Originally posted by Rab
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As of today looking at Steam's hardware statistics it shows that 65% of their 21 million concurrent users are playing games with 1080p.
Source for Steam's userbase according to Statista
Steam's current hardware & software statistics
Also you are not taking into account that to play on 2560x1440 with new games on PC you'd need a EXPENSIVE ass graphics card.
Players often will drop down the resolution to 1080p to play their favorite game because if they play it on a native resolution of say 4k with a shitty gpu, they get like 10fps. Monitor companies would shoot themselves in the foot if they abandoned 1080p support.
I do this for my 4k games when playing them on my 4K tv as my computer will drop me down to 25-50fps if I play them at 4K. When I flip it to 1080p on my tv (which was made in 2019 and supports 1080p), my fps jumps up to 120-140 (but my tv only supports 90fps so I can't see the benefit past 90)
I don't see graphics cards, game developers or monitor companies ditching 1080p anytime soon until at LEAST graphics card prices come down so entry level cards can run native 1440p (2560x1440) at 60fps on medium/high settings costing like $70-150 where as right now to get 60fps at 1440p your'e looking at at LEAST $400-600.
In short, 1080p is going to be here for a while longer,
Again, I don't know about you guys but I don't want to play TWD games against guys using 4K resolution when I am trying to practice for leagues that use 1080p. I think it's more than fair to have resolution limits on twdd.
Also, Rab.. you are not a warbird bro.. I wouldn't go into a thread about res limits for javelin when I am not a javelin. Why are you here? lol