I got a video suite fx 5600 and I got this nice s-video cable to connect to a AV port on computer, I see my computer stuff, but its black white and a not 100% sharp. What can I do about this ?
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Connecting videocard to TV
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First, is your tv is capable of handling s-video signals? And be sure you connect the right cable (the yellow one) on the right tv channel (svideo in). Don't work thrue a SCART-block either. Since you probably did this it's mostlikely the following:
Check the tv-out signal : it has to be the same as your tv. if you're from euro-land: ya pc is set NTSC, ya tv on PAL. Change ya pc out to PAL. Dunno about usa, but probably other way around. Problem is that ya pc isnt the same as ya tv.
It's never going to be 100% sharp--not even close. This is because the resolution on your TV is complete shite compared to your computer monitor. I've been doing this for a long, long time (moving from composite, to s-video, and finally to component) and just recently got decent picture quality.
My opinion is that you're never going to be fully satisfied with picture clarity until you move to a component transfer, and even then, you're going to have sub-standard resolution and have to own a greater-than-average TV.Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.
I did use scart and svideo out of videocard. The settings say that the signal that is sent is PAL so that should be ok. I can adjust a lot of things, but only the colour sux. I suppose the fact that is not 100% sharp could be fixed a bit when the colours are okay, so I can determine best contrast etc. Also I dont think it matters much right in which av port I plugged my scart in, since all ports are equal ? I could go and read my tv manual to check that I suppose :x
Originally posted by Nasir
I did use scart and svideo out of videocard. The settings say that the signal that is sent is PAL so that should be ok.
Perhaps try avoiding the scart. (i had a wire with on one side svideo(pc) and on the other scart(tv) and got black/white too..) I started using a wire with svideo(pc) on one side and tulip(tv) on the other. It worked then. Most tv's have a yellow input on the front (ext. input #2), so you can simply plug it in when you want to watch a movie. This way you can also connect the sounds to ya the denon-hifi-system. And yes, the quality always remains a little bit vager than on the pc so no need to buy monster (c) cables.
My TV is pal yes. I could try a s-video - tulip cable, but then I would have bought that cable I have now for fuckageAnd yeah, my tv has those inputs on front as well... Well, time to search for a new cable then. (I might read my tv manual first, I will do that tomorrow)
It works now, I used to same s-video/scart cable and I changed the output signal to composite, tulip works fine too. But its still weird. At least it works.