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[OFFICIAL] New daily schedule for minimum MMR - Starts 12/11/2023

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  • [OFFICIAL] New daily schedule for minimum MMR - Starts 12/11/2023

    Thanks to all who helped contribute to the discussion thread for "minimum" MMR windows.

    Below is the new MMR schedule which we will officially start using tomorrow, December 11th.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	MMR-Dec-2023-Schedule.png
Views:	388
Size:	105.0 KB
ID:	1365163
    Label Description
    MMR - Open Open to all registered MMR players; Players can vote in a !poll for d/j/b MMR
    MMR - 1500+ Players with a minimum rating of 1500 MMR can !p for the match type (duel/jav only); Players can vote in a !poll for d/j/b MMR - rating limit only applies to wb/jav
    WED. NIGHT BASING Time block for MMRB; No !poll or MMR restrictions

    During the MMR - Open timeslots, all players should be striving to achieve and maintain a minimum rating of 1500 to be able to play without restriction for the majority of the week. Again, the goal of this is to hold all players accountable for their participation in MMR and how they contribute to the match quality for other players. Failure to maintain a 1500 MMR in each league will exclude players who aren't taking MMR seriously or aren't putting in the effort to improve.

    The goal of this change is to improve the quality of matches during the most-active times and encourage lower-rated players to maintain a minimum MMR to participate without completely blocking/targeting specific players.

    Look forward to official MMR rules in the near future. We will continue to adjust this schedule and ratings as needed based on player feedback and zone activity.
    zidane> big play
    Omega Red> dwop sick
    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
    WillBy> ^^

    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass

  • #2
    I think 1700 is a better baseline


    • #3
      Yes, 1700 or 1800 would do, or better yet, 2000.

      Small ideas for the future, and as an incentive to MMR, scheduled maybe 1h before Basing Wednesday, the one after or even both (just to avoid another day and use Wednesdays decent activity or even some permanent form.

      Some sort of MMR competition, or just simple incentive program on which you get rewarded X2/X3 the points due to Wins, Kills, KOs and so on.

      Some form of 'jackpots', such as winning re-rolls, activating a X2/X3 boost match on a match you think you could win, massive pub buck wins, betting on winner/mvp, a nasty 1 round player block/points deny, timed no bench game period, jd4 prize block to use on big activity days, or other stunts that could be creative just to spite matches a bit more, with more or less work.
      Last edited by Stayon; 12-13-2023, 07:13 PM.


      • #4
        For the newbies who want to improve their jav rating, there's a jav guide here, read it:


        • #5
          This schedule isn't being followed (1500+ limit not being applied), has there been some change made that wasn't communicated?


          • #6
            Rab, whats it like to be a literal piece of shit? asking for a friend


            • #7
              MMR has gone to total shit again because these limits aren't being applied. Waste of time playing it.


              • #8
                Rab, what is a 7 star shitter doing even complaining about mmr. Go outside or something


                • #9
                  why is the lowest rated player in the game trying to vs me, the fuck I do to you bro?


                  • #10
                    You are less then mediocre at a game you spent 25 years of your life. Nobody gives a fk what you think, you whine and cry about everything and nobody cares. 7 star shitters don't get to talk down to people


                    • #11
                      You're the only one talking down to people, and ur the lowest rated player in the game.


                      • #12
                        Go back and read you last few comments there bud, I never seen someone so mediocre complain so much. Find reality please for everyone's sake. You ever think the reason your mmr teams might be losing is because you are dogshit. My alias is higher rated then you in both ships with 200+ games played.


                        • #13
                          I did re-read, and I'm not talking down to anyone, you're the one doing that, you re-read.
                          Stop making off-topic posts, and throw your computer in the sea so I never have to deal with you again.

                          You claim to have a higher rated alias, don't believe you, you'll have to back that up.
                          What is your alias?
                          If you're lying, no surprise there.
                          If you're not lying, just proves you threw all those games and should be permanently banned from mmr.


                          • #14
                            Nothing you say can change the fact you are and always will be a 7 star shitter and should stop complaining like you are any better. Suck a dick with your butthole


                            • #15

