It takes 6 months for anything to get done. Fire all of them.
No announcement yet.
TWD ops are the worst staffers in subspace
Couldn't have said it better myself.Originally Posted by HeavenSent
You won't have to wait another 4 years.
There wont be another election for president.
Obama is the Omega President.
Big ups to PL for checking forums and saying something every once in a while.
PS. Get those full charges and energy depletes out of dd/jd already.1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
What kinds of things are you talking about being done?
I think that the programmers work twice as hard as anyone else in the zone just to make it more enjoyable for the players. We have TWD, surely thats worth something isn't it? Better than nothing for sure. Ask yourself what you have done for the programmers aside from complain about the things that they haven't done yet? I see you enjoying the leagues on a daily basis and still you bite the hand that feeds you? I'd agree that there are plenty of things that need fixing up and there are always going to be things that need to be done. Perhaps you think they are moving slowly, but isn't that better than nothing at all?
In my own opinion we should be thanking the programmers for what they've done so far, and thanking them for the things to come as well. All things considered, the TWD website is beautiful and the bots are relatively stable
Just my two cents.
If you've got any questions ask me or anyone else involved with TWD.
Oh yeah, I agree with you on the full charges despDamn them.
Weaver, I know a way we can earn the money for TW.
Let's ask the community to give us $1 per line of code we ever made for TWD.
I'm sure they will be happily obliged to give us $3000+Light is faster than sound. That is why people look bright, until you hear them.
Originally posted by BLeeNWeaver, I know a way we can earn the money for TW.
Let's ask the community to give us $1 per line of code we ever made for TWD.
I'm sure they will be happily obliged to give us $3000+
Originally posted by BLeeNWeaver, I know a way we can earn the money for TW.
Let's ask the community to give us $1 per line of code we ever made for TWD.
I'm sure they will be happily obliged to give us $3000+
(Buckaroo Banzi's and my current game for this semester is only 797 lines so far, but we're going to put like 18 hours into it tomorrow since we're supposed to present a demo on Wednesday... yes we're slackers too)
[SARCASM]Yeah, I mean since we aren't paying them I guess they are our slaves. We should demand that they sacrefise every minute of freetime for the sake of this 2D spaceship game. It will make the world so much better, maybe they should even quit their jobs/study. So that all us slackers get entertained.[/SARCASM]
I added the SARCASM-tags for clarity, but ofcourse you knew that.
Shit was that untagged sarcasm??
PS: Or even better staff should hire anyone that claims to be able to code! The more bugs and abuse, the better it is for the zone!You ate some priest porridge
Im not downing or anything im very happy with having twd and something like that in the zone but im jsut curious to why it took so many months for the new bots to be made? Not to mention if they are being used i cant tell much of a difference then b4. Maybe it wasnt such a good idea to wait for these bots like i thought it would be. I have no idea how long it takes to program something i never have looked or tried to code something so im totatly clueless but it did seem to take quite a long time. ANd im seriously asking are they new bots from last TWD in game? I dont noticed anything different or that noticeable w/o being told it. I still know ppl who are double squading and using more then 1 name per roster andnothing is being done with them._o_2NASRALLAH
Let me explain a situation that might happen:
We got a new coder, or a new project.
They all start coding like crazy.
Things got up in a few weeks.
Examples for this: Start of TWD, by Myth and BLeeN coded in a month or 2 i think. (Thanks to anyone who helped to start it, can't remember anymore since my memory lacks lately cause of not enough sleep and overly worked up in work and study)
Let's go further:
A coder get busy with study, work or some problems at home. (HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I NEVER HAD THOSE)
The coder is getting too worried about that to worry about a trenchwars project and he/she has to take a break from it to settle his/her other stuff.
Ofcourse this can be settled quickly, but then again we're talking about a life here. So things never go so well and it takes longer, thus the coder is gone or inactive for awhile. The free time the coder has from what is still over after trying to solve his/her other stuff, he/she wants to relax a bit. (Between a hour or 2)
Examples for this: BLeeN quits staff for a year and stops coding in his free time for TW.
Let's go further:
What have we learnt here? Hey, BLeeN! That's exactly how you decribed the possibility a life can be for someone.
How remarkable, I didn't knew I described it that good. I'll pat myself on the shoulder.
Things happen, the good or the bad. We help each other to make it easier for each other. When people go down, we help them by lifting them up.
We pick up his/her other stuff (TW STUFF UNBELIEVABLE) and try to take that over, so he/she doesn't have to worry about for awhile and pick up his/her life. This takes time, my oh my, I didn't know it would take time. What's time? A day only has 24 hours? Shit I wished there was more a day, so I had more free time to help TW.
No first I would have used that to recover my less sleep I already have and solve my other problems. (Hey, wise decision BLeeN! I know, my friend)
Anyways this is getting a long post, most likely it will never make sense to some of you.
And I'm not The Pusher or any other holy godfather called Smod or SysOp, so I doubt anyone will ever read this and think I'm right (or wrong for that matter) or even listen to me.Last edited by BLeeN; 04-06-2004, 10:16 AM.Light is faster than sound. That is why people look bright, until you hear them.
I read it but i had no idea what u were trying to sayIf i had to guess tho i think u were saying someone went inactive or quit coding bc of IRL issues and it took time for someone else to catch up on what the other person started. I respond saying thats all fine and dandy but nothing was said to us
I think ppl were getting a bit worried when nothing was said, no updates were givinf nothing. And like i said above for all that time we wasted on "new" bots i havnt noticed anything differnt yet, or atleast that much to take that much time to do. Im not questioning the ability or any coders or the time they put into it bc im sure its probably alot and i konw its voluntary, what im questioning is should of we waited for these "new" bots.
If i totatly misunderstood ur post then ignore mebut u confused the bootz off me!
Good, Cig.
Confusion means you are trying to understand, means you're learning.
(Man, BLeeN, you're gotta try teaching people sometimes. You're too good for this.)
Anyways, why no feedback? Maybe because he/she doesn't want others to worry about his/her stuff? Maybe because he/she is ashamed to have these problems (moneyproblem, doesnt want to lend from others)?
Maybe because he/she is in a slump, very down cause of all the problems, doesn't care much anymore, stops talking all together and is thinking about suicide?
(Sure, I have thought about all these 3 questions, i have those problems all the time)
It's life, some people happen to have it, some never will.
PS. Donate to this bankaccount x123456789, be helpful, help the people and problems they have. Trenchwars, the place we help each other!!!
(Half of this will go to Dock> and rest to me since we need it =P )
(Hey damn, BLeeN, you should do commercials too!!!)Last edited by BLeeN; 04-06-2004, 06:21 AM.Light is faster than sound. That is why people look bright, until you hear them.