check out this horror adventure game if you like point'n'clicks.


                • #23
                  I never pick anyone who spams in public chat or spams me with messages. Doing something to piss the captains off is a good way to not get picked. Too bad almost every new person to the arena won't stop spamming "ME ME ME" for 10 lines straight.

                  And yeah, whoever said that stuff about just getting involved with conversations and stuff is actually a pretty good idea that I never really considered before. If you start having a friendly chat with a few people in spec, if they get to cap or get into the game early, chances are, they will pick you, too. Another way is to get a friend to captain and pick you, but if you aren't recognized enough to get picked on your own, chances are that you aren't going to have any friends that are either.

                  You could do what I did. I used to always go

                  Stabwound> <-- Shark me!

                  I even went as far as making my squad name "Shark Me" Of course, I was already getting picked often enough at that time, but I really started to prefer shark to any other ship, and that's how I got started doing that.

                  I really can't remember who picked me first in #myth but I think it was Microstar who kept picking me as jav. I guess I had a reputation as pub jav around then.

                  So yeah, if you still can't manage to get picked after reading all the great suggestions people have made in this thread, then maybe you should give up.


                  • #24
                    Get to know the ppl who play ?go base. Thus when the time comes you can ask them to be picked w/o fear of being ignored.


                    • #25
                      things you can do to gain recgonition:

                      1. use the forum
                      2. win hosted events
                      3. join ?chat=base and make friends on it
                      4. talk a lot (like gundamangel)
                      5. join a squad that will get you picked
                      6. win mvp when do get put in
                      7. play pure pub and be a spider
                      8. own in elim
                      Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                      apt>yes u can wtf
                      apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                      apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                      apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                      Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                      apt>ill show you pictures
                      apt>next time I masturbate


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by za gophar
                        things you can do to gain recgonition:

                        1. use the forum
                        2. win hosted events
                        3. join ?chat=base and make friends on it
                        4. talk a lot (like gundamangel)
                        5. join a squad that will get you picked
                        6. win mvp when do get put in
                        7. play pure pub and be a spider
                        8. own in elim
                        All good ideas (a few already have been said) but they all come down to the basic idea of "make yourself stand out".


                        • #27
                          1. Tell funny jokes
                          2. don't pm me if I'm captain, some people seem to like this, but I HATE when I get a bunch of pms when I'm trying to put together a team, if I need a couple more, and I don't know who to pick, I just ask in pub chat who's available. Not that it matters, since I haven't played in so long. Maybe people who captain a lot can tell you what they like.
                          3. learn how to shark and then be willing to play it. Being a shark is the easiest way to get picked, but then you run the risk of being type-cast as a shark and never getting to play anything else.... the only way to break that cycle is to learn another ship and make yourself stand out in it.
                          4. just be a nice guy, but not one of these overly-eager ass-kissers which often end up in ?go base.
                 - Gallileo's racist thread

                          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                          • #28
                            Don't ask for javelin or warbird, this is a surefire way to make everyone hate you. Spider is the most common ship, so let people know you'll settle for that. Over time, people will try you in different ships.
                            5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                            5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                            5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                            1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                            1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                            • #29
                              become a good shark, play games, be a good spider, play games as they come. Don't PM the cap, most of us hate it. Don't spam, don't be an idiot. I'll ask you, don't ask me.
                              There once was a man from Nantucket.

