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Overstrand is an EXPLETIVE DELETED

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  • #46
    Expletive Deleted? Overstrand IS a shithead!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Mattey
      How about when he said

      Jakotsu> Bit Torrent sure is a bitch

      And then went on to explain how he didn't want to end his download because it would be a pain for him to restart again. If this isn't a clear case of lagcheating, then I have no idea what is.
      Listen to the bitch!


      • #48
        This was posted in the other Overstrand thread -PUSH

        Incidentally I was asked by a Sysop to change the title of that thread, as I will change the title of this one. Overstrand had nothing to do with it, and probably doesn't even know it's been changed. My only fault was not posting a reason in the prior thread. I apologize for that.


        Like I said, apologies for not stating the reason behind it.

        Ünited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts WASHINGTON, DC—In a move designed to make the United States seem more "bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner," Congress passed a bill Monday changing the nation's name to the Ünited Stätes of Ämerica. "Much like Mötley Crüe and Motörhead, the Ünited Stätes is not to be messed with," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). An upcoming redesign of the Ämerican flag will feature the new name in burnished silver wrought in a jagged, gothic font and bolted to a black background. A new national anthem is also in the works, to be written by composer Glenn Danzig and tentatively titled "Howl Of The She-Demon."

        -->CLICK HERE!$!$!<--


        • #49
          For the last time I did do something about it. It could have been handled faster I agree but hey nothing I can do about it now...


          • #50
            Don't even bother justifying yourself to these guys Over's. Theyre not going to take your word for it. Just tell them to fuck off :eek:
            1:ToRR <ZH>> i was a huge ass and i've really cut down to only like 25% of the ass i used to be


            • #51
              Originally posted by Overstrand
              For the last time I did do something about it. It could have been handled faster I agree but hey nothing I can do about it now...
              You did the wrong thing about it. You are supposed to kick someone out of the zone after they are found to be clearly cheating. Instead, you chose to warn them. It's not a question of speed, I'm saying you did the wrong thing, and then ignored me when I pointed this out to you. You fucked up and refuse to see it. It's frustrating to have inept people in positions of power.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • #52
                So what do you want done about it?


                • #53
                  He prevented my call from being taken by another staffer because he said he was on it in staff chat. I want him to lose his moderator status. There is no way somebody who doesn't know the rules should not only mishandle a call, but also prevent others from taking it.
                  Mr 12 inch wonder


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mattey
                    He prevented my call from being taken by another staffer because he said he was on it in staff chat. I want him to lose his moderator status. There is no way somebody who doesn't know the rules should not only mishandle a call, but also prevent others from taking it.
                    What if he was the only mod on? Or the only mod un-afk? Or the only mod willing to take the call. Ur lucky u got a guy "on it" on ur 1st call/cheater, it takes me 3-4 help/cheater calls then i get warned. Instead of bitching about something that isnt to big of a deal let it slide. U have to remember he was inactive for quite awhile, and maybe he wasnt as quick to remember teh rules as some, but im sure next time it'll be held different. Besides it was only deathmatch, not something like TWL where it really matter'd. Give the guy a break. I'd much rather him take his time doin something then banning on site and quick like so many mods do, then the banning is a mistake.


                    • #55
                      Take matters into your own hands.

                      0o0 mattey, screw staff man, read a few ebooks on ip/port scaning, take matters into your own hands its more enjoyable, besides you can get some kewl programs from other peoples computers it might be illegal, but only if you get caught hehe oh and btw if you do this, get a shell account $$
                      :mad: Ravished :mad:


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                        Besides it was only deathmatch, not something like TWL where it really matter'd.
                        Actually, it was in .?go javs which is only a practice arena but i believe Mattey is right.I was there through the whole series of events and yes, Jako DID admit to and even brag about using not one but several lag manipulators including, Kazaa, Winamp, Bit Torrent, and some Lime-Wire or something. He said he was lagcheating and didn't get shit done to him. Nothing against the mods but i am on Matteys side in this one.
                        3:disown> some dude just honked at me
                        3:waven> if i get any more medals its gonna crash the site
                        3:disown> pulling him over
                        3:disown> fukin clown
                        3:Revolt> you driving?
                        3:disown> yes
                        3:disown> at work
                        3:Revolt> ??
                        3:tmac <ZH>> the fuk
                        3:Revolt> in police car
                        3:disown> pulling him over, one sec
                        3:tmac <ZH>> LOL
                        3:Revolt> playing trench wars?
                        3:Revolt> ?????????
                        3:disown> yes got a dell in here
                        3:tmac <ZH>> pro
                        3:disown> im alttabbed on chat


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by T Mac-1
                          Actually, it was in .?go javs which is only a practice arena but i believe Mattey is right.I was there through the whole series of events and yes, Jako DID admit to and even brag about using not one but several lag manipulators including, Kazaa, Winamp, Bit Torrent, and some Lime-Wire or something. He said he was lagcheating and didn't get shit done to him. Nothing against the mods but i am on Matteys side in this one.
                          Like i said, i wasnt there for the incodent. Javs or deathmatch, same difference its nothing that really matters. The guy probably should of been banned, and banned quickly, but u know what, i'd much rather Overstrand taking his time on the matter then overracting like some mods do nowdays then having to hear ppl bitch about that. Im not on either side, im jstu saying that it isnt as bad as u hoes are making it sound. If it was TWL and he owned a team w/ it and made a differnce in TW then i can see that. I also think overstrand could of banned or did something different, been quicker about it. Like he admits, but things happen, move on. No one died over the situation.


                          • #58
                            The arena is moot. He admitted to and bragged about lagcheating in front of a mod, and nothing happened to him. That's basically a moderator condoning cheating.
                            Mr 12 inch wonder


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Mattey
                              The arena is moot. He admitted to and bragged about lagcheating in front of a mod, and nothing happened to him. That's basically a moderator condoning cheating.
                              Ppl who are laggin hard like i use to on 56k when i got like 500+ MS ping. ppl use to be like "DIE?" or "U LAG!" or soemthing u get the point, then i'd say something like "Ya im lagcheating" Doesnt actualy mean i was lag cheating, and the mod doesnt know tha eitehr w/o investigating.


                              • #60
                                Jesus Christ Cig. He talked about how it would be inconvenient for him to stop his download, and how him using Bit Torrent is merely bending the rules and not breaking them. It was obvious that he was sincere. Bringing up an anecdote about how you jokingly said you were lagcheating is not relevant to what happened in this case.

                                And no investigating needed to be done, Overstrand was in the arena the whole time the guy was saying this stuff.
                                Mr 12 inch wonder

