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OMG I have lag (read dis)

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  • OMG I have lag (read dis)

    For the past 6 months i've been getting some horrid ploss during peak times (7 till around 11GMT - so around 4 hours starting from 2PM Est) so i'm trying to ascertain whether i'm getting packetloss from my ISP or hopone itself.

    Anyone able to help with this shit?
    FrozenSand> have you ever put a coke bottle in your butt?
    Mira.Girio> I don't think I've ever experimented with coke products. >.>
    FrozenSand> oh you're a pepsi guy?

    captain Ky> will the guy with the AOL add banner please insert his head up hiw on ass till he dissapears from our universe entirely. Thank you.

    RuBbEr BoMb> woot hellkite parked in fr like my wife
    Burzum> meaning what
    Burzum> took him 4 minutes to get in?
    RuBbEr BoMb> meaning he aimed for flag and ended up on roof

  • #2
    hopone always looks bad but that first hop appears to be an issue. To troubleshoot, you will want to see if you can change things on your network and get that first hop to improve.

    - if you are using wireless I would disconnect it for testing purposes and try a hard wire (Ethernet cable from PC to your router/modem), recheck the trace and see if you still have that large packet loss on the first hop.
    - if you have DSL, place a phone on your DSL line and listen to see if you hear noise on the line. Consider replacing the filter on the DSL line (they are cheap)
    - I assume that you don't have many other people on the same internet connection but you might want to check the trace over a period of time throughout the day/night, see if the first hop stays that high or goes up and down
    - reseat/replace all cables between your PC and the wire coming into the house (even if it is just to test them)
    - if you have cable, and the first hop dropped packets go up and down over time, you are fucked and need to get the cable company to stop splitting the signal to the 25 other people in your neighborhood
    - get a different PC, connect it the exact same way/place as your normal PC, and recheck the trace. if the trace stays about the same (with large packet loss at that first hop) then you can assume that the issue is not malware/crap on your PC

    Give the above stuff a try and let us know if any of it changes that first hop.
    Last edited by Ephemeral; 01-06-2014, 06:45 AM.


    • #3
      Looks like the typical lowering of bandwidth by hopone around those times which has been going on for years now. Many Non-US players get it, me included. Nothing you could do there except putting the server back into a country with neutral net quality or at least finding a useful host.

      Don't get confused about the high loss values on your gateway (first hop) and the three hopone ones though, they only let the first ICMP packet (ping in this case) through to prevent DOS attacks(or to hide their crappy quality), this does not happen on TCP and UDP packets (the ones the actual game uses).

      Oh ya, you might get lucky with tunneling over a paid American proxy, but those aren't cheap and your general ping times will increase slightly plus it might make you pretty unbannable and nobody wants that right? Don't even try the free ones, a 2k ping time is no fun to play.


      • #4
        Originally posted by bkgmjo View Post
        Looks like the typical lowering of bandwidth by hopone around those times which has been going on for years now. Many Non-US players get it, me included. Nothing you could do there except putting the server back into a country with neutral net quality or at least finding a useful host.

        Don't get confused about the high loss values on your gateway (first hop) and the three hopone ones though, they only let the first ICMP packet (ping in this case) through to prevent DOS attacks(or to hide their crappy quality), this does not happen on TCP and UDP packets (the ones the actual game uses).

        Oh ya, you might get lucky with tunneling over a paid American proxy, but those aren't cheap and your general ping times will increase slightly plus it might make you pretty unbannable and nobody wants that right? Don't even try the free ones, a 2k ping time is no fun to play.
        yeah i used to get this exact issue along with lots of euro ppl in squad chat and it was hopone with no user end fix. Ppl banded together and whined to hopone for a fix and it did seem to get sorted out after a while but this could have been not hitting an automatic bandwidth allowance/throttling

        but yeah it sucked hard as you could play fine until certain hours but those hours were when I wanted to play (same as McVic 19:00-23:00)
        In my world,
        I am King



        • #5

          this decreased my lag somehow
          Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

