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  • Kapersky

    I've got Kapersky Anti-Virus installed on my old as shit computer (9 years old now). After I installed Kapersky, when I boot up my computer and go from my logon Windows XP screen to my desktop it takes a little while to load.

    If I run continuum before Kapersky loads, ie, it's the very first thing I do as quickly as I can, Continuum loads and runs normally.

    If I wait for Kapersky to run, either in the logon screen or from the desktop, Continuum simply won't run. Even if I go to Run -> continuum it's like nothing is even there. I've cranked through my Kapersky settings to see if there's something blatantly blocking me and if I disable Kapersky and close after it loads, I still can't run. In this case, to run Continuum I have to reboot and beat Kapersky on startup.

    Any ideas?
    3:sarger> the expression on her face said "ez" but the "arms" said "IMPOSSIBLE"

    For some reason, this guy decided to post the entire wiki (or other) on pancakes. -Aquatiq

  • #2
    dunno i don't use kapersky, but if you've identified that as a problem and cant find an easy solution just change to some freeware alternatives like avg antivirus and comodo firewall is what i use and i don't have any problems but others will recommend diff ones.

    if it's a piece of crap thats 9 years old i wouldn't worry too much and the freeware alternatives are fine for a new computer imo

    anyhow maybe someone who uses kapersky can give you better advice
    In my world,
    I am King



    • #3
      I don't remember the exact reasoning as to why it does this, but I know that a lot of security programs have conflicts with Continuum in which it prevents itself from running. I've had this problem with several antivirus and antispyware programs. My personal suggestion would be to find a different antivirus which doesn't conflict with it. I use AntiVir and don't have any problems with it conflicting with Continuum.


      • #4
        nevermind im stupid
        Last edited by Xog; 04-16-2010, 02:13 PM.


        • #5
          Add Continuum to the trusted applications and select the option not to monitor application activity. If you are using an older KAV version there is a certain setting that you have to enable, I cannot remember what it was though.

