Average kills with 9 deaths. I dont know about you guys but i get alot of kills while on 9 and that can be clutch and would be a cool stat to look at
[Aug 18 01:02] Creature: embarrassed u lsot to riverside, jsut wanted to come online for first time in many months to express my opniion. mad embarrassed 4 u
nice idea, doubt anyone will actually implement this tho
ps. if the person is on 9 deaths a lot of times.... probly means he doesn't know how to stay alive
1:Da1andonly> korven plays subspace from a 1978 microwave
Grab a piece of paper. Place a dot in the middle of it. Draw a small circle around the dot, and leave the rest open. The dot represents your knowledge. It's what you know. It is the limit of your mind's capacity. The circle around the dot is everything that you don't know - but you know that it exists. And the rest of the paper is everything that you didn't even know that you'd never know - that exists or has the potential to exist.