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Why is bomb keep on ban me from mmr guy racist or something

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  • Why is bomb keep on ban me from mmr guy racist or something

    when do help calls he trash me about my help calls in pub why is he allow to put my calls in pub why is allow to be racist to me or am i gettign ban cuz am not good at javs or u let players abuse power or just tell me u dont give it fuck


    Whacha gonna do on mawnin when you wake up to an M-16 nozzle at ya jaaaaaw.

  • #2
    I sorry this happened to you jb.


    • #3
      MMR Hosts have the prerogative to ban/block players from participating whenever they deem fit. With that said, there are protocols in place to *warn players when they break a rule in MMR that would result in such a ban. This doesnt look like a ban but a temporary 1-game block. I admit that at the time of this writing I have no idea the circumstances surrounding it but I will find out. For the sake of transparency, I will not be posting again with the results of my inquiry. If BOMBED was in the wrong in blocking you for a game then it will be corrected. If I find out that you were doing something stupid like throwing the game (again) or TKing people you don't like then I imagine any future complaints from you will likely be ignored. At least by me.

      As for the "Stop sending help calls" comment. That indeed should not be happening and it will be corrected as well. Hardly armageddon, though. Some friendly advice with that....theres hardly a scenario where anyone would need to send a help/cheater call about a topic more than once in any given 10 minute time span. Yes, we lack manpower and are often slow in responding. Sending multiple calls about the same thing in a short span only comes across as annoying and makes people NOT want to deal with you. Food for thought.
      1:wbm> i squint when im angry

      Originally posted by mtine
      Yo LF, u'll never get me. Trust me, SUCK MY CUNT U MADAFAKING IDIOT!!! Cum at me bro. God, ur even worse than some fags irl's history. commit suicide since u aren't even worth 5 penises. CAN'T TOUCH DIS!!! Jeez man. ALL UR MOFOS THAT U RULE IN THIS GAME SHUD RLY SEE HOW UGLY U R IRL AND HOW DUMB AS WELL. Oh, 1 last thing: CAN'T TOUCH THIS ASS.


      • #4
        guy just ban me from javs with no warning and said he will auto ban me from mmr when he is host am liked by you LF or bomb and players is why he keeps getting away with it i know u guys are friends but tell him to chill how can i fight back when i have no powers to fight back the staff bullying this does is crazy i show u the screen shot
        IMA HOE

        Whacha gonna do on mawnin when you wake up to an M-16 nozzle at ya jaaaaaw.


        • #5
          Your messages are not readable to human beings, so I (ChatGPT) have gracefully corrected them...

          Originally posted by J-B-Inc View Post
          when do help calls he trash me about my help calls in pub why is he allow to put my calls in pub why is allow to be racist to me or am i gettign ban cuz am not good at javs or u let players abuse power or just tell me u dont give it fuck
          When I make help calls, he insults me about them in public. Why is he allowed to make my help calls public and be racist towards me? Is it because I'm not good at javs, or are you allowing players to abuse their power? Alternatively, do you simply not care? Here is the screenshot for reference:

          Originally posted by J-B-Inc View Post
          guy just ban me from javs with no warning and said he will auto ban me from mmr when he is host am liked by you LF or bomb and players is why he keeps getting away with it i know u guys are friends but tell him to chill how can i fight back when i have no powers to fight back the staff bullying this does is crazy i show u the screen shot
          A guy banned me from javs without any warning and threatened to auto-ban me from MMR when he is the host. He seems to be getting away with it because he likes you (LF or BOMBED) and other players. I know you guys are friends, but please tell him to calm down. I feel helpless in this situation since I don't have any power to fight back against staff bullying. It's crazy, and I can show you the screenshot.


          • #6
            Oh I misunderstood. Now I get it.

            You're absolutely right, JB and I will settle this as soon as possible.
            1:wbm> i squint when im angry

            Originally posted by mtine
            Yo LF, u'll never get me. Trust me, SUCK MY CUNT U MADAFAKING IDIOT!!! Cum at me bro. God, ur even worse than some fags irl's history. commit suicide since u aren't even worth 5 penises. CAN'T TOUCH DIS!!! Jeez man. ALL UR MOFOS THAT U RULE IN THIS GAME SHUD RLY SEE HOW UGLY U R IRL AND HOW DUMB AS WELL. Oh, 1 last thing: CAN'T TOUCH THIS ASS.


            • #7
              I've seen this happen a few times now. I've been on the receiving end of a temporary ban that were immediately rescinded twice: by beam, and by Willby.

              There appears to be a limited care approach with issuing bans, temporary or otherwise, from some volunteers.


              • #8
                i dont post much cuz i have dyslexia reason is people liike lf trash the way i word stuff u say u try to fix it while takeing a jab at me its cool
                IMA HOE

                Whacha gonna do on mawnin when you wake up to an M-16 nozzle at ya jaaaaaw.


                • #9
                  You're welcome LF.

                  Originally posted by J-B-Inc View Post
                  i dont post much cuz i have dyslexia reason is people liike lf trash the way i word stuff u say u try to fix it while takeing a jab at me its cool
                  I don't post much because I have dyslexia. The reason is that people like LF tend to criticize the way I express myself. You say you're trying to help me improve, but sometimes it feels like you're also making fun of me.


                  • #10
                    So weird, I block you from games and tell you why and everyone already knows why. You throw games, go afk in spawn, make me kill games because you’re lagging just to p up immediately for the next game. You’ve been told all this, it’s so strange to do something on purpose in hopes to get banned just to randomly whine about it. When I told you if you lived for 10 minutes I’d host warbird you played like a normal functioning human. Don’t have the energy to log and screenshot random dumb encounters with people who should be fully banned from playing anything. Catering to people like you was part of the reason extreme games died. Weird trolls with nothing better to do than to try to ruin something for others on an already dead game.


                    • #11
                      I don't even like J-B, but he is right. Staff in here absolute trash. You all seriously axed beam the one or maybe two players doing shit right. I was also randomly prevented from jav games by Bombed, claiming I was tking Best when Best had 3 tks on me. Some biased ass selective staffing. Here you have cubedone showing that you can actually statistically show the tk rate and shit... and you dont think it would be better to utilize those statistics to see who is doing shit on purpose? Amateur hour up in here.

                      Just look at LF's response, essentially "Don't really give a fuck he can do what he wants so stop bitching".

                      Well guess what, you let these fucking retards kick players they don't want and reset games over and over and over when they have teams they don't like. It's straight up abuse and taints all the MMR records and shit. I have no hope that LF or any other staff will ever correct shit. LF in particular is just another abusive fuck who lacks the intelligence to even respond thoughtfully when issues like this are brought up. I'm really actually looking forward to Trenchwars dying and the 3 remaining high level jackasses circle-jerking arena messages and having their staff orgies without anyone around to stroke jizzum on their egos. Absolute trash. Clearly MMR stats are all botched to shit as well, whoever coded that system needs to try again.


                      • #12
                        Also there was once a time when calling someone a retard who is trying to figure out why they are being punished would have gotten them immediately axed from staff.


                        • #13
                          I'm gonna vouch for BOMBED, J-B does sometimes intentionally suicide out really quickly when he wants to kill jav MMR and get wb games going and there should be consequences.

                          Give BOMBED a chance for redemption, without him we would have no MMR after 11pm EST.
                          absurd> havnt seen ekko miss in 20 mins;\

                          - "notable middle-star javelin player" - turban

                          - Jav Cup 2024 Winner

                          - Terr of the Week - week of Nov 12th, 2023, week of Dec 3rd, 2023 & week of Dec 10th, 2023


                          • #14
                            In your post you’re literally saying you can’t wait for the zone to die lol. You’re another one of the random retarded trolls that need to be gone from this zone also. What a weird complex to have, even if I get axed for doing what any sane person would do what changes for you? You act like I’m gettin paid for this shit. Seek help my man, you’re grown men doing dumb shit and then crying like little school girls. It’s wild that you think your complete insignificance to the zone and petty drama is in any way important. Fucking weirdos.


                            • #15
                              I was there. bombed didn't do anything wrong. JB did the same thing he did last time. he asked for wb, not enough wbs voted. we played jav. he goes and suicides out with a 3-10 in 2-3 minutes and ruins the game. I don't know how thats going to get you a wb mmr any faster though. some retard logic I guess
                              (Steadman)>they went out drinking... ogron siaxis and siaxis gf
                              (Steadman)>apparently ogron is EXTREMELY morbidly obese and ridiculously sweaty
                              (Steadman)>and he spend the entire night being awkward and staring at siaxis gf
                              (Steadman)>and after that they did not meet up again...

                              Iron Survivor> you missed something in your sig. he also smells like cheese

