- Wtfz will be the first squad to receive a simultaneous "squad netban" from Trench. With nothing left to do, they overload the forums with inane commentary.
Everyone knows with the proposed merger of Bohemians and elite--force, that once Za Gophar and Space Hiker's powers are combined, the world is going to end.
Bohemian--Force, a name to be reckoned with. Consider base, owned.
Everyone knows with the proposed merger of Bohemians and elite--force, that once Za Gophar and Space Hiker's powers are combined, the world is going to end.
Bohemian--Force, a name to be reckoned with. Consider base, owned.
Andy, LOL, I like you and all. But those are the most rediculous predictions I've ever seen in my life. Diso? 10th?? IN BASING?????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That will be the day I quit SS and burn my computer in a furious rage. Elusive? 10th in wb. Haha, yeah right. Elusive seems to be one of the best squads to hit TW. No offense or anything. What rock have you been living under ??
Do not try to remove fly from friends head with hatchet!