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new twdsite!

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  • #16
    Yeah, I was thinking about that too Kim, have it sort all players on a squad by who has best stats per division.

    Well I like the new look, quite surprised to see it today but I knew something was in the works since their was rumours that twsd was coming soon.

    It would be nice if there was Player Search for invididual players or have a Top Score List for overall divisions.

    ***I went to my squad roster and tried to click on my own name and others, yet it doesn't give you any player profile or stats. Is it in the works or maybe the website isn't updating...


    • #17
      The website is great except for one thing.

      The statistics page... Allow sorting based on column... I'm not shifting thru all the information, page by page!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Merkaba
        Yeah, I was thinking about that too Kim, have it sort all players on a squad by who has best stats per division.

        Well I like the new look, quite surprised to see it today but I knew something was in the works since their was rumours that twsd was coming soon.

        It would be nice if there was Player Search for invididual players or have a Top Score List for overall divisions.

        ***I went to my squad roster and tried to click on my own name and others, yet it doesn't give you any player profile or stats. Is it in the works or maybe the website isn't updating...
        Stats site is not ready yet, there will be everything mentioned above when it is ready. And yeah, player profiles aren't done yet also.


        • #19
          old one good, new one bad
          One Night in Paris


          • #20
            Currently I am making the Unionville site and one of the features was a player roster spidered from the twd site once a day (or when an admin runs the update script) to grab the roster from the iframe that had the roster and update the site's database. Schope was gracious enough to write the regxp to do the dirty work, but it looks like that work is going to waste since the new site uses a differnt structure.

            Please add the ability for squad rosters to be generated into RSS feeds per request. This will add functionality for the users as well as cut down on server overhead for both the twd site and any feed recieving site, since parsing an rss feed is alot easier than writing a complex, resource intensive regxp to do the same job. If you're worried about bandwith, simply do what most feed providers do and regulate how many times per hour a feed may be accessed from a certain domain.

            here is the beautifully ugly code schope wrote:
            $roster_url= "";
            $fh = fopen("$roster_url","r");
            $buffer = "";
            if ($fh) {
            	while (!feof($fh)) $buffer .= fgets($fh,4096);	
            	$start = '<b>Squad Members</b></font></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>1</td>';	
            	$end = '</td><td width="40">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><center><font class="n"><BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Legend:';
            	$posI = strpos($buffer,$start);
            	$posF = strpos($buffer,$end);
            	$len = strlen($buffer);
            	$str = substr($buffer,$posI,$posF-$posI);
            	$str = ereg_replace("<a href=\"body\.php\?action=ViewPlayer&R_fnUserID=([0-9]*)\">","",$str);
            //	$pattern = "<.*[fF]{1}[oO]{1}[nN]{1}[tT]{1}.*>([^<]*)</.*[fF]{1}[oO]{1}[nN]{1}[tT]{1}.*>";
            	$pattern = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a>";
            	$patterncap = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a> <font color=\"#FF0000\">\(</b>C</b>\)</font>";
            	$patternassist = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a> <font color=\"#BB7700\">\(</b>A</b>\)</font>";
            	$names = array();	
            	//get captains
            	while (ereg($patterncap,$str,$reg)) {
            		$names[]= $reg[1] . " (C)";
            		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);
            	//get assists
            	while (ereg($patternassist,$str,$reg)) {
            		$names[]= $reg[1]. " (A)";
            		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);
            	//get normal prayers, would telcat say
            	while (ereg($pattern,$str,$reg)) {
            		$names[]= $reg[1];
            		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);


            • #21
              i like the new one but its a bit chaotic
              this is a dated signature

              FREE GHB, PH


              • #22
                Originally posted by Benno
                Currently I am making the Unionville site and one of the features was a player roster spidered from the twd site once a day (or when an admin runs the update script) to grab the roster from the iframe that had the roster and update the site's database. Schope was gracious enough to write the regxp to do the dirty work, but it looks like that work is going to waste since the new site uses a differnt structure.

                Please add the ability for squad rosters to be generated into RSS feeds per request. This will add functionality for the users as well as cut down on server overhead for both the twd site and any feed recieving site, since parsing an rss feed is alot easier than writing a complex, resource intensive regxp to do the same job. If you're worried about bandwith, simply do what most feed providers do and regulate how many times per hour a feed may be accessed from a certain domain.

                here is the beautifully ugly code schope wrote:
                $roster_url= "";
                $fh = fopen("$roster_url","r");
                $buffer = "";
                if ($fh) {
                	while (!feof($fh)) $buffer .= fgets($fh,4096);	
                	$start = '<b>Squad Members</b></font></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>1</td>';	
                	$end = '</td><td width="40">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><center><font class="n"><BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Legend:';
                	$posI = strpos($buffer,$start);
                	$posF = strpos($buffer,$end);
                	$len = strlen($buffer);
                	$str = substr($buffer,$posI,$posF-$posI);
                	$str = ereg_replace("<a href=\"body\.php\?action=ViewPlayer&R_fnUserID=([0-9]*)\">","",$str);
                //	$pattern = "<.*[fF]{1}[oO]{1}[nN]{1}[tT]{1}.*>([^<]*)</.*[fF]{1}[oO]{1}[nN]{1}[tT]{1}.*>";
                	$pattern = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a>";
                	$patterncap = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a> <font color=\"#FF0000\">\(</b>C</b>\)</font>";
                	$patternassist = "<font color=\"#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\">([^<]*)</font></a> <font color=\"#BB7700\">\(</b>A</b>\)</font>";
                	$names = array();	
                	//get captains
                	while (ereg($patterncap,$str,$reg)) {
                		$names[]= $reg[1] . " (C)";
                		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);
                	//get assists
                	while (ereg($patternassist,$str,$reg)) {
                		$names[]= $reg[1]. " (A)";
                		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);
                	//get normal prayers, would telcat say
                	while (ereg($pattern,$str,$reg)) {
                		$names[]= $reg[1];
                		$str = str_replace($reg[0],"",$str);

                wtf!!!!!! my code is pretty ! u are the ugly kid here pos ! and yes, site looks total chaos
                8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
                8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
                8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
                8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
                8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
                8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


                • #23
                  lol when i clicked on mozila i was like wtf what is this website then look at the banner and saw "TWD" i was shocked, this was a suprise good job its very sleek
                  TWLD Champion 2014
                  TWDTB Champion 2013
                  TWDTB Champion 2016
                  TWDTB Champion 2017
                  TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                  -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Benno
                    Please add the ability for squad rosters to be generated into RSS feeds per request. This will add functionality for the users as well as cut down on server overhead for both the twd site and any feed recieving site, since parsing an rss feed is alot easier than writing a complex, resource intensive regxp to do the same job. If you're worried about bandwith, simply do what most feed providers do and regulate how many times per hour a feed may be accessed from a certain domain.
                    Yeah don't worry, it will be done, probably not RSS but something that is simple to parse.


                    • #25
                      Only have two complaints =P.

                      1) Table based layout.... why? Sure there's a lot of tabular data being presented, but that doesn't mean the whole thing has to be buried in table,tr and td tags.

                      2) Why put up the new site before it's finished? Seems kinda like someone jumped the gun, or missed a deadline.


                      • #26
                        the site looks very nice, but its not functional

                        i got lost in it, and some of the main things that should jump out at the reader - for example, while looking through squads, the Roster option, same with the Recent TWD matches - and the site doesnt accomplish this, since that stuff is in small text, and tough to read =(


                        • #27
                          Cool Anzu, I only suggested rss becuase search engines recognize it and it can help site rank (not that it matters I guess, since its the twd site).

                          I agree with leroy concering the tables. Neglecting the "hard" things to do with a non-table layout, there are alot of things about the current site that could be optimized alot. Here is my nearly identical version of the roster list thats much more optimized.

                          the html
                          <div id="roster_list">
                          	<li><a href ="#" title="pilot : Apocalypse WOW!">regular player du</a></li>
                          	<li><a href="#" class="acap" title="assisstant : Cigars">Cigars (A)</a></li>
                          	<li><a href="#" class="twd_mod" title="moderator: Dameon Angell">Dameon Angell</a></li>
                          	<li><a href ="#" title="pilot : dchao">dchao</a></li>
                          	<li><a href="#" class="cap">Evereet (C)</a></li>
                          Since the only use for tables in the current version is numbering them, a simpl ordered list does the same trick. the only difference is the decimal point. Without font tags and table cells all over, this is much more lighter code.

                          the CSS
                          #roster_list {
                          	padding-left: 30px; // padding and margins...this needs to be tweaked
                          	background-color: black;
                          #roster_list ol {
                          	list-style-type: decimal;
                          	color: white;
                          #roster_list ol a:link{
                          	font-family : Tahoma, Verdana; //taken from the existing css
                          	letter-spacing : 1px;
                          	font-size : 10px;
                          	text-decoration : none;
                          	color: white;
                          #roster_list ol a.twd_mod{
                          	color: #ee00ee;
                          #roster_list ol a.acap {
                          	color: #bb7700;
                          #roster_list ol a.cap{
                          	color: #ff0000;
                          #roster_list ol a:hover {
                          	text-decoration: underline;
                          This css is an almost pixel perfect representation of the current tabled version. (tested in current versions of firefox and IE on windows XP)

                          code I use to display the list, works if your script grabs an array like that one from the database
                          	#magic sql stuff that builds an array here
                          	#simulated array of players
                          		$roster = array ( 
                          				1  => array ( "id" => "23425", "player" => "regular pilot guy", "rank" => "pilot"),
                          				2 => array ( "id" => "23425", "player" => "twd op person", "rank" => "twd_mod"),
                          				3 => array ( "id" => "23425", "player" => "captain_guy", "rank" => "cap"),
                          				4 => array ( "id" => "23425", "player" => "asssssscap", "rank" => "acap"),
                          				5 => array ( "id" => "23425", "player" => "another_reg_guy", "rank" => "pilot")
                          	#end fake player array
                          	$output_roster =  "\n<ol>\n";
                          	foreach($roster as $key => $value){
                          		//$output_roster .="\t<li>";
                          		$output_roster .= "\t<li><a href=".'"'.$value["id"].'" title="'.$value["rank"].' : '.$value["player"].'"';
                          		if($value["rank"] != "pilot") {
                          			$output_roster .= ' class="'.$value["rank"].'" ';
                          		$output_roster .= '">'.$value["player"]."<a/></li>\n";
                          	#<li><a href ="#" title="pilot : Apocalypse WOW!">Apocalypse WOW!</a></li>
                          	$output_roster .= "</ol>\n";
                          	echo $output_roster;
                          SIGNATURE PROTEST: KEEP THE SHORT FFS


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Sumpson
                            Look is good, but thats about all, very chaotic website.
                            On first sight maybe but in fact its faster! Before this site i needed 3 clicks to see other than BD ladder. Now i just clik on ">>" under every top5 from every division.
                            Having more matches in "recent matches" would be better tho and those large "D" "B" and "J" there are ugly (i gues they will be similar to "S" soon)

                            On the other hand everything else is uberleet B) especially main top banner!

                            EDIT: i hit f5 and trada "B" "D" "J" are cool now ... damn browser cache
                            Last edited by Volny; 07-08-2005, 05:43 AM.
                            Plutarch: "To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult."


                            • #29
                              Nice look, cool way of displaying statistics, fast, sexy, Very nice job people.
                              Almost made me cry.
                              Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

                              ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

                              TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
                              TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

                              TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


                              • #30
                                What a surprise Sika made black background.
                                megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
                                L K> taught u what?
                                megaman89> how to suck

                                9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
                                9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
                                9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it

