hey hey,
Wanna get rid of spyware then this probably the best program for it.
Downloads and installs automaticly known and thrusted antispywareprograms, such as NOD32, CWShredder, Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, Spy Sweeper, Ewido Micro, Spyware Doctor, Spyware Blaster, Windows securityupdates, hotfixes for unpatched securitysleaks, etc.
Downloads automaticly the latest updates (without Hitman Pro the user has to do this many times manually).
Controls automaticly the external antispywaresoftware. Makes with this inspections, deletes (if enabled) automaticly founded dangers and gives security against evil ActiveX-operatingelements.
It makes use of (eventual) bought versions of external antispywaresoftware (like NOD32, Ad-Aware, Spy Sweeper, Spyware Doctor).
You don't have to delete the installed antispywaresoftware.
External antispywaresoftware will be automaticly configurated for the best result.
Hitman Pro generates of all actions that have been done a rapport so the user will get a clear image of infections and protection.
Advanched computerusers have with the Expert-function full control over the found objects (files and registerkeys).
Hitman Pro can thanks to the unique SurfRight-protection known internetapplications with Least User Access (LUA) equip.
SurfRight makes the LUA-securityprincipal perfect workable on Windows and secures the systemenvirement againts practial all unpatched abd unknown securtyproblems (perfect for admins and homeusers with adminrights).
With SurfRight protects you your system todat against the problems that will be discovered tomorrow.
Jesus fuck guys don't ask me why I translated this intro from dutch to english.
All typo's that have been made were made with love.
The program is given in 3 languages, Dutch, English, German.
Have fun![Smile](https://forums.trenchwars.com/core/../../core/images/smilies/smile.png)
link http://www.hitmanpro.nl/hitmanpro/in...&id=3&Itemid=9
Wanna get rid of spyware then this probably the best program for it.
Downloads and installs automaticly known and thrusted antispywareprograms, such as NOD32, CWShredder, Ad-Aware, Spybot S&D, Spy Sweeper, Ewido Micro, Spyware Doctor, Spyware Blaster, Windows securityupdates, hotfixes for unpatched securitysleaks, etc.
Downloads automaticly the latest updates (without Hitman Pro the user has to do this many times manually).
Controls automaticly the external antispywaresoftware. Makes with this inspections, deletes (if enabled) automaticly founded dangers and gives security against evil ActiveX-operatingelements.
It makes use of (eventual) bought versions of external antispywaresoftware (like NOD32, Ad-Aware, Spy Sweeper, Spyware Doctor).
You don't have to delete the installed antispywaresoftware.
External antispywaresoftware will be automaticly configurated for the best result.
Hitman Pro generates of all actions that have been done a rapport so the user will get a clear image of infections and protection.
Advanched computerusers have with the Expert-function full control over the found objects (files and registerkeys).
Hitman Pro can thanks to the unique SurfRight-protection known internetapplications with Least User Access (LUA) equip.
SurfRight makes the LUA-securityprincipal perfect workable on Windows and secures the systemenvirement againts practial all unpatched abd unknown securtyproblems (perfect for admins and homeusers with adminrights).
With SurfRight protects you your system todat against the problems that will be discovered tomorrow.
Jesus fuck guys don't ask me why I translated this intro from dutch to english.
All typo's that have been made were made with love.
The program is given in 3 languages, Dutch, English, German.
Have fun
link http://www.hitmanpro.nl/hitmanpro/in...&id=3&Itemid=9