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Fuckin gay

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  • #16
    if that fails do a seach for xuipter in the registry. The making faces site installs a plugin, and probably tampered with the IE config within the registry.

    If you using Win 2K/XP it will probably could be in 1 of many places. It will have a String Name of "Start Page"

    The default location for the IE start page is here.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\

    But as you are proably aware, every user can set their own start page, so check in CURRENT_USER and USER. But the search should pick this up.

    help: (skate) (elim): I fell off my chair, can someone help me up?


    • #17
      hmmmmmm i had the same problem. it wouldnt let me delete some damn xupiter shit cause it was being used.

      first i deleted everthing else

      then i CAD'd and went to shut down some running operations... i figure that if it wont let me delete it cause its being used, then i need to stop it from being used. i dont remember what the process was, but it worked and i deleted the whole thing of xupiter.
      Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
      apt>yes u can wtf
      apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
      apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
      apt>so i dont miss the toilet
      Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
      apt>ill show you pictures
      apt>next time I masturbate

