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To: CC: BCC:

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  • To: CC: BCC:

    Ok without destroying my fragile sense of self esteem can anyone explain to me the advantages off the Cc: field in e-mails

    I understand that
    To: is the people you want it to go to and you can list as many recipient s as you want
    Cc stands for “Carbon Copy” which means it’s an exact duplicate
    Bcc is for Blind Carbon Copy and this is different as people in this field are invisible to others on the e-mail

    So what is so great about the Cc field?

    Why does my work outlook automatically hide the Bcc field (so you have to enable it to have that option) and shows the cc field when I would think that the Bcc is more useful as in reality if I want to Cc people I can just stick them in the To: field

    In my world,
    I am King


  • #2
    Originally posted by
    In e-mail, the abbreviation CC indicates secondary recipients of a message: those who are to receive a copy of a message directed to another. (Some remember CC: being described as courtesy copy.) The list of CCed recipients is visible to all other recipients of the message. An additional BCC (blind carbon copy) field is available for hidden notification; recipients listed in the BCC field receive a copy of the message but are not shown on any other recipient's copy (including other BCC recipients).

    In common usage, To field recipients are the primary audience of the message, CC field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message, and BCC field recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication.[1]
    Last paragraph
    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
    Retired SSCU Trench Wars Bot Coordinator
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    Former Mervbot plugin developer


    • #3
      Because outlook is a microsoft product. There was a bug in Exchange that when you add some thousand(?) recipients where one of them rejects the email all exchange servers that received that email try to resend that email to each other including the one that rejects it, in an infinite loop. So if you didnt want to get fired you had to use cc. duno if thats it but it sounds like it.


      • #4
        "Don't hit reply all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111"


        • #5
          To: and CC: don't do anything different from each other. BCC is a different beast though, basically people who are in the BCC are not able to see who else received the e-mail. Why you put someone in a BCC is up to you...

          So if I sent an email like this:

          To: Tonjo
          BCC: Pressure Drop
          Subject: Wooble party tonight.
          Bring lots of greens!

          Tonjo will see this:

          From: Nockm
          To: Tonjo
          BCC: Pressure Drop
          Subject: Wooble party tonight.
          Bring lots of greens!
          Since Tonjo is in the To:, he can see you... and can write:

          Hey don't invite Pressure Drop he hogs all the greens

          And you will see this:

          From: Nockm
          BCC: Pressure Drop
          Subject: Wooble party tonight.
          Bring lots of greens!
          Because you are in the BCC:, you can only see the yourself and the sender in that email.
          Just a party with just you and me huh... say no more... xxxxx


          • #6
            cheers Fluffz that sounds like some sort of logical reason i can bite on and another reason to resent microsoft


            there is a wooble party tonight ! !!

            but yea sorry to shit on your dreams nockm but the Bcc can see the To: field

            so i totaly know Tonjo is going and i'm the surprise guest that bursts out the greens and goes WOoooWO

            worryingly i had allready tested this out but not with something so imortant as wooble party invitations
            In my world,
            I am King



            • #7
              At work, we use the To: field for when the email contains instructions that the recipient needs to follow and CC: as a kind of FYI to let people know that those instructions were given.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Troll King View Post
                At work, we use the To: field for when the email contains instructions that the recipient needs to follow and CC: as a kind of FYI to let people know that those instructions were given.
                pretty much this. if you request something from me (info, file, etc) i'd put you in the TO field and my boss in the CC field, along with anyone that should be "kept in the loop", even if the email isn't directed to them
                .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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                • #9
                  nockm is EPIC WIN
                  The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                  SSCJ Distension Owner
                  SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                  Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                  • #10
                    Yes, No One Can Kill Him.

