I get a lot of reports of lag, so I wanted to post on here exactly what I'll ask you to help get your lag down. If you're lagging, read this, and maybe it will help.
1. What other apps are you running?
Any other network applications will affect your lag. Instant messenger clients will do it minimally; file sharing maximally.
2. Have you downloaded anything lately?
Using file-sharing programs will kill your bandwidth, but what you may not know is that they don't always shut down when you tell them to. Many times Kazaa or BitTorrent clients will remain resident and will be actually uploading things to the internet when you think they're shut off. Check for icons in your system tray, by your clock, and close any file-sharing programs that are still running.
3. How many other computers are on your network?
It is becoming more and more common to have multiple computers in the home (where the vast majority of players play). If a family member or roommate is downloading on the same connection that you're playing TW on then it will be sucking up your bandwidth, even on a different computer. The big test here if you're having lots of lag, don't meet conditions 1 or 2, but meet condition 3, is to shut down all of the computers in the house except for yours, wait a few minutes, then check your lag.
Naturally, many other factors can influence your lag, but I've found that these three are predominant with the typical user.
I get a lot of reports of lag, so I wanted to post on here exactly what I'll ask you to help get your lag down. If you're lagging, read this, and maybe it will help.
1. What other apps are you running?
Any other network applications will affect your lag. Instant messenger clients will do it minimally; file sharing maximally.
2. Have you downloaded anything lately?
Using file-sharing programs will kill your bandwidth, but what you may not know is that they don't always shut down when you tell them to. Many times Kazaa or BitTorrent clients will remain resident and will be actually uploading things to the internet when you think they're shut off. Check for icons in your system tray, by your clock, and close any file-sharing programs that are still running.
3. How many other computers are on your network?
It is becoming more and more common to have multiple computers in the home (where the vast majority of players play). If a family member or roommate is downloading on the same connection that you're playing TW on then it will be sucking up your bandwidth, even on a different computer. The big test here if you're having lots of lag, don't meet conditions 1 or 2, but meet condition 3, is to shut down all of the computers in the house except for yours, wait a few minutes, then check your lag.
Naturally, many other factors can influence your lag, but I've found that these three are predominant with the typical user.