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MMR Game Score

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dwopple View Post
    May have been answered directly or indirectly already, but is this live data or static?

    Edit: big fan of your work, please keep it up as long as you're motivated!
    Thanks Dwop. It is static in the sense that BIET posts his extracts in here each month and I then pull everything in. Would be interesting if it was live but I don't have that kind of access.


    • #17
      Also, to add here, these ideas are kind of what are floating around in my head that I would like to implement. If people have other thoughts/ideas, I'm open to them.
      • Implementing player ratings into game-by-game score (as outlined above) Updated Google sheets 'Jav Game Score' to integrate rank of players killed
      • Go through kill-by-kill to determine 2fer/3fer/4fer/5fers
      • Look at player coords for each player and each kill/death to see how close they are to other teammates (it's not perfect but provides 80-100 datapoints of the coords of every player in game to determine people that stick with the team and those that don't)
      • Perhaps come up with some kind of metric by MMR/my rating to determine who is over/underplaying their rating (is a 3000-level player significantly outplaying other similarly rated players)
      • I haven't added my time-wasting metrics to the Google Sheets doc so I might add that
      • Discussed with autopilot maybe creating a few metrics for each player based on certain stats
        • Could be something like:
          • Offense (kills/kills per minute/range/level of player killed)
          • Teaming (avg distance to teammates/TKs/effect on winning percentage of other players)
          • Clutch (wins as last player alive/KOs/2fers,3fers,etc, win %)
          • Defense (average range of deaths/% of games alive more than XX% of round)


      • #18
        I'd like something around elimination time, so we can highlight the shitters who ruin games and ban them.


        • #19
          Thinking of logging created teams on mmrbot to the database. Currently got these tables in mind.
          Matches table: mmrmatchid, timestamp, arena, started(was the team sent to the matchbot), tiered, matchid(if possible this would be the actual matchid from the matchbot game)
          Player table: mmrmatchplayerid, matchid, playerid, team, rating, inarena(was the player in the arena when the teams were created)

          What this would add to the already existing logged data would be, finally, a way to track the player's mmr rating over time. It would also allow tracking of benched players to see if it was rigged all along

          Are there any other stats worth tracking that we aren't currently? Mostly thinking of pre-game stats, as I don't want to make any changes to matchbot at the moment.


          • #20
            In the players table you say MatchId, but do you mean mmrMatchId?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rab View Post
              In the players table you say MatchId, but do you mean mmrMatchId?
              That would indeed be mmrMatchId, which would be a foreign key from the match table


              • #22
                Cool, I think that's a decent starting point.

                I think it's worth thinking about where this is heading. Ultimately what I'd like to see is a website for viewing match data. TWD, MMR, TWDT, Cup, TWL, all of it. We've had issues before with the TWD website showing games from other leagues, and we can't see the details of MMR games at all which leads to spreadsheets. It seems like it should be possible to list games from all leagues and let the user click on the game to view the stats.
                Last edited by Rab; 07-05-2023, 01:27 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BIET View Post
                  Thinking of logging created teams on mmrbot to the database. Currently got these tables in mind.
                  Matches table: mmrmatchid, timestamp, arena, started(was the team sent to the matchbot), tiered, matchid(if possible this would be the actual matchid from the matchbot game)
                  Player table: mmrmatchplayerid, matchid, playerid, team, rating, inarena(was the player in the arena when the teams were created)

                  What this would add to the already existing logged data would be, finally, a way to track the player's mmr rating over time. It would also allow tracking of benched players to see if it was rigged all along

                  Are there any other stats worth tracking that we aren't currently? Mostly thinking of pre-game stats, as I don't want to make any changes to matchbot at the moment.

                  I think seeing who is benched and who is added would be the main things that would matter for pre-game stats. Also historical mmr rating would be interesting to see.

                  Bot is definitely rigged. I have long believed that MMRBot has gained sentience and is punishing players it doesn't like.


                  • #24
                    I assumed the rigged thing is when the host chooses a tiered game when there's only enough players for 1 game. It benches the people who would have gone into jd4 if there were enough of them.

                    Usually this is the right thing to do because shitters throwing games is a real problem.


                    • #25
                      BIET Are you able to see if the round was started normally vs MTT? That would be another good data point to have.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by cubone View Post
                        BIET Are you able to see if the round was started normally vs MTT? That would be another good data point to have.
                        Yes, the tiered field in the mmr match table would indicate the match having been created with either !mt or !mtt.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by cubone View Post

                          I think seeing who is benched and who is added would be the main things that would matter for pre-game stats. Also historical mmr rating would be interesting to see.

                          Bot is definitely rigged. I have long believed that MMRBot has gained sentience and is punishing players it doesn't like.
                          Tracking benched players is certainly on the list of things to add. Basically an mmr match player with team set to 0 (could change).

                          Probably not what you meant with added players, but subbed players aren’t tracked with mmr ratings as those are handled by matchbot. Maybe if the callback with the matchid from matchbot to mmrbot works.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rab View Post
                            Cool, I think that's a decent starting point.

                            I think it's worth thinking about where this is heading. Ultimately what I'd like to see is a website for viewing match data. TWD, MMR, TWDT, Cup, TWL, all of it. We've had issues before with the TWD website showing games from other leagues, and we can't see the details of MMR games at all which leads to spreadsheets. It seems like it should be possible to list games from all leagues and let the user click on the game to view the stats.
                            No current plans, from me at least, to make any unified site happen. The TWD site is still the only way to check all match data individually, but only TWD data is aggregated. It might come to the mmr site at some point


                            • #29
                              BIET Thought of one other data point. Can you add which host started the round?


                              • #30
                                good point

