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Screen Tearing

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  • #16
    Yes same thing if limited globally.
    Task Manager says GPU is being used (~50%)


    • #17
      I have similar issues on larger resolutions, but personally don't mind it as much. I guess it is because I subconsciously pay more attention to the enemy ships and my own ship, and I have the map layouts in my muscle memory so landing shots that require additional precision or cutting corners more sharply is not too difficult to pull off. Moving your ship at a faster pace significantly increases the amount of choppiness which makes sense. I have noticed no improvement in performance when limiting frame rates.

      It is safe to say that this game is not optimized for the latest operating systems, especially when you pair it with higher resolutions and refresh rates.

      Here's a quick recording in TWLJ map for reference from my point of view:


      • #18
        Turban do you also see elim being much shitter than baseelim?


        • #19

          Originally posted by Cape View Post
          I was getting shitty FPS recently and this worked for me:

          In game hit Esc+F, note the red number that appears top of screen.

          Exit game> go to "View" > Advanced Options > make sure Software emulation, Avoid Page Flipping, and No Framerate limit are ticked.
          They are not by default.

          Repeat step one see if that solves your FPS program.

          No idea about a res resizer.
          Thank Cape when your game runs smoothly again


          • #20
            We're way past that Pres


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rab View Post
              Turban do you also see elim being much shitter than baseelim?
              Nope. It's basically exact same performance as in ?go #TWLJ for me.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Turban View Post
                I have similar issues on larger resolutions, but personally don't mind it as much. I guess it is because I subconsciously pay more attention to the enemy ships and my own ship, and I have the map layouts in my muscle memory so landing shots that require additional precision or cutting corners more sharply is not too difficult to pull off. Moving your ship at a faster pace significantly increases the amount of choppiness which makes sense. I have noticed no improvement in performance when limiting frame rates.

                It is safe to say that this game is not optimized for the latest operating systems, especially when you pair it with higher resolutions and refresh rates.

                Here's a quick recording in TWLJ map for reference from my point of view:
                Wait this isnt how it is supposed to be? Its been like this since I started playing.


                • #23
                  Anything gonna happen to try and fix the laggy af elim map?


                  • #24
                    I did some testing with the new TWJD map. For me all the improvements in fps were due to the tiles on screen. The old map, as well as the one being tested now, would give me ~195 fps, when removing the safety zone and going with the minimal tile count, it would go up to 290 fps. After I removed the "do not cross" line, I got to ~350 fps. Lastly, after changing all tiles to a single mono colored tile, I got to ~370 fps.

                    So there's much to be gained in JDs, but looking at the elim map, there aren't quite as many parts that could be optimized. It's generally more compact than the JD map, which decreases the fps, and there aren't that many unnecessary tiles that could be removed. The only ones really are the base boundary lines at the entrances, and the flagroom at the top. Removing those would improve fps performance in those areas, but the rest would be unaffected.

                    As for the walls not seeming to move smoothly. This seems to be an issue/limitation with the game render engine. The tiles can only move by an integer amount of pixels. So it will always feel like they stutter or pulse. It might be worth it to test if the resizer suffers from the same issue.

                    EDIT: Just noticed I used completely the wrong map for the last three. JD map vs DTJ map. The DTJ map has a few more tiles and still sees a considerable increase in performance over the normal map.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	3U22np3.png Views:	0 Size:	19.2 KB ID:	1346781Click image for larger version  Name:	kXU8x19.png Views:	0 Size:	19.6 KB ID:	1346782Click image for larger version  Name:	v24bLSb.png Views:	0 Size:	12.5 KB ID:	1346783Click image for larger version  Name:	V3KlEWE.png Views:	0 Size:	12.3 KB ID:	1346784Click image for larger version  Name:	8I3KT6U.png Views:	0 Size:	9.0 KB ID:	1346785
                    Last edited by BIET; 08-02-2020, 11:41 AM.


                    • #25
                      Very nice. Also, if we want to retain safes, we can just move them away from the main arena so that the tiles don't show at any time while playing. Could even put both safes near one another for hype. Stare down your enemy before going into battle.

                      To add on performance issues, if you have a high res monitor and scale your desktop, this results in additional blurring.

                      "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
                      -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rab View Post
                        Limiting FPS in Nvidia is one of the things I wanted to do. But it does nothing, the limit does not apply. Just doesn't work idk why.
                        Also tried it with RTSS (rivatuner statistics server) and that didn't work either.
                        A long time ago I used Bandicam to limit fps on subspace and it worked at limiting it. Didn't seemed to give any difference in performance, but my monitors don't have high refresh rates.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	2020-08-09_12-10-48.jpg
Views:	180
Size:	644.2 KB
ID:	1346950
                        duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                        Mattey> put me in corch

                        zidane> go kf urself pork

