Hello everyone,
At first I wanted to run Continuum on Linux. Then I asked one staffer and he said that it was impossible. Then I asked Kolar and he said that I have to download a Windows simulator for Linux and then run Continuum on it.
I looked at some sites, I found some simulators, but I don't err well know how would I run Continuum with that. Does anyone know where I can download a --->free<--- Windows Simulators for Linux, and explain to me how to work with them, because I need to run Continuum when I'm on my other system, Linux.
Rem & Co.
At first I wanted to run Continuum on Linux. Then I asked one staffer and he said that it was impossible. Then I asked Kolar and he said that I have to download a Windows simulator for Linux and then run Continuum on it.
Rem & Co.