I get 10 to 15 second spikes of framerate lag (such as with CPU or GPU throttling or thrashing) every 5 to 10 minutes. This shows up as more severe if I'm in flagroom or any other crowded space, especially with bombs or shrap flying about.
No other apps are running, GPU is on full accel, graphics are integrated SIS661 (crappy I know, but should be plenty for a 1998 game), 1Gb ram, 2.4 Ghz celeron (P4-type) CPU, WinXP sp3. No spyware or viruses detected and everything else runs fine.
The game used to run fine for me, with no lag ever, since June 2000, on various computers. The only thing I changed recently was the ram from .5 Gb to 1.0 Gb, also the ISP. But this is not net latency, lag, or packetloss.
The whole screen can freeze for 10 to 15 seconds, but I still hear shots being fired, and I never disconnect or get lag complaints on account of it.
The problem began a few months ago, and has steadily been getting worse.
Anyone else with these specific problems? Any suggested fixes?
EDIT: I also checked CPU temp (36 C) and motherboard temp (31 C) while running the game, both are within normal tolerances, so it's not an overheating issue. CPU heat sink was recently cleaned with a vaccuum to remove dust build-up, which is a regular maintenance that keeps overheating under control for me.
EDIT2: Reinstalled video drivers, problem is still there.
Did numerous ?lag queries when the problem flared up. Ranges were as follows:
Min 40 ms, Max 60 to 260 ms, Average 50 to 130 ms, packetloss 0.0 to 0.1%
Not stellar numbers, but certainly not indicative of multi-second screen freeze-ups, either. But like I wrote earlier, it looks more like some kind of GPU or CPU throttling, not net latency.
EDIT3: Tried checking "avoid page flipping" "no framerate limit" and "disable clipping" in advanced options, but the freeze-ups persist.
No other apps are running, GPU is on full accel, graphics are integrated SIS661 (crappy I know, but should be plenty for a 1998 game), 1Gb ram, 2.4 Ghz celeron (P4-type) CPU, WinXP sp3. No spyware or viruses detected and everything else runs fine.
The game used to run fine for me, with no lag ever, since June 2000, on various computers. The only thing I changed recently was the ram from .5 Gb to 1.0 Gb, also the ISP. But this is not net latency, lag, or packetloss.
The whole screen can freeze for 10 to 15 seconds, but I still hear shots being fired, and I never disconnect or get lag complaints on account of it.
The problem began a few months ago, and has steadily been getting worse.
Anyone else with these specific problems? Any suggested fixes?
EDIT: I also checked CPU temp (36 C) and motherboard temp (31 C) while running the game, both are within normal tolerances, so it's not an overheating issue. CPU heat sink was recently cleaned with a vaccuum to remove dust build-up, which is a regular maintenance that keeps overheating under control for me.
EDIT2: Reinstalled video drivers, problem is still there.
Did numerous ?lag queries when the problem flared up. Ranges were as follows:
Min 40 ms, Max 60 to 260 ms, Average 50 to 130 ms, packetloss 0.0 to 0.1%
Not stellar numbers, but certainly not indicative of multi-second screen freeze-ups, either. But like I wrote earlier, it looks more like some kind of GPU or CPU throttling, not net latency.
EDIT3: Tried checking "avoid page flipping" "no framerate limit" and "disable clipping" in advanced options, but the freeze-ups persist.