While I was learning some of the ins and outs of eclipse a few fateful hours ago, my comp shutoff on it's own. Previously when this happened and I opened the case and stuck it in front of my AC and it's worked dandy. That was 2 days ago.
This time it won't boot at all despite cooling it. The little light on the mobo (only visible inside the case) is on, yet nothing else happens, no fans, no beeps no noise of any kind happens when the powerbutton is pressed.
I double checked all my connections and they were fine; i even checked the heatsink and cpu. What the hell is going on?
This time it won't boot at all despite cooling it. The little light on the mobo (only visible inside the case) is on, yet nothing else happens, no fans, no beeps no noise of any kind happens when the powerbutton is pressed.
I double checked all my connections and they were fine; i even checked the heatsink and cpu. What the hell is going on?