Well the upgrade went easier than expected. This forum has tons of new features, so feel free to peek around and see what you can do.
This layout is temporary, we are working on a better one (hopefully), which will be applied in a couple of days.
- I had to change the forum access of many players, so if you are a member of twdev / ect / forum mod but you can't see your forum, please contact me about it.
- with this forum it is possible for squads to make their forums private. I've made an user group for each squad, and the forum moderator of the squad forum is also the leader of the user group. Via User CP -> usergroups you can request to join a specific squad group. Once you got all your squadmembers signed up I can make it possible for the forum to go entirely private.
This layout is temporary, we are working on a better one (hopefully), which will be applied in a couple of days.
- I had to change the forum access of many players, so if you are a member of twdev / ect / forum mod but you can't see your forum, please contact me about it.
- with this forum it is possible for squads to make their forums private. I've made an user group for each squad, and the forum moderator of the squad forum is also the leader of the user group. Via User CP -> usergroups you can request to join a specific squad group. Once you got all your squadmembers signed up I can make it possible for the forum to go entirely private.