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New League!!

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  • #16
    I think the idea would be kool too. Provide some totally new strategies. A lot more strategic than your regular 5 on 5 wb duel.

    If you want any help with anything (if this does get off the ground) I'm willing to help.



    • #17
      Its not my idea really and I'm sure others thought of it before; just a logical conclusion to what else can be done with leagues with the other ships.

      In that old post, if anyone cares to look back there was some detailed discussion on it.

      Well if twbd can be done, I don't see why twfd can't be technically done.

      Back then, I called it twfd (Fighter duel). Cause you use fighter ships (Spider, Lancaster, Warbird). Maybe Mattey called it twd-m (m for multi?..thats cool too).

      If a league like this started, I would be interested in it. I'm sure others would be too for the sake of diversity in leagues. Also it may increase interest in the lancaster, a under utilized ship as you put it.

      Would we use the standard twdd arena map?

      Would we determine ships types before the round and stick with them? Or be able to change ship types during the match round afew times (like 3 shiptype change limit)?

      Inherently, the spider and lancaster have always been ships that work best inside bases, not open space; most of us know that already. However, working in combination with warbirds, it may open up a whole pile of new team dueling tactics.

      Can it happen? It could be if the TWD development staff have the time to do it. From what I know, they are quite focussed with making the current TWD leagues stable and getting prepared for TWL season to begin. Who knows...maybe this could be a future project for them.


      • #18
        #1 this is a dumb idea

        #2 in twl of old, any ship was usable minus weasel.

        #2a anyone using those other ships died fast, basically no one played other ships besides wb unless they wanted to foreit the round and waste peoples time

        #3 if u wanted to attempt a new league, attempt to make a base of interest first by hosting events every week and incorporating new ideas..maybe flags or more points for certain ships dying/killing. a straigh up launch of a new league will most likely eat anus.

        #4 i am guessing no one wants to worry bout more scheduling/refs/bots.

        #5 stop sucking at one league before u suck at another. you know the same squads and people will win both leagues. that is no fun.
        I agree.


        • #19
          This is different than TWL of old because it wouldn't be optional to play a spider or lanc. That is a good idea though to have it hosted on weekends or something to build up a fan base. Other than that though, you're a tool. Go be inactive.
          Mr 12 inch wonder


          • #20
            sounds like a cool idea to me. banzi fuq, chill out man... no need to be an ass.


            • #21
              what can he do when his ass is 80% of his body
              Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
              Mirror <ZH> this sucks
              Server> dont worry mirror
              Server> shark fits your tits
              Peace <ZH>> shut up
              Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

              i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
              Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

              1:Hercules> ghoul
              1:Hercules> im level 90
              1:Hercules> in 9d
              1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
              1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


              • #22
                mattey is so stupid why do anhy of youy reply to his thread.s
                Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE


                • #23
                  haha you guys should know that i am way laid back, you need to chill out yourselves =)

                  server i am 80% ass? u wish =(

                  and #5 was directed at people in general..and it has much truth to it. i doubt that there will be any new competition in this kind of league...the same squads would be on top. I believe a new league should attempt to add new dimensions besides 2 new ships.

                  and I am a tool? what is that based on?

                  triceratops rocks my socks.
                  I agree.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by banzi fuq
                    haha you guys should know that i am way laid back, you need to chill out yourselves =)

                    server i am 80% ass? u wish =(

                    and #5 was directed at people in general..and it has much truth to it. i doubt that there will be any new competition in this kind of league...the same squads would be on top. I believe a new league should attempt to add new dimensions besides 2 new ships.

                    and I am a tool? what is that based on?

                    triceratops rocks my socks.
                    i was just about to quote your previous post with praise, but now that you took it back, i must point out you have ironically become what you so defiantly denied... a tool.

                    i do, however, agree that burial does indeed rox your sox.
                    i'm bored


                    • #25
                      Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                      Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE


                      • #26
                        oh i still stand firm, the idea is dumb and people need to stop sucking at the old before they suck at something new.

                        stick to the topic though and stop trying to pick on me.
                        I agree.


                        • #27
                          Really, the same people are good at every facet of this game. The top 3 squads, Value, Syndicate, Shriek will both do well in javs and warbirds even though strategies are completely different. I don't see it as a problem if these squads dominate this league too, I just think it would add a little bit more strategy to open-space dueling.
                          Mr 12 inch wonder


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by eRad
                            i was just about to quote your previous post with praise, but now that you took it back, i must point out you have ironically become what you so defiantly denied... a tool.

                            i do, however, agree that burial does indeed rox your sox.
                            Ive learned a total of approximately 200 big words this week.
                            Everyone said i could never learn anything from SS.

                            Laff. WTF/E
                            ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                            I am Plasma.

                            Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                            • #29

                              How about a twist on TWDD and instead of WB's have LANCS.
                              I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


                              • #30
                                How about we start suggesting ideas that wouldn't be fun?
                                Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                                Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE

